Our Last Thoughts Before Showtime And Your Last Chance For A FREE Hall Pass!
We've put the last minute touches on our booth, we've packed up our boxes, and we’re ready to hit the road. We look forward to this show every year - it just seems to get bigger and better, filled with all things cellular.
Today there are over 2 billion smart phone subscribers globally and that number is forecast to top 6 billion in 2020! The demand for cell towers, small cells and DAS is going to grow proportionately. Peabody’s Telecom Division, the Cell Site Disguise Guys®, will custom design concealments and enclosures so that as the demand for increased communication happens, YOUR sites will blend in seamlessly with the architecture and environment, disguising any “visual pollution.”
You’ve heard the rumblings, Not in MY Back Yard! Although everyone needs great cell reception and full coverage, no one wants to see the ugly cell towers. That’s when you call Sleuth CellSite and his crack team of Cell Site Disguise Guys® to help you turn your ugly duckling into a beautiful swan!