NZ Hemp Industries Association Inc.
August Newsletter            
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Welcome to our revamped and newly formatted public newsletter. 
Exciting times are ahead of us!


Firstly we want to apologies for being rather sporadic in sending our news letter.

We have been very focused on preparing for the upcoming Industrial Hemp Awareness Week 19th to 25th September and South Island road show.

Over the last few months we have traveled extensively throughout New Zealand to engage with district councils, government agencies, R&D providers and industry.

We have held public presentations in the North Island, from Kaitaia to Dannevirke. 

This has created the ideal platform to promote the INDUSTRIAL HEMP AWARENESS  WEEK.

We have now finalized all venues and are extremely excited to share these with you in this news letter.

We are definitely counting on your support and hemp passion to promote the Awareness Week among your circle of influence. 


Road Show Dates and Venues
19.09.2016 Dunedin
Venue: Green Island Civic Hall, 33 Howden Street, Supper Room
Time: 7pm-10pm
20.09.2016 Owaka
Venue: Owaka Community Centre, Supper Room
Time: 7pm-10pm
21.09.2016 Lincoln
Venue: BHU Organic Training College, End of Farm Road, Lincoln University Campus

Time: 7pm-10pm
22.09.2016 Nelson
Venue: Headingly Centre,  452 Queen Street, Richmond 7020

Time: 7pm-10pm

NZHIA Annual General Meeting
24th September 2016

Venue: Johnsonville Community Centre, 3 Frankmoore Avenue, Johnsonvile,  
Time: 1pm-4pm

The Come Back Crop

We have a fantastic new industry that can promote educational, employment and business opportunities in rural New Zealand.
iHemp can be the inspiration to focus people on returning to the land.  And by growing and adding value to crops, we will create bio regional development, it is an exciting prospect worthy of your interest and support.
"Hemp seems to be an attractive crop for a sustainable agricultural system, as it has moderate fertilizer requirements, needs little or no pesticides and suppresses weeds and some major soil-borne pathogens.
Cannabis is certainly a valuable crop plant and its future success will depend in part on the responsible dissemination of accurate information concerning its benefit."
Hayo M.G. van der Werf, Journals International Hemp Association.
Author 1994 Crop Physiology of Fibre Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.)
Hempseed oil is know to be one of the most beneficial oils for our body's well-being. Fortified with essential fatty acids and nutrition to potentially promote our body's immune-response. 

A message from the NZHIA executive


Let us increase our member base and spread the knowledge of the amazing industrial hemp plant and it's 25000 + products and uses.

Please download the member application form 
right here and feel free to share with everyone you think will benefit from being part of our organisation and what we stand for.

In gratitude and thanks
the Executive members of NZHIA 

NZHIA Executive contact details
PO Box 38-392. Howick, Auckland. New Zealand.
D.J. (Mac) McIntosh (Chair) Ph:++64 (0)3 415 8888
Richard Barge (Treasurer) Ph ++64 (0)21 760 960
Sisi Motu (Secretary) Ph ++64 (0) 21 878 427
Chris Woodney Ph ++64 (0) 273 488 842
Tui Qauqau Ph ++64 (0) 20 730 85986
Richie Bayliss Ph ++64 (0) 22 630 1190
Copyright © 2016 New Zealand Hemp Industries Association Inc (1997), All rights reserved.

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