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Dear <<First Name>>,

I don’t know if you read Lisa Bolar’s email to our church last week, but it really encouraged me. It reminded me that the church is called to be a family that loves one another, unconditionally.

We shouldn’t feel like we have to put on a fake "church face" on Sunday mornings, only to revert to our "normal face" the rest of the week. In fact, originally, a hypocrite was one who effectively wore various masks. (An ancient Greek actor would have been complimented if called a hypocrite.)

But not us! We ought to only wear our true face - the one that reflects who God made us to be.

When we present a false identity to others (and even to ourselves), we limit the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God isn’t interested in revealing Himself in, and manifesting Himself through, a fake vessel (no matter how good it may look). Rather, He delights in restoring and using real vessels, however broken they may be!

That's what Deborah was telling us on Sunday. To fully experience God's love, we have to embrace it just as we are - not try to earn it by being someone we are not.

And this doesn't just apply to individuals; it also extends to us as a congregation.

When we come together to worship with honesty and authenticity, God reveals His presence and glory in our midst. As Jesus said in John 4, honest worship necessitates both Spirit and Truth. 

So, whether we gather in a worship service or a small group, let’s approach one another with love and grace and kindness and humility and acceptance and authenticity. These qualities are essential to create a safe place for people to drop the masks. And let’s also examine ourselves, recognizing where we might be hiding our true selves and learn to bring our whole lives before the Lord in honest worship.

Imagine with me a church (a people!) who all love one another so much - right where they're at - that they bring one another closer to Jesus. For Jesus loves us so much that He never leaves us where we’re at, but He always leads us forward into His amazing purposes!


Pastor Tim

P.S. One of the ways we get to see one another for who we really are is through our church picnic, which happens to be coming up on August 28. For more information, click here. Hope to see you there!
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