God is using my brother Steve!
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On March 4th, 1987, God gave me a little brother. It took some years, but he’s become one of my closest friends. Today, Steve is my right-hand sound man at church. He’s always had a gift for music and sound. He sang before he talked, and I can remember him writing symphonies when he was ten years old. He learned how to play viola by ear (which is crazy hard) in the 5th grade, and he plays bass at church without sheet music because he has perfect pitch!

Call me jealous.

In April, Steve attended an Awaken workshop I hosted. It was so much fun to have him there. I got to help him work through who God says he is, and how God has designed him to play in the building of the Kingdom! It was an honor to see Steve connect aspects of his life together that he hadn’t before. That’s always a humbling experience for me. I can’t believe God allows me to help people in that way. Steve (and I!) left excited and energized, knowing that God had a unique purpose for his life…

“Musicians who’ve felt hurt by the Church will receive an apology and know that God loves and accepts them.”

Steve and his musician friend recording at Greenwood Bros Studios.

Since the workshop, Steve has put his entire being into launching Greenwood Bros Studios. He and I have collaborated on some projects, which has been a blast, but he’s the real talent. He has built a recording studio in his home here in Big Bear, Calif., and he’s begun to run sound for local concerts and open mic nights. Musicians love his willingness to serve them and his caring heart. The best part of all of it is that Steve’s excitement is to be a part of reconciling more and more musicians to their loving Father! He is using his gifts and talents, his passions and interests to meet people that have turned away from God. And he is getting to be the one God uses to bring them back around to Him.

This Saturday, Steve and others will come back together with me for the follow-up workshop called Activate. It helps people know how to actually begin reaching out. But if I’m being totally honest with myself, Steve doesn’t need it. He’s already being obedient to the opportunities God has placed before him! If you’d like to invest in Steve, his family, and his efforts to make local disciples of Jesus in the music community, please let me know. I can tell you that God has got a hold of his heart and his hands. Your investment will go a long long way.

More Lord, please!
Thank you for giving what you give, and loving us the way you do! Without your generous support, we would not have the blessing of celebrating this testimony together.

Nick and the Greenwood fam!
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