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August 2016

Welcome to our August 2016 newsletter. Copies of our printed newsletter 'Centrelines' can be accessed from our office or our website.

We would like to share the following information with you:

GCC Facebook PageDon't forget to like us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with what is happening in your local community.

Hub Logo  2016 Annual General MeetingStrategic Planning

The Glenfield Community Centre's Annual General Meeting will be held in Room 1 from 7pm on Tuesday 27 September. All are welcome. The agenda will be posted on our website Tuesday 20 September.

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Hub Logo  Meet the Candidates MeetingsStrategic Planning

The Glenfield Community Centre, along with the  Beach Haven-Birkdale Residents’ Association and Birkenhead Residents’ Association, are organising ‘Meet the Candidates’ meetings to allow the public the opportunity to question the candidates standing for the Kaipātiki Local Board and North Shore seats on Council. These meetings are a free, open forum with the opportunity for local community members to put questions to the candidates on the night. All are welcome.

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  Hub LogoFree Auckland Community Law Centre - Seminars

Business Information Network LogoThursday, 8 September 2016,

Overview of the process; making and defending a claim; challenging Tribunal decisions; enforcing Tribunal decisions    
Thursday, 15 September 2016,
1 – 3 pm:

Types of employment contracts; employment entitlements; basic dispute resolution process  
Thursday, 22 September 2016,

Fences, trees, dogs and noise; trespass; harassment 
Thursday, 29 September 2016,
1 – 3 pm: CONSUMER LAW

Protections when buying from a business; protections when buying privately; protections in “Credit Contracts”

All seminars will be held in the Mission Hall.  FREE entry.
A Gold Coin Donation Appreciated.

For information and bookings:
Maddox Ahuja, 377 9449
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Hub Logo  Centre's Strategic PlanStrategic Planning

We are currently updating our Strategic Plan (view it here). For this to be a successful process, we need your feedback over what you think we should be focussing on or areas that you would like to see included.

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Hub Logo  Tell Us About Your GroupExecutive

We want to feature news and information about your group, especially if you are a part of one of our regular groups using the Centre. If you are interested in sending us news, information, images, important dates or links; we can help advertise your programmes, work in the community and get the word out there.

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Hub Logo  Become a MemberMembership

Membership to the Centre is free. We are looking to build our membership base and would like to encourage any and everyone to learn more about us, consider becoming members of the Centre, and coming along to meetings to assist in the Governance of the Centre and the setting of its strategic direction.

If you are interested in becoming a Member, click here

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