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Hello September! Finally, Spring is here! (Well, in Australia anyway).

First of all, thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback to my recent Subscriber Survey. Feedback is important to me as it helps me customise my communications, products, and services so that they suit your needs.  If you haven't responded, take a few minutes now and share your thoughts!

One thing I learned from you is that you don't have time to learn all the tools, apps, platforms, and social networks that are out there.  Also, at times, it's difficult to discern the ones that will add value for your own learning or for your business.  

Guess what? This is where I can help you because that's what I LOVE to do!

This month I've been revisiting my strategies to deal with INFORMATION OVERWHELM and I'd like to share 4 things I've been doing myself that you may find useful.

Tip 1: Save Time By Reading What Your Network is Reading 

Searching for good articles to read can be tedious.  It takes you down rabbit holes and before you know it, hours have passed and you're no closer to solving the question you set out to answer.  Instead, you have more questions.  

Use the new app and website tool called Nuzzel and link it to your Twitter account.  Nuzzel will immediately show you what your network is reading and what's trending.  You can also subscribe to thought leader's newsletters which curates all the posts they're reading.  

Now you never have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)!

Tip 2: Use Blog Readers to Improve the Quality of Your Reading - then Read Slowly

Sometimes, you just have to let go of the need to keep on top of it all.

Over the last few months, I have returned to reading blogs of my personal learning network and in particularly, providing comments on their blogs. This not only cements my understanding of what I read but it's an action that bloggers appreciate and acknowledge. This, in turn builds trust in you because you took the time to read and respond to their posts.

Sometimes writing, "Thank you, I enjoyed that blog post because it showed me how to XYZ" is enough. It doesn't have to be War and Peace (although I'm more inclined to write long posts because I enjoy writing if you hadn't guessed)...

Using a blog reader such as Feedly, then create links to your favourite blogs and create a Reading List. Set aside some time to get comfortable on the sofa, cup of coffee on hand and then read to your heart's content. (My times happen to be quiet Sunday afternoons).  

Focus only on reading articles that educate, inform and inspire you - and then write a short comment of thanks.

Here's a short video on how you can use Feedly for Content Curation.

Tip 3: Reduce your Use of Social Media...Say What?!

There comes a time when you have to say goodbye to the social networks that don't serve you.  Over the years, we accrue electronic detritus which pops up in the form of email notifications of websites open and long lost forgotten.  Don't delete the notification - delete the site. Get rid of it once and for all.

Never used Twitter but have an empty account sitting there accruing spambots? Close it down.  

Got a Facebook page that you've never used or don't care about? Delete the account.

Got an Instagram with nothing in it? Get rid of it.  

Doing a social media detox is just as cleansing as getting rid of physical stuff.  You'll feel better for it.

Only keep the media that educate, inform and inspire you - and that you're likely (and want to) use every day.  

The rest - get rid of them.

The ONLY exception: If you're still working in business, keep your LinkedIn account and make an effort to constantly update this with your work and portfolio.  If there's one social medium that you need to keep for professional purposes and for work evidence and networks - it will be this one. For now.

Tip 4: Schedule in your Social Media Use into Your Calendar

This is a tough one for me because I rely on social media for my work and now it's the main way I communicate with my network and potential clients - even more so than email.  

One of the ways I manage its use is to ensure I use it only at allocated times.  For example, I work in 50-60 minute bursts and then take a short break.  I'll check social media during this break and limit it to 2-3 minutes.  

The evenings are the hardest for me.  I sit in front of the television with my mobile phone.   When I need to focus on something else - such as the latest episode of Vikings, I deliberately charge the phone in another room where the idea of getting off the sofa and trudging through the house to locate it is too much of an effort and not worth getting up for.  

Alternatively, when I have to focus, I will schedule social media use into my day at my LEAST productive times which for me is usually late afternoon or early evening. I block out 15 minutes in the Google Calendar and methodically respond to people's messages, tweets and notifications to me across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

So that's it. Four simple ways to change your behaviour around managing the information overwhelm. They're not drastic but I find that these small behaviours go a long way in putting my mind at ease that I'm in control of it. I'd love to know how you manage the overwhelm.  What are some of your own tips and techniques? 

Resources to Download

Some people mentioned that you wanted more resources to download.  I have FREE resources on my website that you can use as a start.  

Alternatively, my paid resources are quite reasonably priced at $AUD2.99 which can be used as immediate performance support and aids to use in your business.  

Make sure you check out my recent addition on Snapchat for Business Resource that will help not just Learning and Development but also your Marketing, Public Relations and Change Management teams.


Never Miss a Blog Post!

Feel free to register to receive an email once a month (on the 15th of every month) with my curated list of blog posts published in that previous month.   You can sign up on the front page of my website under Never Miss a Blog Post.

Pay Me With a Cup of Coffee!

If you like what you read on the Activate Learning Solutions blog then consider donating to me with a cup of coffee!  I enjoy creating various resources that you can use and a small donation will ensure that I am able to continue creating these for you.

Please note that I don't have any affiliation with the developers of these apps nor am I endorsing one app over another.  This is purely for your own information to assist in your own research and learning for your own purposes.

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