August 15, 2016
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Being on time is a professional and personal sign of respect. Being 5 minutes late is not OK.  If you have allowed yourself to be habitually late: 5, 10, 15 minutes, you are shouting to the people you are meeting or dealing with that you do not value them or their time. You are also shouting, “I don’t care”. There are certain habits we can easily begin to change about being on time, but it involves becoming aware of our habitual lateness. Being late with people who are early is even more deadly for your reputation. By the time you arrive, you are really late. Being on time matters. Here some help to get you back on the “one time” track.
Use your device with alarms to get you to where you need to be…you have it with you all the time anyway, make it work for you
See if you can be 5 minutes early 3 times this next week
If morning is when you are habitually late, use your time the night before to lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, organize the “stuff” you need to take with you
If you are organizing a family and kids, post a schedule on the fridge so everyone knows their responsibilities in the morning
Ask for help from your co-workers, secretary, boss, peers, subordinates – let them know you are trying to change your late habits and would appreciate their help
Get over the attitude that “five minutes late is not big deal”  - it is and it is irritating
Look at your behavior of how long you have been habitually late and reward yourself when you are on time
Try one new habit a week to shift and change your lateness
Just do it because it will improve so many other aspects of your daily schedule – sliding into lateness means you have other areas you could be working on too

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

"My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." Steve Jobs
Getting Things Done by David Allen is another of those classics about being your own resource and accountability.  He revolutionized time management and being timely with his techniques and tips for the BUSY professional.  This is one of those books that you will tell your other peers “you know I read what David Allen said about getting things done and using time wisely and it really works”.  What could be better than that?  Click here.

Want immediate help with your confident communication...every time! My CONFIDENT series is just for you starting with "Confident Business Communication Etiquette"It contains all the tips, techniques and strategies you need right now to communicate easily and effectively, faster than you ever thought possible. Click here.

P.S.  Sign up for the monthly "Strategies for Your Success" live call with ME. The next call is this Wednesday, August 17th. When you sign up for the FREE monthly call, you can also submit your questions. We will record the call, but you need to sign up so we know where to send the recording. Looking forward to you being on the monthly call. Click here to register.  
To your success,