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Enliven your heart with this simple exercise...

Being told that we are loved is not the same as feeling loved. Knowing that the sun is shining by looking through a window is a very different experience than actually going outside & feeling the warm sunshine on your bare skin.

It is a healthy & happy person who both knows that they are loved, and feels that they are loved. 
Basking in the warmth and light that is created from having a deep connection to others  is life-giving.

Below is a simple exercise  that can help you to improve your outlook,  enliven your heart, open your mind,  help you to be more kind,  more loving, and more accepting of both yourself and others.
This is a "Loving- Kindness" exercise that will assist in healing and opening your heart.  I truly hope that you enjoy!
Here's what you do...

* Assume a  comfortable, seated position. Close your eyes and start to breath deeply and slowly. Relax.
* Visualize someone you love very much. Direct all your attention to this person you love. Let your heart open towards this person as you think about them. Next, mentally direct these words to your loved one:
"May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you be at ease."
Repeat this 3 times.
Sit for a few moments and marinate in the positive energy you've just created inside of yourself . 
Allow this goodness to  permeate your entire body.
Imagine your cells bathing in this fresh, new energy.
* Now picture yourself in the mirror. Focusing intently on yourself, take a deep breath, and with all of your heart, wish for yourself:
"May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you be at ease."
Repeat 3 times.
Next, picture someone who is a stranger to you. Bring this unknown person to the forefront of your mind, take a deep breath, and again wish these same blessings to this stranger: "May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you be at ease."
Repeat 3 times.
Finally, see someone you don't like. This could be someone who recently hurt or upset you, or someone that you have been harboring ill-will towards for a very long time, or just someone that you feel uncomfortable around and can't seem to connect with or relate to. 
Picture this person, and gently pull them into your heart as you offer this person the same loving gifts that you practiced with the others in this exercise:
"May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you be at ease."
Repeat 3 times.

As you enliven the Chakra of the heart with each practice, we hope that you will enjoy the  happiness, warmth and gentleness that forgiveness brings.
We are all one, made with love from the same Creator and Source of all Life- God.
Your life is not a is an awakening process!
Enjoy yourself. Be at peace. Be well.

With love & appreciation,



Tea & Health Education! Tea has so much going for it! Check out our Events Page and sign up for one of our Fall Classes. Advanced Tea Cupping, Kombucha Class and Biodynamic Farming Intro. coming soon!

Matcha! Celebrate LIFE daily with this miracle of Agriculture!

HOURS: Our Tea Shop Visiting Hours are Monday through Friday 10-5.
I hope that you are all enjoying this beautiful weather, the green grass, bountiful crops and clear skies. We  look forward to seeing you for a 'spot of tea' at the farm soon!

Copyright © 2016 Light of Day Organics, All rights reserved.
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3502 E. Traverse Hwy.
Traverse City, MI 49684