
 Going on in August!
  • Wedding pics finally here!
  • Column Debut: Andrew's Answers!
  • Interview: Iris Zimmermann, Olympic Fencer
  • Jenna's Tribute
  • Peak Performer of the Month
  • Blog: It's all in your head
  • Rochester Fun and Fitness
  • July contest winner 

August 2016

Mike and Karen are In-Laws!
Jordan Napierala married Amy DeJohn Saturday, July 30 at the beautiful Avon Century Barn! 
{ Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Napierala }
Karen says: "Mike and I couldn't be more thrilled with the new addition to our family! Jordan and Amy were married on June 30. It was a perfect day, with an amazing cermony and reception at the Avon Century Barn.

Our pastor, Andy Woodall, presided and reminded us how a God-centered marriage should and can work. Jordan and Amy are surrounded with friends and family to help that happen. They are a great match for each other! 

My only regret is that I don't have a video of the dance Mike and I shared; we rocked Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation"! Or a video of Mike and his college buddies leading the song "YMCA" from the balcony with our sons!

Congrats to Amy and Jordan! Here's to the most challenging yet fulfilling task you will ever enter into...the love of marriage!"

The Napierala "Kids," from left: Mandy, Jordan,
Amy, Kyle and Henry
Andrew's Answers!

by Andrew Neumeister, DPT, CAFS
Peak Performance Physical Therapy

Andrew answers your physical therapy questions right here.
Email to submit a question for Andrew! 


Question: What is tendonitis?
Answer: In general, tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon. (Tendons connect muscles to bones.)

Question: Where did it come from?
Answer: Tendonitis is often caused by overuse. This doesn’t only happen in sports; it can also be caused by things like painting a room, climbing more steps than usual, or any prolonged repetitious movement.

Question: Do I have it?
Answer: You can’t believe everything you read on the internet, so be careful using those resources to diagnose yourself. A skilled Physical Therapist or Physician can rule out other possible causes for your discomfort and diagnose the condition. Tendonitis often starts as a pain or ache that comes on with a certain activity but improves over time after you stop that activity, when it’s in its early stages. If not addressed early, it can become more severe and persist after you have stopped the activity and even when you’re resting.

Question: What should I do?
Answer: Sometimes simple rest is all you need; however, tendonitis is your body telling you that something is wrong. You may be able to pinpoint the cause of your pain, but why accept it as inevitable? Tendonitis can often be treated with specific exercises recommended by your physical therapist. A customized and thorough exercise routine can not only decrease pain, but also help improve certain muscle weaknesses that led to your injury in the first place.

And the common practice of just throwing some anti-inflammatory medications, often called NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, at is is a somewhat controversial topic being debated in healthcare. The body's inflammatory process is designed to contribute to healing. At question is whether or not excessive use, early use, or any use of NSAIDs at all for this sort of pain risks putting a bit of a roadblock in nature's healing process...a short-term gain at the risk of long-term detriment. 

Are YOU having pain that you think might be tendonitis?

Does someone YOU CARE ABOUT have that type of pain?
If you're "waiting it out" or "ice and rest" just aren't working, email us at and use "Andrew's Tendonitis Answers" in the subject line to claim your FREE SCREENING.
We'll give a free screening to the first 11 people who contact us!

Please tell us about your pain in the email. At the end of your Free Screening, we'll explain what we've found, review your options, and help point you in the right direction.

Email us right away as our Free Screening spots may fill up fast!

If  you'd rather just schedule your full Physical Therapy evaluation and start treatment right away, just call the office at 585-218-0240 for an appointment!
Part 1 of Mike's interview with Olympic fencer Iris Zimmermann

VIDEO: Iris Zimmermann
Part 1: Mike interviews Iris Zimmermann, Olympic fencer and native Rochesterian!
VIDEO: The part you're waiting for!

The Force moves Iris to go easy on Mike
(lucky for him)!
Mike Duels with Iris Zimmermann!
Jenna's Tribute
Jenna Walsh was our Peak Performer of the Month for
July 2016. She wrote this touching tribute for us.
Thank you, Jenna, for giving us the opportunity to serve you! 

Perhaps my story is just like the others
Even though my back is ‘out of whack’
Assured our testimonies will all describe
Keen professionals with nothing to lack
Physical therapy at its finest                        
Exercising the mind, body and soul
Relieving pain and discomfort
Forever grateful for your role
Only one visit is all it takes
Revealing what sets you apart from the rest
Mike and Karen, you give endless support
Always encouraging me to be my best
Never will I be the same
Certainly my posture will not be lame
Eager to get back to my game

Megan Kerwin

Avid Weightlifter, Bride to be

Megan Kerwin with Andrew
Before Physical Therapy:
Megan came to Peak Performance after tearing her left rotator cuff while performing a front hold last October. She is an avid lifter, so injuring herself doing what she loves most was hard on her. Being recently engaged, she also had the added stress of wedding planning! Anyone who has had a rotator cuff repair knows the rehabilitative process is much longer due to the restrictions needed to allow proper healing at the joint.

Megan had difficulty early on with regaining some of her motions, while others returned quickly. She was incredibly eager to return to strength training, yet her injury required us to be very specific about re-integrating her  movements into her lifting program. Megan and her shoulder were sometimes on different pages!

After Physical Therapy at Peak Performance:
Megan says: "Instead of dreading coming to PT, I looked forward to my appointments and seeing how much progress I was making with my recovery. I truly believe that if I had gone anywhere else, my progress would have been much slower. Andrew worked with me on what I needed and what I wanted to improve on, and that's not something found at a lot of other physical therapy places."

Andrew says: "Megan came to Peak Performance ready and willing to work. Her determination to return to lifting was a driving force that helped her accomplish every little thing she has. Sometimes she would struggle to improve certain motions but would change her focus in order to hit all of her milestones and goals throughout therapy. The internal drive she had to return to weight training was not always aligned with her shoulder's needs, but she was able to buckle down and focus on her weaknesses (which didn't always have to do with strength!). I am proud to reflect on how awesome Megan has done and how she continues to take her knowledge of PT with her to her customized gym routine. Way to go, Megan!"
Each Peak Performer of the Month chooses a charity for Peak Performance to donate to.  

Peak Performance is happy to donate on Megan's behalf to Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester.  
Be one of the FIRST 5 to catch this month's MISSPELLED WORD!
And call us at (585) 218-0240 
You can if you think you can.

By: Karen Napierala MS, AT, PT

I'm dressed like a runner. Clothes. Shoes. I watched the Olympic trials for Track last night. My brain is in high gear with anticipation. I can visualize myself looking likes a runner. Long strides, loping around the track, touching the ground rhythmically. Generating force from step to step. Barely touching the ground. Gliding.

My vision all seems so real. Memories of being 20 years old and running competitively dance through my mind. 

The athletes in that 200-meter race ran it in 21 seconds. Warmup? Who needs it? I'm an Olympic contender. No matter that I'm three or four decades older than them. I'm ready.

As I start to run, I notice that it's not quite as free as in my dreams. My glide has a slight drag to it. Around the turn at 100 yards with 100 to go, I feel that familiar burn in my chest. The burn that tells you you're working hard. 

“As I start to run, I notice that it's not quite as free as in my dreams.”

I embrace that feeling and continue to push. The burning's getting stronger now. Overtaking my lungs. It's hard to breathe. My legs are slowing. Still 50 yards to go. I feel myself give in to the pain as I am close to the finish line. I raise my hand to signal my finish in a less-than triumphant fashion. I slump over, hands on knees. Willing myself not to collapse.

Then I see the finish line: one foot in front of me. I walk over it. 

My mental error turned at time of 54 seconds into 58. I have immense admiration for the Olympic athletes. The focus. The drive. The ability to mentally put the pain aside. The strive for the finish. 
“Then I see the finish line: one foot in front of me. I walk over it.”
It was only two steps and I didn't even finish. I realized that these Olympians and you patients have to have not only physical training, but unbelievable mental fortitude. For the Olympian with that win by a hundredth of a second: was it really better conditioning, or just a better will to push past the pain?

For you as a patient, during that 1st week-when you are hurting-it's easy to be compliant. But the 5th week, the 5th month-that is where your will to overcome needs to be at its strongest. Don't fall short as I did!

Keep striving for that finish. And keep checking our Peak PT blogs for up-to-date information on important topics affecting your physical fitness and health. And occasional musings from this former competitive runner!

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. ~ 2 Tim. 4:7

If you need help figuring out what's holding you back from the finish line, give us a call at 585-218-0240 to schedule with one of our expert Physical Therapists. 

Peak Performance…where you’re treated like the Pros
and cared for like Family!
Rochester Fun & Fitness

Events to get you out and moving!

Saturday, August 27
Angels of Mercy 5k
A scenic 5k run or 1-mile walk for individuals and families, surrounded by the natural beauty  of Meridian Centre Park and the historic Erie Canal. Proceeds will allow Angels of Mercy, a Rochester organization, to expand their services to help stop human trafficking and support women who have been victims of abuse and human trafficking. Race registration begins at 8 am and the run/walk kicks off at 9 a.m. at Meridian Centre Park (2024 S. Winton Rd.) in Brighton. Click here to sign up right now and help stop human trafficking! Post-race food and beverages provided. 
Sunday, August 28
Habitat for Humanity 5K
Run or walk to help build safe, affordable housing for needy families right here in the Rochester area! This run, to benefit our Flower City chapter of Habitat for Humanity, kicks off at 10 a.m. at Genesee Valley Park, Elmwood Avenue at the Genesee River. Donation $15 or $5 for ages 11 and under. Click here to sign up right now!

July Contest Winner!

Congratulations, Mackenzie Cleary!

Mackenzie won our July Contest, "Can you identify Andrew's cousin?," and scored a gift card for Dick's Sporting Goods!

(Andrew's cousin is 17-year-old Sydney McLaughlin, pictured above.
Sydney is the youngest athlete to represent the U.S. in Olympic Track & Field since the 1976 Olympics. She runs 400-meter hurdles on Mon., Aug. 15. )

~ Go, Sydney, Go! ~

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Click on the Facebook logo above!

Look for us on Twitter @peakptrochester.
Click on the twitter logo above to follow!

Thanks for your support! 

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this newsletter is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this newsletter.
Peak Performance Physical Therapy does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned in this newsletter. 


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