HIV Ireland
NewsDesk Weekly
12 August 2016
HPSC - Weekly HIV & STIs Report - Week 31, 2016
Latest data from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre show a total of 5 new cases for week 31 - 2016, bringing the total to 318 HIV new notifications for 2016 to date
NHS England info on PrEP feeds negative perception in the media
The Outmost, 8 August 2016
HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust criticise the NHS for pitting one patient group against another using “sensationalist, moralistic headlines and homophobic statements”.
NHS England launches consultation on HIV PrEP
Pharma Times, 11 August 2016
NHS England has launched a 45-day public consultation on a proposed clinical commissioning policy on PrEP. The draft commissioning policy has been published for consultation pending a ruling from the Court of Appeal.
What It's Like to Tell Your Boss That You're HIV Positive
Vice, 8 August 2016
The Equalities Act 2010 should ensure equality for HIV positive people in the working place and make sure that disclosure wouldn't jeopardise careers or future opportunities. But stigma and lack of information surrounding HIV can still make this law ineffectual.
Are we Generation Bareback?
FSMAG, August 2016
UK-based gay men’s charity GMFA has carried out its biggest ever survey into gay men’s sex lives – with some interesting results on HIV prevention, PrEP, and condoms use.
How do we de-stigmatize HIV but still persuade gay men to protect themselves?
Gay Star News, 10 August 2016
A new study has found that four out of ten MSM have condomless sex most of the time. Which kind of messages should be sent out to convince gay men to take better care of their health?
How Should People With HIV Protect Themselves From Criminalization?
The Body, 19 July 2016
How much should people with HIV be concerned about their personal actions and criminalisation risks in their daily lives? Activists and people living with HIV give their point of view.
Should you be prosecuted for exposing someone to HIV?
Ground Up, 11 August 2016
The International AIDS conference in Durban has discussed the issue of HIV criminalisation, as many have been found guilty of HIV transmission despite lack of scientific evidence. US soldier Kenneth Pinkela has spoken at the conference about his conviction.
Staying positive: The realities of dating with HIV
Toronto Metro, 19 July 2016
People in treatment are living long and healthy lives with HIV and are unlikely to infect others, but stigma and fear persist.
See also:
I Have HIV, But It's Stigma That Makes Me Sick
Bustle, 10 August 2016
A young woman living with HIV talks about dating, disclosure, and stigma.
New York's 'queer health warrior': city official funds grassroots fight against HIV
The Guardian, 7 August 2016
Demetre Daskalakis, assistant health commissioner at the HIV/AIDS bureau, reaches out to the LGBT community to go beyond ending the epidemic.
Thousands sign up for NSW trial into PrEP
GNN, 8 August 2016
NSW Health has recently launched a HIV prevention trial based on expanded free PrEP implementation. This trial is active in 20 clinics already with more to start this month.
How to combat the threat of HIV drug resistance
The Guardian, 11 August 2016
HIV treatment in developing countries: people should be helped to adhere to antiretroviral treatment to stop them developing drug resistance.
Can Gay Men Donate Blood? FDA Opens Door To Policy Change
Medical Daily, 27 July 2016
The US Food and Drug Administration is reviewing its blood donor deferral policies.
Scientists develop first next-gen test that can detect drug-resistant HIV
Hindustan Times, 9 August 2016
According to a new study, scientists in Singapore have developed a new sequencing test, which can detect HIV drug resistance mutations that conventional tests fail to identify.
HIV is not a super-spreader of drug-resistant tuberculosis
Eureka Alert, 9 August 2016
An international team of researchers has also found that TB drug resistance is not more likely to evolve in HIV-positive patients compared to HIV-negative patients.
Can immunotherapy cure HIV?
Fred Hutch, 8 August 2016
HIV researchers and advocates have met at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to explore whether immunotherapy used for cancer treatment could provide a cure for HIV.
HIV May Date Back Millions Of Years: The Evolution Of Retroviruses
Medical Daily, 9 August 2016
A new study reveals that the HIV virus has been around a lot longer than previously believed, as it seems it originated around 60 million years ago.
15 things to know about hepatitis C
Irish Independent, 9 August 2016
According to a new Irish study commissioned by the Hepatitis C Partnership, many who receive hepatitis C diagnosis struggle to separate fact from fiction about this disease,
Dublin hospital in Europe's top 3 for drug-related emergencies
Irish Examiner, 4 August 2016
Research conducted by the EU drugs agency shows the Mater Hospital in Dublin had 1,083 drug-related presentations to its emergency department between 2013 and 2015.
Merchant’s Quay Ireland: “over-packed”, under fire
Dublin Enquirer, 11 August 2016
Residents, local business people, politicians and Gardaí have held a meeting on antisocial behaviour and other issues related to PWID who avail of Merchant’s Quay’s services in the area.
Syphilis on the rise among men in Cork and Kerry
Irish Examiner, 8 August 2016
The HSE reports a significant increase in the number of syphilis cases in Cork. Gay men are the highest risk group, with eight out of every 10 cases reported being from MSM.
See also:
Syphilis cases among gay men have trebled in counties Cork and Kerry, HSE reveals
Irish Mirror, 4 August 2016
Free condoms should be given to young people and gay men to curb STIs, says England’s health watchdog
The Huffington Post, 5 August 2016
Health experts say that local authorities should offer free condoms to young people from 13 to 25 and sexual health advice to people at risk.
See also:
Sexually transmitted infections: condom distribution schemes
NICE guideline, Draft for consultation, August 2016
Gay men under-45 to be offered cancer vaccine on the NHS
Irish Independent, 6 August 2016
The NHS has announced that gay men under the age of 45 will be offered HPV vaccine.
Everything this doctor wants you to know about STDs
Net Doctor, 9 August 2016
STIs are both surprisingly common and widely misunderstood. Here is what you should know.
Sex Work
Making prostitution legal simply means allowing adults to spend their time and money as they see fit
Irish Independent, 9 August 2016
Opinion piece on sex work legalisation, public legislation and private morality, sex workers safety and clients criminalisation.
Examining the implications of PrEP as HIV prevention for sex workers
IDS, 2016
Study on HIV prevention for sex workers and how general policies, medicalisation, condoms, testing, should or could be implemented.
Peer outreach improves diagnosis and treatment of HIV among sex workers
News Medical, 11 August 2016
Sex work and HIV prevention in developing countries.