Take steps now to prevent cold-weather injuries
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5 things you can do right now to safeguard your workplace against cold-weather hazards.
Crisp fall days are a good reminder that wicked weather may be right around the corner. Don’t wait for the next winter storm to get prepared.

Here are 5 things you can do right now to safeguard your workplace against cold-weather hazards.

Check last year’s incident reports to see where slips occurred and take measures to eliminate hazards. Pay special attention to shaded walkways and other areas where precipitation may blow in or transparent “black ice” may form.
Ensure lighting is adequate on stairwells, parking lots, and other exposed walkways.
Plan ahead to have ice-melt granules distributed to hazard-prone areas. To learn more, read the Consumer Reports guide, including “5 steps for better deicing.”
If your organization allows telecommuting, encourage staff to work from home when extreme conditions are expected.
Raise awareness about the importance of proper footwear and safe winter walking. Consider making traction devices available to staff who work in snow and ice. Share this SAIF video to learn how to walk like a penguin.
Download free posters and other resources

To download free posters and find other resources to prevent slips, trips, and falls in all kinds of weather and workplace conditions, visit

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