First Round Review
Jessica McKellar

Our 6 Must Reads for First-Time Managers to Make the Leap

Being promoted into your first management role can be a bittersweet experience. On one hand, you're likely being rewarded for outstanding performance in your area of expertise. That's a nice feeling. On the other hand, being a manager requires a distinct set of skills that might be wholly new and different from whatever it was you were excelling at before. This can be disorienting and daunting, to say the least. 

That's why we put together this list. We've combed through all the pieces we've written that include advice for new and first-time managers, and assembled the 6 most important and impactful articles — from leaders like Fidji Simo, Kim Scott, David Loftesness, and more — full of advice that we believe can equip you with the tools to lead and keep you moving up the ladder with confidence and clarity. 

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