This week at Lyndale...
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Lovely Lyndale,

I've had one of those weeks when I just am blown away by the privilege of this thing we call ministry. You all are incredible humans. You are wise, brave, vulnerable, hilarious, generous and infinitely committed to this community and the world of justice, love and peace we are building together.

Just know that I see you. I hear you. And I am beyond grateful to call myself your pastor.

Also, a reminder: We worship in Bryant Park this Sunday! And there is a picnic afterwards.

With love.

This week at a glance:

Sunday, 8.21 @ 10:30am: Worship at Bryant Park! Celebrating our mission team.
Tuesday, 8.23 @ 7pm: Council Meeting (Executive team meets at 6pm)
Wednesday, 8.24 @ 8:30am: Bible Study
Thursday, 8.25 @ 10am: Faith and Fellowship

NOTE: Sunday the 28th we install Rev. Rhonda at Salem at 10:15am AND we have a baptism in Lyndale worship!
Worship in the Park will be Sunday, August 21 in the amphitheater at Bryant Square Park at 10:30 am. Bring lawn chairs for comfortable seating around the basketball court. All three congregations are participating and there will be a potluck picnic afterwards. Hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, buns, condiments and paper goods will be provided. Part of the park building is being remodeled. We will have access to the bathrooms and a few chairs and tables, but not the kitchen area, so bring coolers to keep your food cold if necessary! We just have to do this the old fashioned way!
Giving Statements: Please pick up your year-to-date giving statements on the table at the back of the sanctuary this month. This way you'll be reminded how much you've given so far and how much you committed to give this year. Your treasurer will be very grateful!
Baptize Gordon Jevne See! Join us on August 28th during regular worship time to baptize Rachel and Peter's baby Gordon (also nephew/cousin of the Miller family).
Install Rev. Rhonda at Salem! Join us on August 28th at 10:15am to install Rev. Rhonda as Salem Lutheran's new pastor. All three churches will gather to celebrate her leadership at SpringHouse!
Support fellow Lyndale members in need: Contribute to our Jubilee fund! Our Jubilee fund supports Lyndale members in financial crisis. However, it needs replenishing right now. As we wrap up our Sabbath summer time, we will be taking offerings for our Jubilee fund as a part of worship. Jubilee in the bible was a time of Sabbath from debt when all debts were forgiven that happened every 49 years. The idea was to break the cycle of poverty across generations. So join us to support our Jubilee fund at Lyndale. You can bring or mail a check and put "Jubilee" in the memo this August.
The upper level carpets are due for cleaning on August19-20th. Mike Cackoski (FCC) and Glenn Crown (Lyndale) will clear the Gathering Place chairs and tables. But we need 2 Salem teams of 2 people each (for 9-11 AM, and 11 AM to 1 PM) on Saturday the 20th. Mike Cackoski and Max Hurlocker (FCC) are signed up to do the 1-3PM shift. We need a crew of 2 to 4 to set he tables and chairs back up in the Gathering Place in the late afternoon (when the carpet is "dry"). Call Jon Hanke (612/ 910-3107) or Reva Swanson (612/817-8850) or Michael Vanderford (612/ 296-9647) to volunteer.   If we don't do this ourselves, we have to pay a commercial cleaning service to do it, at an estimated cost of $2,000. So this is a way of reducing the yearly SpringHouse maintenance expenses of each Congregation.
Joint Worship on 9/11/16: SpringHouse is thrilled that Pastor Danny Givens of Black Clergy United for Change will be preaching our joint worship service. He brings a passionate Word of justice and peace and love. Mark your calendars. He is not to be missed!
Celebrate! At 10:15am (special timing!) we'll install Rev. Ashley as our settled pastor. We'll start with all of SpringHouse present and then move into a special worship service at our normal 10:30am time. Join us for this celebratory day!
REGISTER NOW: September 23-24th: We cannot build a religious movement for justice that is populated with broken bodies, traumatized bodies, exhausted bodies. We must find a way to heal justice, build resiliency and practice new habits… personally, communally and as an earth-body. The Center for Sustainable Justice will host its first conference this fall featuring skills-building, deep reflection, celebration and ethical spectacle. Presenters include: Lisa Anderson from the Sojourner Truth Healing Circle through Auburn Seminary; Steve Newcom from Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice and Social Transformation; Erin Pratt from Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light; Lena Katherine Gardner from Black Lives Matter Minneapolis and more to come. REGISTER HERE.
Spread hospitality at SpringHouse! The hosts can either bring something healthy, a sweet treat, a cold beverage and something gluten free. Plan to serve approximately 40 - 50 people. You are all so terrific at signing up to host coffee hour and we need to serve from Sunday, July 10th through  September 25th.  Salem will host on August 7th and September 4th. Please let me know if you are available to host. Needing three people for each Sunday. A sign-up sheet is located in the back of the sanctuary or email me at or call 612-423-1573.
Enjoy a Befriender! Our Lyndale team of lay pastoral care providers is now ready to be a listening presence in your life. Please let Pastor Ashley know if you would like to connect with a BeFriender. Email her here.
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