A Newsletter for Guests and Friends of Clothing Optional Home Network.  Change your subscription settings or unsubscribe at the bottom of the page.
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Bayou Allure in Baton Rouge
Saves the Day!

Sometimes it's not always about business...

We are so proud of our host at Bayou Allure Clothing Optional Bed and Breakfast in Baton Rouge, Louisiana!  After the recent flooding in that area, Bayou Allure was turned into a shelter for 8 people who have lost their homes and most of their possessions to the ravages of the flood.  Seeing the need of friends and neighbors, our host has suspended his business until all of the residents have established at least temporary housing.

In a message to us this week, he said the situation is far worse than originally thought.  Entire apartment complexes are in ruins, with at least a foot of water throughout.  Homes are flooded and residents have lost personal possessions and transportation, since cars were under water.

There is nothing available for them to rent within a reasonable distance of Baton Rouge...even if they could get there!  Rental cars are not available and car dealerships are flooded out.  It is apparently quite a mess...physically and emotionally.

We applaud the compassion of our host at Bayou Allure!

Please keep the flood victims in your thoughts and prayers and send whatever help you can to legitimate charitable organizations to help at this difficult time.  Of course, the American Red Cross is in the lead on providing assistance.  Here is a Link to donate directly to the Louisiana victims.

Bayou Allure anticipates reopening for guests by September 26th, so book your reservations for after that date. 

AZ Lagoon del Sol - For Sale

Due to health issues that the hosts of AZ Lagoon del Sol in Phoenix, AZ are currently dealing with, they are selling their home.  If you have been to AZ Lagoon del Sol, you know it is a beautiful home that has been a relaxing haven for guests since 2011.  The home is available mostly furnished, so you can just walk in, be at home and ready to host immediately!  This is one of our most successful locations, so we would really like to keep AZ Lagoon in the network so that guests can continue to enjoy it as well as the new owners having the benefit of hosting guests!  Hosting is one of the most rewarding things our hosts at all locations have ever done...they love it!  Plus, being in the hospitality business has the reward of operating a business from home...where vacations come to you! 

If you are interested in the possibility of purchasing the home, please contact us at 866-268-8852 Ext. 3 to discuss.

In the mean time, AZLDS is still taking reservations up until the home sells...hopefully to a naturist who will keep it open and welcoming guests!
Clothing Optional Network is a Participating Business Partner with the American Association of Nude Recreation!  Each of our locations follow the AANR Principles and Standards in operating their individual homes.  Each of our locations in the US have joined AANR as Participating Business to let prospective guests know that the atmosphere at their location is that of a place to relax, refresh and recharge in a quality clothing optional environment.  Each of our hosts are AANR members and understand their role in promoting Social Nudity as a normal and mainstream lifestyle.  

Know that you will enjoy your stay at a C-OHN home and that your stay will be discreet and private!

Call today for reservations at:

Casa Alegra
is Back!!

After a brief hiatus last Spring to deal with some family issues, Casa Alegra in Sarasota County, FL is back!  Our hosts are excited to reopen their home and allow guests the relaxing experience they provide.  There have been some upgrades done while they were on hiatus that make the experience even better than before!  The reviews we get from guests are phenomenal and heartfelt in their praise of our hosts and their welcoming spirit.

With the upcoming Winter Season, book your reservations early so you won't be disappointed if the dates you want aren't available.  The pool will be nice and warm all season, so you can escape the Winter cold and enjoy some sunshine...naturally, at Casa Alegra in Sarasota Country FL!

Check out more photos and details at


Amigos Casa - Guadalajara
Special for our 
e-Newsletter Subscribers and Former Guests!
Amigos Casa, near Guadalajara in Mexico, is currently only available to former guests at all of our other locations or subscribers to this e-Newsletter.  So, if you would like to book a stay at this absolutely glorious private retreat, call 866-268-8852 Ext. 1 for reservations. 

Find more information at Amigos Casa...your new nudist friends in Mexico!
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Our mailing address is:
20235 N. Cave Creek Rd. #104-153, Phoenix, AZ 85024

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