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TOP 5 mistakes committed by students on Facebook

Antoine Delforge and Thomas Tombal, researchers at CRIDS, present you the most frequent mistakes committed on social networks, particularly by students on Facebook.


Since 2003, the European Union has indicated its willingness to permit the re-use of public sector information for an economic exploitation of those resources and therefore adopted the directive 2003/98/EC to permit the re-use of public sector information. This is a crucial issue for the emergence of an Information Society. This willingness was reinforced by a recent modification of the existing regulatory framework. The European legislator substantially amended the Directive 2003/98 on the re-use of public sector information in particular to require Member States to allow the re-use of existing documents held by their public sector bodies at marginal cost. This right is dedicated to any person or legal entity that follows a commercial or non-commercial purposes.
Directive 2003/98 and its amendment in 2013 are part of the European Commission's objective to make open data the rule in Member States. This objective is an important part of the Union's Digital Agenda as complemented more recently by the Digital Single Market Strategy.
In this context, CRIDS has conducted a project sponsored by the Computer Center for the Brussels Region (CIRB) which is an integral part of the mission to qualify Brussels as a smart city. The aim of the Open Data project is to analyze, compare and select an open data system for the Brussels-Capital region. The study clarifies the legal framework applicable to public data. The legal analysis focused on the intellectual property rights of the public sector bodies and their management in accordance with the directive 2003/98/EC as amended by the directive 2013/37/UE. The scrutiny by the CRIDS of both international licenses such as Creative Commons, Open Data Commons and the national licenses used by various Belgian public entities is a real benefit. The intervention of the CRIDS permits to clarify the complexity and the intellectual property matters of the most common open licenses by the detailed analysis of every clause and their compatibility with each other.
Our intervention occurred at the time of the transposition of the directive into national law and the adoption of a set of licenses for public sector by the political sector. Based on this study, the Center was able to provide a series of recommendations on the choice of licenses, taking into account the needs of the Region and the regulatory framework for the re-use of public sector information, the protection of personal data and intellectual property rights.
Manon Knockaert, Researcher at CRIDS.

New projects

Considering the fact that some data and documents are now only available online, web archiving has become of utmost importance. Furthermore, the limited lifespan of online information creates issues for the safeguard of digital heritage and information. The web archiving is decisive from a cultural and historical point of view. The objective of PROMISE II is to study and analyze the legal framework for preserving online information and enabling the web archiving in Belgium.

Wal-e-Cities is a research project aiming at the development of Smart Cities in Wallonia in a specific context. Wallonia consists of medium-size cities in a rural and urban small territory, with 5 main attractive and innovative poles, meaning that the Smart City concept has to be considered at a Smart Region level.

Last publications


A. DE STREEL, A.L. SIBONY, Towards smarter consumer protection rules for the digital society : project report, Bruxelles, CERRE, 2017, 55 p.

A. DE STREEL, P. LAROUCHE, An integrated regulatory framework for digital networks and services, Bruxelles, CERRE, 2016, 57 p. (FREE PDF HERE)

A. DE STREEL, C. HOCEPIED, M. MACIEJEWSKI, I. VERNACOTOLA, Optimal regulatory model for telecommunications services in the EU : study  : European Parliament : directorate general for internal policies, policy department A :  economic and scientific policy, Bruxelles, European Parliament, 2017, 40 p. (FREE PDF HERE)

R. QUECK, C. HOCEPIED, H. JACQUEMIN, e.a., Substantive issues for review in the areas of market entry, management of scarce resources and general end-user issues : final report, Brussels, European Commission, 2016, 487 p.


L. GERARD, «Réutilisation des données du secteur public : la transposition de la directive 2013/37/UE par la loi du 4 mai 2016», A.M., 2017, pp. 322-333. (FREE PDF HERE)

K. ROSIER, « Délégué à la protection des données : une nouvelle fonction, un métier en devenir », Vers un droit européen de la protection des données ?, Larcier, 2017, Bruxelles, pp. 135-168.

F. PLISNIER, C. DE TERWANGNE, « La consultation », Questions d’archivage, Bruxelles, Politeia, 2017, pp. 81-89.

H. JACQUEMIN, « La protection du consommateur dans le commerce mobile», M-Commerce, Antwerpen, Intersentia,  2017, pp. 25-54.

H. JACQUEMIN, J.M. VAN GYSEGHEM, «Le big data en matière d'assurances à l'épreuve du RGPD», Data protection : l’impact du GDPR en assurance,  coll. Bulletin des assurances, dossier 2017, Waterloo, Kluwer, 2017, pp. 233-260.

C. FIEVET, « Accès des collaborateurs de l’Office des étrangers à la Banque de données Nationale Générale (BNG)», R.D.T.I., 2016, n°63-64, pp. 5-22.

A. DE STREEL, « A European agenda for smart consumer protection rules for digital services », Intereconomics, 2017, n° 4, pp. 226-229.

C. DE TERWANGNE, C. GAYREL, « Flux transfrontières de données et exigence de protection adéquate à l’épreuve de la surveillance de masse : les impacts de l’arrêt Schrems », C.D.E., 2017, pp. 35-81.

J.-B. HUBIN, « La Cour de justice relance la saga de la répétibilité, note d'observations sous C.J.U.E. (5e ch.), 28 juillet 2016, C-57/15 et Anvers (1re ch.), 8 mai 2017, 2012/AR/2489)», R.D.T.I., 2016, n°63-64, pp. 59-91

A. LACHAPELLE, « La déclaration d'informations (« reporting ») comme outil de lutte contre la criminalité financière : commentaire de la décision n° 2016-741 du Conseil constitutionnel français », T.F.R., 2017, pp. 422-432.

J.-B. HUBIN, « La dématérialisation de la procédure judiciaire civile : intégrer des garanties pour ne pas décevoir les attentes », R.D.J.P.., 2017, n°2, pp. 51-65.

A. ROUVROY, « La vie n’est pas donnée », Études digitales, n° 2, 2016, p. 195-217.

O. VANRECK, « Le nouveau cadre juridique applicable au service d’archivage électronique », D.A.O.R.., 2017, n°122, pp. 33-49.

S. DE SCHREVEL, A. DE STREEL, « Le service public postal en Belgique », R.D.I.R., 2016, n° 1, pp. 23-31.

A. DELFORGE, « Big data : une mine d’or, mais à quel prix pour notre vie privée ? », Revue Nouvelle, 2017

New acquisitions of the documentation centre


CRIDS in the press

Elise DEGRAVE (La Première – October 17, 2017)
Faut-il muscler la protection pour la vie privée?

Elise DEGRAVE (Le Soir – October 16, 2017)
Pour une autorité de protection des données forte et efficace

Franck DUMORTIER (La Première – October 16, 2017)
Le point de vue : l'invité - La commission de la vie privée attaque Facebook

Elise DEGRAVE (, La Première, Pure FM – October 12, 2017)
La commission de la vie privée et Facebook

Alexandre DE STREEL (Le Soir - October 11, 2017)
Sale temps pour les géants de l'Internet

Jean HERVEG (La Première - October 7, 2017)
Données médicales vendues par les hôpitaux

Elise DEGRAVE (L'Echo - September 27, 2017)
La commission vie privée fait peau neuve

Jean-Marc VAN GYSEGHEM (RTL Le JT de 19h - September 5, 2017)
Un commerçant victime d'un vol a illégalement publié une vidéo sur Internet

Franck DUMORTIER (L'Echo - August 5, 2017)
De plus en plus de citoyens fichés par la police

Jean-Marc VAN GYSEGHEM (Le Soir - July 22, 2017)
Ce que Google dit de nous

Anne-Sophie COLLARD (Les éclaireurs - La Première - RTBF - July 1, 2017)
L'évolution du monde du travail

Franck DUMORTIER (Moustique - July 1, 2017)
Souriez, vous êtes pistés

Annabelle KLEIN (Le Soir - May 30, 2017)
Facebook, un allié pour mieux bloquer

Franck DUMORTIER (RTL Le JT de 19h - June 6, 2017)
Caméras de surveillance chez les particuliers: que dit la loi?

Quentin VAN ENIS (Journalistes - June 2017)
Le droit belge doit protéger les lanceurs d'alerte

Last presentations

Data protection in e-learning environment : Privacy issues, Sofia Meeting
Manon Knockaert, May 9-11, 2017

Big Brother Awards 2017
Franck Dumortier, October 13, 2017

International League of Competition Law
Manon Knockaert, October 5-8, 2017

Cyberconsommateur : surfez en toute sécurité !
Franck Dumortier, October 3, 2017

EuroGeographics' General Assembly, presentation on 'The legal challenges of the Internet of Things'
Thomas Tombal, October 1-3, 2017

European Conference on Information Literacy
Anne-Sophie Collard, Jacques Gérard, September 18-21, 2017

User.Net - Le GDPR arrive... Comment l'intégrer dans les politiques de sécurité des hôpitaux ?
Franck Dumortier, September 18, 2017

4rd STS Italia Summer School
Pierre Pagacz, September 5-9, 2017

Privacy and data protection in e-learning environment
Manon Knockaert, September 6, 2017

85e Congrès de l'ACFAS
Jacques Gérard, August 5, 2017

Statut juridique des données
Manon Knockaert, August 2, 2017

28th European Regional International Telecommunications Society
Alexandre De Streel, July 31, 2017

Séminaire organisé par le DCAF et la CNDP: Séminaire au Maroc organisé par le DACF et la CNDP: La cybercriminalité et la protection des données à caractère personnel
Franck Dumortier, July 26, 2017

ACCA 2017 : The Weak, the Strong and the Law
Amélie Lachapelle, June 23, 2017

7th Doctoral Seminar on International and EU Tax Law
Amélie Lachapelle, June 22, 2017

CERRE Executive Seminar on Consumer Protection for Digital Services
Alexandre De Streel, June 20, 2017

12th Ascola (Academic Society for Competition Law) Conference
Alexandre De Streel, June 16, 2017

Introduction au Règlement Général sur la Protection des données
Catherine Forget, June 15, 2017

10ème Séminaire d’étude en littératie médiatique multimodale
Jacques Gérard, June 8, 2017

22th Annual EU Competition Law and Policy Workshop
Alexandre De Streel, June 1, 2017

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Seminar on Competition in the Era of Mobile Economy,
Alexandre De Streel, May 31, 2017

First meeting of the Digital Clearinghouse
Alexandre De Streel, May 29, 2017

Midi du droit : Présentation de l'avancée des recherches doctorales : Le signalement de faits fiscaux & le respect des droits fondamentaux : analyse positive et prospective en droit belge à la lumière des développements internationaux et européens
Amélie Lachapelle, May 23, 2017

Conférence du Jeune Barreau du Brabant wallon - Terrorisme : nouvelles méthodes de contrôle aux frontières
Coline Fievet, May 23, 2017

Orange Co-investment Workshop
Alexandre De Streel, May 19, 2017

4e Colloque International en Éducation
Anne-Sophie Collard, Jacques Gérard, May 18-19, 2017

Commission juridique de la FEB
Alexandre De Streel, May 17, 2017
Manon Knockaert Researcher at CRIDS

Upcoming events

November 29, 2017
Trust (in) the Digital transition

More information

Past events

November 7, 2017
Midi du CRIDS: 'Les interfaces hommes-machines'.

October 30-31, 2017
Salon Namur Innovation

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October 20, 2017
L'intelligence artificielle et le droit

More information
October 17, 2017
Midi du CRIDS: 'Éthique de l'intelligence artificielle'.

October 3, 2017
Midi du CRIDS: 'Les identités post-mortem'.
October 3, 2017
'Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR) par ceux qui le mettent en œuvre'
More information

September 19, 2017
Midi du CRIDS: 'Interfaces hommes-machines'.
June 21, 2017
BITS seminar: 'ePrivacy'
More information

June 15, 2017
États-Généraux de la "Digital Innovation: Status of the Public Sector in Belgium"
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New members

Florence GEORGES
Florence George has a master in Law and in Management. She is defending her PhD Thesis in Law on 14th November 2017. Her thesis focuses on the impact of bankruptcy on contract law. She is a lecturer at the University of Namur (Law of obligations).
After graduating from the Catholic University of Louvain with a Master’s degree in Law, Noémie obtained a Master’s degree in ICT Law in 2017 from the University of Namur. She joined the CRIDS in September 2017 as a researcher, focusing mainly on the fields of privacy, data protection, e-commerce and intellectual property law.
Michael Lognoul has an advanced Master in Information and Communication Technologies’ law (ICT), obtained in 2017, and is now Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Namur. He has particular interest in Competition law and Intellectual Property, and in Artificial Intelligence. His purpose is to start a PhD that articulates these fields of law, based on the technological evolutions that recently brought the latter to the public’s attention.
Alejandra MICHEL
Alejandra Michel joined the CRIDS in August 2017 as a member of the Intellectual Property and the Liberties and Information Society units. She obtained a Master in Law in 2016 and a Master in ICT Law in 2017. Her researches mainly focus on the legal aspects of online information, digital content and web archiving. She is interested in the matters related to Intellectual Property Law, Media Law, Privacy Law and Data Protection.
Sami Pieczynski joined CRIDS' Technology and Society Unit in October 2017. He is working on the GREENWORK’s project for the Namur’s Province in the field of organization studies. Sami’s field of research focuses on how administration’s actors appropriate themselves a project of organizational innovation.
Zorana ROSIC
Zorana Rosić has an advanced Master in Information and Communication Technologies law (ICT), obtained in 2017, and is now Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration at the University of Namur. She is particularly interested in Intellectual Property, Property and Civil law and in the ICT law in general. Her purpose is to start a PhD that articulates these fields of law, based on the technological and social evolutions.

Our visitors portraits

From September 28 to October 6, 2017
Wickler ENGWANDA ADJUBA, doctoral researcher and supervisor of studies at the Law Faculty of the Université Protestante au Congo (Kinshasa) spend another research period at CRIDS. He used this most recent visit in order to collect documentation and, more generally, to continue his research with Hervé Jacquemin and Cécile de Terwangne on the protection of consumers of information society services under Congolese and European law.

From October 1 to November 30, 2017
Alexandre RUIZ FEASES, doctoral student at the European University Institute, Florence, stays at CRIDS in order to continue with his research on vertical restraints under EU competition law, including the study of the relationship between  e-commerce and competition policy.

CRIDS Documentary Database

Articles published in the Centre’s journals and publications of CRIDS researchers
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