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Members Top Tips

Lisa Aifantis
BNI Hillsgate - NSW

Premium Call Centre Services

'Every meeting you have during the day is a potential referral for a BNI member. Really pay attention in these meetings and listen to the issues others have, and think about how you could solve these through a referral.

In the last six months, I haven’t been in one meeting that hasn’t had the potential for a referral.

Within the chapter, do one-to-ones, because the more you know about the people in your chapter, the easier it is to refer someone.'

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Dear  <<First Name>>

Welcome to the September 2016 edition of your BNI Australia Newsletter. 

It can be easy to put off doing things when they seem like they won't really make a difference, though the importance of these small things should not be underestimated.

Understanding your core purpose, who you’re about, and the why of what you do makes it clear why you need to do these things that are both easy to do and easy not to do. Just like in The Slight Edge, these are the things that build a critical success point over time. Reminding yourself why you do BNI will allow you to evaluate what every day activities you need to do to be successful over time. 

We all know that members who remain in BNI and renew their membership continue to increase their return on investment if they commit to the daily and weekly activities required of a successful member (one-to-ones, referrals etc.) 

Before we begin though, congratulations to all the regions on a very successful calendar year to date, the figures below reflect our National thank you for closed business up until the end of July. The results image is included below in case you missed it on our Facebook Page.

Start With Why - How Great Leaders Inspire Action

People are more likely to respond to or connect with why you do what you do, rather than simply what it is that you do. Tapping into this emotional way of thinking is what companies like Apple do each and every day with their marketing campaigns, and it is the key to their success.

Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, discusses how people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. It is this 'why' which we react to - if a company cannot clearly tell us why they do what they do, then we are less likely to connect with that company or buy that product.

Not only does this type of communication help consumers better connect with your business, but by making your beliefs clear, you also attract like-minded employees. These employees are the ones who will work with you towards your mutual goal, rather than just for a paycheck. 

Click below to watch below Simon Sinek's TED talk:


Happiness And Business Go Hand In Hand

Happiness is a precursor to success; therefore, a happy company is a precursor to a successful company. A good environment lends itself to happy staff who are more likely to be productive and, in turn, make your business more successful. 

Companies don't build people, people build companies. Creating culture in a company attracts the right people, and also repels those who do not share your vision and do not belong in your company.

As Jeff Olson discusses in The Slight Edge, successful people do the little things over and over again, rather than simply focusing on the big things. Something as simple as creating a positive, happy workplace culture can make a significant difference in the long run.

The video below shows Jeff Olson addressing the UN on happiness and how important it is for successful business:

One-to-Ones Are The Key To Success

One-to-ones are undoubtedly one of the most important activities you can engage in to make the most of your BNI membership. These meetings provide you with an opportunity to get to know the people in your chapter and better understand their business and what they do. Not only this, but these fellow members also get an opportunity to learn more about your business. This, in turn, will make you more confident in your referrals, and make these new connections more likely to refer you also.

One to Ones are central to success is a great post from BNI New Zealand which talks about just how important one-to-ones are. Why not organise a one-to-one with someone from your chapter? You might be surprised by what you learn!

For more about just how much one-to-ones can change your business, listen to BNI founder Ivan Misner's podcast with Andrew Hall from BNI Sussex here.

What steps do you take to inspire action in your business? How do you make your workplace a positive environment for your staff? Have you benefited from successful one-to-ones with fellow members?

We are looking forward to sharing your thoughts and ideas on BNI’s social media channels. Email for a chance to see your comments on our Facebook page or blog.

Until soon, in your next BNI newsletter edition.

Warmest regards,

Frederick Marcoux
National Director BNI Australia

BNI Australia PO Box 298 Hillarys, Western Australia 6923 Australia 
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