Be quick! Only 3 days left to register at Early Bird Rate for 11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC11)
A fantastic line-up of speakers is planned. A ‘Red Hot’ list of Australia’s most imperilled flora is being developed by Dr Jen Silcock from the Threatened Species Recovery Hub (based at the University of Queensland), and will form part of her Plenary Talk at APCC11. Around 1100 plant species (about 5% of Australia’s known total), are listed as Endangered or Critically Endangered (under state and/or federal legislation). A fifth of these survive only in a single population! And 60% are known from five or fewer populations. The Red Hot list will (1) identify species that are at most immediate risk of extinction using the best available expert knowledge; (2) identify and prioritise conservation management actions that can significantly reduce the likelihood of extinction for these species; (3) alert relevant stakeholders of this risk and recommended response. Download the draft programme and register here.

Vulnerable plant Sclerolaena walkeri in south western Queensland is at risk from grazing pressure and feral rabbits. (Photo: Jen Silcock)
Two ANPC Sandhill Paddock Walks in south-west NSW - Thursday 15 & Monday 19 September 2016
Join the ANPC's Project Manager, Martin Driver, for one of two days of plant identification and inspecting endangered Sandhill Pine Woodland at Booroorban or Coleambally, in collaboration with Riverina Local Land Services. Landholders are encouraged to bring plants to be identified. Morning tea, lunch and drinks supplied. RSVP for either walk by Friday 9 September. Read more.

ANPC Project Manager, Martin Driver (left), speaking at "Zara" on the Sandhill Paddock Walk at Booroorban, June 2016. (Photo: Annabel Lugsdin)
Murray Wild Orchids Project
This Saving our Species Partnership Grants Project between the ANPC and Murray Local Land Services (lead agency), Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), Department of Primary Industries - Lands, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Forestry Corporation of NSW, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and landholders, will contribute over the next 10 years to the long-term viability of three endangered orchid species in the Murray region: the Crimson Spider-Orchid (Caladenia concolor), the Sandhill Spider Orchid (Caladenia arenaria) and the Oaklands Diuris (Diuris callitrophila). These highly threatened orchids now only occur in very small numbers in the wild, and are at considerable risk of extinction from natural events or human-induced disturbances. Activities will include weed control, propagation, reintroduction and pollinator surveys. Read more.
L-R: Crimson Spider Orchid (Caladenia concolor), Sandhill Spider Orchid (Caladenia arenaria), Oaklands Diuris (Diuris callitrophila). (Photos: Matt Cameron).
Join the ANPC today and help us promote and improve plant conservation in Australia!
Joining is one of the most solid contributions you can make to our work. Membership fees are an essential part of our financial base, and members and member-organisations are the lifeblood of our network. Online membership payments now make joining the ANPC even easier! You can also now register for secure automatic annual renewal of your membership using your credit card. ANPC membership entitles you to discounts and benefits including: subscription to the ANPC’s quarterly bulletin Australasian Plant Conservation; discounts to ANPC workshops, conferences and forums; and discounted subscription to Ecological Management and Restoration (EMR).

Other conferences and events:
Australian Plants Society (SA Region) Inc. Regional Gathering - 16, 17 and 18 September 2016
With the theme ‘Conservation, Regeneration, Restoration’ the gathering will be held at the Zion Lutheran Hall, 85 Murray Street, Angaston and features an exciting programme of talks, workshops and excursions. Visit the website here for more information and to register.
AABR walk and talk at Bathurst - Saturday 24 September 2016
Join AABR member and Senior Strategic Local Land Services Officer, Diana Kureen for a tour of local woodland, riparian and Regent Honeyeater habitat around Bathurst in the Central West of NSW. The day will include visits to: Box Gum Grassy Woodland - Endangered Ecological Community; restoration sites on and around Mount Panorama; various creekline restoration projects, including Schauberger Sills, and a site that is looking to restore Regent Honeyeater habitat. Time: 10am until 3 pm. Meet: Bathurst Visitor Information Centre. If sufficient numbers of people are in Bathurst on Friday evening, there will be a talk on protecting and improving habitat for the Bathurst Copper Butterfly and also a cat-tracking program run in Lithgow – with very interesting results. This talk would be held at the Council offices around 5:30pm to 6:00pm, followed by dinner at a local pub. Click here for more information
2016 Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS 2016) Conference - 25 to 29 September, Alice Springs NT
Registrations for ASBS 2016 'Systematic Botany—a view from the Centre' close on 2 September. Organised by the State Herbarium of South Australia and the Northern Territory Herbarium. Plenary speaker will be Prof. Mark Chase, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and an Adjunct Professor in Plant Biology at The University of Western Australia. Mark has been actively working in Australia for some time and will join the conference after an extended field trip in South Australia and Western Australia. Visit the conference website.
19th Box-Ironbark Ecology Course 2016 - 26 to 30 September, Nagambie Vic
Administered by the Euroa Arboretum, the annual Box–Ironbark Ecology Course provides an opportunity to learn about the interaction of landforms, soils, flora and fauna that comprise the Box–Ironbark forests and woodlands of south-eastern Australia. The emphasis is on practical demonstration and field experience. The course gives participants the skills and knowledge required to understand and interpret the ecology of Box–Ironbark forests and woodlands, and to apply these skills and knowledge for their particular needs. Read full course outline and presenter details here.
11th FJC Rogers Seminar 2016 on Terrestrial and Epiphytic Orchids - 8 & 9 October 2016, Hamilton Victoria
Hosted by SGAP Hamilton and APS Warrnambool & District Group with a wide variety of speakers, activities and field trips. Visit the conference website.
Conserving Eucalypts: the Why and the How
The papers from the Royal Society of Victoria symposium on Conserving Eucalypts, held earlier this year, are now out. They have been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Volume 128 Number 1 (18 March 2016). PDFs are available here (free downloads).
Melbourne Gardens Master Plan
Share your ideas and aspirations for Melbourne Gardens, to help the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria prepare a 20-year Master Plan for their historic and world-famous botanic garden. Complete a short (4min) Master Plan survey to tell them your ideas and thoughts. The Gardens are one of Melbourne’s most visited attractions with more than 1.6 million people entering the gates each year. The stunning 38-hectare site was established in 1846 and features more than 8,500 plant species sourced from around the globe. Set within William Guilfoyle’s iconic picturesque landscape are displays that celebrate the beauty, diversity and importance of plants – some rare and threatened, others awe-inspiring for their size, beauty or botanical curiosity.
Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) webpages now reside on the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA).
You can now access all the WoNS best practice materials, maps, prioritisation tools and other species-specific information on the following link: Please bookmark this page and continue to use these resources to assist your weed management efforts. The ALA also hosts a range of other great weed resources, including the Weed Biological Control Portal. [Note: In the near future, the link will automatically redirect to the link above, so previous bookmarks and printed materials will still remain relevant.]
The ANPC gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Corporate Members:
The production of ANPC News is assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust
