
Together we can create a safer more vibrant community!


August 2016

Gilmore Park News

Yoga in the Park
Neighbour Amie is leading a Yoga class in Gilmore Park Wednesday, August 31 from 6:30-8pm.  This is a great class for beginners and is very safe for those with physical restrictions.  Bring a mat and a donation for Amie and join us!

Book Club - September 12
Our next book club meeting will be September 12, 7:15pm at Neighbour Aime's house.  The book that will be discussed is 'Georgia's Kitchen' by Jenny Nelson, library copies of the book are available from Aime.  If you are interested in joining please RSVP to Aime at or join the event listed on our GPCL Facebook page.

Movie Night in the Park
Back by popular demand! This September we would like to organize a Potluck & Movie Night in Gilmore Park.  Please let us know via doodle when you are available and add a comment with what you could bring and what movie you would like to see.  We can even make it a double header starting with a family movie and ending with a adult/teen movie!
Please reply to the poll by September 5

Dab 'n Gab Paint Night

The Arts & Culture Council of Strathcona County presents Dab 'n Gab Paint Night at the SPARK Gallery, 2257 Premier Way, Sherwood Park September 01, 2016 7:00 to 9:00PM.  Express your creativity in a relaxing evening with fellow aspiring artists.

Cost: $10 for ACCSC members, $20 for non-members  
More information and online registration: 
Dab 'n Gab Paint Night 

These are the people in your neighbourhood
This month we are featuring Tesha Owen.  Tesha has been operating a Day Home for the past 8 years.  When you see Tesha around the neighbourhood she is usually surrounded by kids or out delivering the Sherwood Park News with her family.

Q&A with Tesha
Q: How long have you lived in Glen Allan?
Four and a half years.
Q: What do you like about your neighbourhood? The biggest I like about my neighborhood is our location. Our street is quiet and doesn't have alot of traffic making it safe for my kids to play outside. I like being so close to the park and that we don't have to cross any big streets. I like that I know most of our neighbors and enjoy out little chats as our paths cross.
Q: What is your favourite community memory? My favourite memory would be our annual summer street BBQ'S. I enjoy sitting around the fire and visiting with my neighbors.
Q: What quote inspires you?  My quote that inspires me is Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Gilmore Park Community League


If you have anything to add to upcoming e-newletters and/or if you have neighbours that would like to join our communications.



Did you know?
Exactly 2 years ago our community celebrated the completion of the pathway in the park with a Bike Parade.  A true celebration of neighbour power!!

Strathcona County News
On Neighbour Day enjoy a free Block Party event at Broadmoor Lake Park (2015 Oak Street) on Sunday, September 11 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Glen Allan News
The Glen Allan Recreation Centre Grand Re-Opening is Saturday, October 1.  Follow this LINK for project updates

Neighbourhood Exchange!
If you have an item to upcycle or if you need to borrow a wheel barrow, furniture dolly, ladder, etc. or need help mending pants or to fix a faucet, post your request to the Gilmore Park Facebook page or email with your specific need for an item or skill.  We can not guarantee that someone can help but we can facilitate the sharing/exchange by spreading the word! #NeighbourPower

If you would like GPCL to send a note to a neighbour for any reason: new to the neighbourhood, new baby, experienced a loss in the family, etc.  please email us at

Subscribe to Community Updates via Mayor Roxanne Carr

Stay connected via Councillor Dave Anderson's Ward 2 Updates

More info and news from Strathcona County

2016-2017 GPCL
Board of Directors

Tammy, Mycki, Deneka, Alena, Katie, Shelley, Christie, Maggie & Chrystal


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