Earth Tones Newsletter - Summer 2016
Community information for Church of the Earth members
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In This Issue:
  • A Pagan Pride Day Experience
  • Tarot of the Season: Problem-Solving Spread
  • Mabon & Samhain Activities
  • Frigg's Forest
  • Sustaining The Gardens
  • Support Our Church Via Amazon Smile
  • Upcoming Events
  • Shops, Events, and Groups

2016 Church Leadership Roster


  • Allison Dixon
  • Dodde Stark (Library Committee Chairperson)
  • Heather Gee (Education & Family Events Committee Chairperson)
  • Jenny Moore (Treasurer)
  • Laurel (High Priestess, Events Committee Chairperson)
  • Mary Grace Phillips
  • Richard Moore (Council Chairperson)
  • Stephanie Shinn
  • Tamara Davis (Council Secretary)



  • Courtney Zane
  • Jason Bzdula
  • Jess Davis
  • Jessica Beall
  • Johnson Davis
  • Steph T.
  • George Whittmore (Awen's Light Grove Liaison)

Summer 2016

Photo courtesy of Sparky Parhamovich

A Pagan Pride Day Experience
Johnson Davis

Pagan Pride Raleigh 2016 will be my 11th year volunteering for the event, and I can’t wait for it to start.  Every year I walk away with a new story to tell, but my favorite story is from a few years back.

A small group of women in what can only be described as “Church Lady” attire (nice dresses, matching pillbox hats, pearls, purses, and sensible heels), arrived at our information booth with questions, concern for our souls, and no small amount of fear. The bravest amongst them mentioned a particular archetype from her own religion, and asked where that might be in our belief system.

I have to admit, until then, my usual answer to this common question was disrespectful and condescending.  I might say something about that being in her path not mine, and imply through word or tone that we Pagans are above such things.

Two things made me respond differently this time.  First, she seemed completely guileless. She honestly seemed to want to understand rather than just using this as a tool to change my mind. And the second thing was a new guideline we had just agreed on for discussing Paganism with non-pagans at that year’s event: Only tell someone what you believe, and how that affects your choices in life. 
This ensures that we don’t make sweeping claims about what “all” pagans believe, and that we never tell someone what they believe.

This is a lot harder than it sounds.  I couldn’t say, “That’s your belief.” I couldn’t say, “Pagans don’t believe in that.”   What could I say? I started with asking her what it represented for her and how it affected her choices in real life. She spoke mostly of temptation and consequences, which made me realize that I do have those concepts in my religion—I just think about them in a different way. I talked to her about my strong belief in personal accountability, and about how I know in my heart that my choices and actions will come back to visit me in this life or the next. There were a few of us in the conversation, and we each shared our views in this way.

In the end, she was still a little concerned about our souls—but she was no longer afraid amongst us, asking a few more questions and then moving with her friends in tow to find some Druids and Heathens. She now saw us as fellow travelers rather than an “other”, and that really made my day. The best part is that she showed up the next day with a much larger group, making the rounds again and getting in lots of shopping.

If you have had a similar experience of an enlightening conversation with someone on a different path, I would love to hear about it. Feel free to email me your story  at!
Photo courtesy of Jessica Beall

Tarot of the Season: Problem-Solving Spread
Jessica Beall

This problem-solving spread was originally devised by Angelo Nasios in Unlocking The Arcana (page 83). The Tarot design used for the sample spread (pictured above) is the Night Sun deck by Lo Scarabeo.

Card Positions:

  1. The problem
  2. What can be changed
  3. What cannot be changed
  4. Other options
  5. Guidance; next steps to take

Sample Question: What can the Tarot tell me about my current job situation? (Currently unemployed)

  1. Seven of Cups. There are many options to choose from right now, many different paths to walk among. Which one do I want to pursue? Which one will make me the happiest? I have to choose.

  2. The Magician. The Magician denotes my extensive training in multiple fields. Master’s degree, EMS, Tarot reading, etc. Yet, there is always room for improvement. This is what can be changed: the pursuit of knowledge and learning new information. I can always learn more to get a job.

  3. Nine of Swords. One cannot change the past. What is done is done. I can only move forward, and learn from my mistakes. Beating myself up over not choosing certain career paths is only causing myself stress and anxiety. The lesson here is to let it go and move on.

  4. Seven of Swords. I see this card as a way to utilize resources to create new opportunities for myself. Take only what is needed, and leave the rest for others.

  5. Hanged Man. Patience, patience, patience. I need to trust my intuition and know that the universe will work things out for me in the end. What positive energy I put out will come back to me.

Photo courtesy of Andreana Vesen

Mabon & Samhain Activities
Dodde Stark

Hello everyone! I am spending way too much time these days checking the trees for any sign that fall is on its way. It is kind of hard to think about Mabon and Samhain when it is 100 degrees outside. But maybe, if we think fall thoughts, it will begin to manifest...and at least we know it will happen sometime in the future. Does the groundhog feel this much pressure in February? Anyway, here is a fun recipe that will get you in the mood for crisp air and warm drinks.

Hot Apple Cider

I bet this would be tasty served ice cold too! It is made in a big pot on the stove or a crockpot. As it cooks down, it will fill your house with the scents of the season.

8-10 apples
1/2 cup brown sugar
5 cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1 whole allspice, or 1 tsp powdered
10 cups water

Cut your apples into quarters. Don’t bother removing the seeds, as you will be straining them out later on.* Place all ingredients into the pot and cook on low for 3 hours. After 3 hours, use an immersion blender or a potato masher to mash the apples as much as you can. Cook for another 1-3 hours, or until the desired flavor has been reached. The longer it cooks, the more intense apple flavor you get. Strain the liquids with a strainer covered with cheese cloth to remove any fine apple pieces. Place in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to one week, or you can freeze to keep and use at a later date.


* If you like thicker apple cider, then go ahead and peel and remove the seeds now and don't strain the liquid later. This way you get to keep all the yummy apple bits in your drink!

When you are preparing this dish, keep in mind that all the ingredients have magical properties that add a deeper level to you cooking. Let's start with the spices.

  • Cinnamon: happiness, healing, love, prosperity, protection, spirituality, strength, and success
  • Clove: love, protection, purification
  • Allspice: healing, luck, money
Apples are a versatile fruit, magically speaking. They are symbols of health, as in “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. They are also the fruit of knowledge. What did Eve present to Adam? What fruit is traditionally given to teachers on the first day of school? If you cut one open horizontally, you can see a star. This can represent air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. They are also said to be a fruit that the dead can eat, so it is a drink you can serve to ALL your loved ones on Samhain.

Mabon Blessing

While toodling along on the interwebs, I found this lovely blessing by Lisa Isaksson. It reminded me of the wonderful point that Laurel made at her July full moon—and wasn't THAT awesome?

At the time of the second harvest,
We gather what we need for the darkness of winter.
Now is the time to plant your seeds for the coming year.
Clarify your dreams
In the light of the Mabon full moon,
And manifest your future.

Blessed be!

Samhain Prayer

I have searched for the author of this prayer, but cannot find it. Judging by the spelling, I would guess it is from our friends overseas. But even the Spiral Scouts don't know, so I will let the search go—but please do let us know if you know who wrote it. Enjoy!

The veil grows thin at the time of the dead,
As we honour our long-gone ancestors
In whose footsteps we tread.

Life retreats into the bulbs and the roots;
The time has passed for flowers and fruits.
As leaves fall thick and carpet the ground,
The Dark Mother waits in silence profound.

Now is the time for the apple feasts;
Time stands still for humans and beasts.
Seek the wisdom of days gone by
To deal with the past and let it lie.

Follow your shadow and accept your faults,
Look now to the future to see your results.
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Capps

Frigg's Forest
Heather Gee

Summer 2016

As the All Mother, Frigg is the Norse Goddess of Mothers and protector of Children. Frigg’s Forest is an on-going series of tips and activities to involve your children in your practice.

Working the land is a skill all children should develop. Tending a garden not only teaches kids how to sow and reap, but also teaches about life and death, about responsibility and following through, and about their own role in the vast web of life.

Beginning in the summer, choose an area where you want to make your garden. Design your garden: flowers, fruits, veggies, or a mix; whether you will use a raised box or plant directly in the soil; choosing the shape, and the border material if any. Spend morning hours throughout the summer preparing your space by clearing out any unwanted vegetation and/or debris. Build your raised box or set up your borders.  Prepare your soil with quality topsoil mixes.

In the fall, plant the desired pieces to fall planting specifications. Continue to tend the garden area to keep weeds at bay.

Over the winter, think fruitful thoughts by creating garden decor. Paint rocks as plant markers, or to look like bees and lady bugs. Make scarecrows. Build faery houses. Have embellishments ready to be installed in the spring.

In the spring, refresh the topsoil and complete the majority of your planting. Continue to tend the garden area to keep weeds at bay. Lay out mulch. Complete your garden with your decorations.

Have the kids be in charge of watering the plants regularly and participate in weeding.

Keep the kids engaged by having them measure the plants as they grow, and inspect for buds and flowers. Make them detectives and have them inspect the garden for other signs of life: insects, rabbits, moles, etc.

Continue to tend the garden and watch for growth in plants and animals through the summer.

In the fall, have kids note the changes they see with the plants, and explain how things are fading and beginning to go dormant for the year. Share the story of Persephone and the changing of the seasons. If you did a veggie garden, harvest your veggies. Do some freezing or canning.

In the winter, bring in any decorations that need sprucing up and upgrade your embellishments as desired. Redesign your garden to eliminate aspects that didn’t work for your family, and implement new aspects. Review with the family how well everyone did, and reward the responsibility shown and follow-through completed. If you did a veggie garden, enjoy the veggies that were saved for the winter.

When spring arrives again, review the Cycle of Life and get busy tending the Earth!

Sustaining the Gardens

Our Sustaining Members program allows us to maintain Gaia's Gardens and other projects that benefit the local Pagan community. Instead of depending almost entirely on cash donations dropped in the jar at events, we are asking those who can to pledge as little as $5 a month using their credit card through PayPal. Our goal is to reach $300 a month, and we have gotten the ball rolling with a total of $245 a month from 16 individual contributors so far! Visit and check out the "Sustain" section near the bottom of the page if you would like to join this effort to help us maintain our sacred space!
Support Our Church Via Amazon Smile
Jenny Moore

It’s your friendly neighborhood treasurer here to give you the word on AmazonSmile! It’s possible that you may not have heard of this program, but it is a lovely way to support the Church of the Earth while you shop online. This program is set up by, and for all eligible purchases made via AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to a selected charity.

To get started with the program, you simply need to go to “” using the web browser on your computer or mobile device instead of the usual “” address you'd use to shop otherwise. It is also a good idea to update your bookmarks to the Smile URL so that you don’t even have to think about the change. The first time you go to the website, you will need to login with your Amazon account and then pick your charity from the many available. You will find us listed as “Church of the Earth of Raleigh, NC”.

That’s it! Once you are set up, just use the URL, and AmazonSmile will do the rest! Despite being a different URL, it will offer the exact same great Amazon shopping experience and products. I know 0.5% may not seem like much, but every little bit helps out our community that we are growing here in Raleigh.

If you have any further questions about this program, feel free to send me a quick message at and I can point you in the right direction!

Upcoming Events

Photo courtesy of Tamara Davis


Pagan's Night Out
Friday 9/09, 7:30pm
Event Host: Johnson

Sunday Worship Circle
Sunday 9/11, 10:30am
Event Leader: Sarah

Full Moon Ritual
Thursday 9/15, 7:30pm
Event Leader: Jason

Central NC Pagan Pride
Saturday 9/17 and
Sunday 9/18

Garden Work Day
Saturday 9/24, 10:00am
Event Host: Jason

Mabon Sabbat
Sunday 9/25, 7:30pm
Event Leaders: Council


Dark Moon
Saturday 10/1, 7:30pm
Event Leaders: Dodde, Tamara, & Laurel

Sunday Worship Circle
Sunday 10/2, 10:30am
Event Leader: Richard

Pagan's Night Out
Friday 10/14, 7:30pm
Event Host: Johnson

Full Moon Ritual
Saturday 10/15, 7:30pm
Event Leader: Johnson

Sunday Worship Circle
Sunday 10/16, 10:30am
Event Leader: TBD

Samhain Sabbat
Monday 10/31, 7:30pm
Event Leader: Jason


Meet & Greet at
Trali Pub, Morrisville
Thursday 11/3, 6:00pm
Event Host: Dodde

Sunday Worship Circle
Sunday 11/6, 10:30am
Event Leader: Jason

Pagan's Night Out
Friday 11/11, 7:30pm
Event Host: Johnson

Full Moon
Monday 11/14, 7:30pm
Event Leaders: Jenny & Jess

Sunday Worship Circle
Sunday 11/20, 10:30am
Event Leader: Steph T.

Shops, Events, and Groups

To keep the newsletter to a more manageable size, the list of shops, events, and groups is now available as a Google document which anyone can view. This also allows us to keep the list up-to-date more easily
Copyright © 2016 Church of the Earth of NC, All rights reserved.

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