stanford center on poverty and inequality

News and Opportunities

A New Infrastructure for Evaluating Poverty Policy

The James T. Irvine Foundation is supporting the CPI’s ongoing efforts to build an infrastructure for monitoring poverty and evaluating policy in California. The new grant, which supports the development of a qualitative census as well as a linked administrative panel, will allow us to better understand how anti-poverty policies are faring across different communities and types of poverty.
Linked Data for Policymaking

The U.S. Census Bureau and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago are soliciting proposals that use linked data across programs and levels of government to advance evidence-based policymaking. Submissions are due on September 20, 2016.

Featured Research

Borrowing to Keep Up with the Joneses

As top incomes continue to rise, less affluent Americans are taking on more housing-related debt to keep up with their wealthier peers, according to a new paper by CPI affiliate Jeffrey Thompson.

Are the U.S. Poor Really Poor?

A new working paper challenges the common assumption that the U.S. poor are, by international standards, in fact quite affluent. The paper — by CPI affiliate H. Luke Shaefer, Pinghui Wu, and CPI research group leader Kathryn Edin — evaluates key quality-of-life indicators and finds that America's poor are ... very poor.

Men Love to Cite Themselves

Are men more likely than women to cite their own work in scholarly publications? The simple answer: yes. In a new working paper by CPI affiliates Molly King, Shelley Correll, and their coauthors, men are found to cite their own papers 56% more often than women cite their own papers.
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 5H79AE000101-05 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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