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GWP at Stockholm Water Week 2016

Final preparations are underway for Stockholm World Water Week 2016, which this year takes place 28 August – 2 September. Similar to previous years, GWP has a prominent role at the event, with representatives involved in a number of sessions. Here are some highlights. Read more >>

August 2016

The challenges of knowledge management

Danka Thalmeinerova is Senior Knowledge Management Officer at the GWP global secretariat in Stockholm. She joined the organisation in 2008 but has a long history with GWP before that – both at regional and country level. In the on-going interview series to mark GWP’s 20th Anniversary, Dr. Thalmeinerova speaks about her job: “I did not envisage how inspiring but challenging this would be.” Read more >>


Journey to rejuvenate Hindon River in India

GWP India in association with the 2030 Water Resources Group and Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department launched Hindon River Yatra, a travel exhibition and symposium on 27 June. It demonstrates the positive energy and efforts undertaken by multi stakeholders across governments, civil society and the private sector for rejuvenation of the Hindon River. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Water economy (The News International)

Rwanda champions buffer zones for water quality protection (New Vision)

Niger Basin countries earmark $274m to fight climate change (National Mirror)

More news >>

Up-coming events
12-14 September, 19th International River Symposium, New Delhi, India.

25-27 September, IDA International Water Reuse Conference, Nice, France.

17-21 October, CFS 43 Plenary Session, Rome, Italy

More events >>

New resources
GWP Central America Assessment of the Drought of 2014

Ecosystem Functions and Services in IWRM (Cap-Net UNDP)

Water and Climate Diplomacy: Integrative Approaches for Adaptive Action in Transboundary River Basins (adelphi)

More resources >>

Geneva Water Hub: Online course in International Water Law. Deadline 1 September.

Securing Water for Food: 4th Global Call for Innovations. Deadline 10 October.

More calls >>

Youth engaged at summer university in Samothraki

The Summer University of Samothraki 2016 took place on 9 - 22 July on the island of Samothraki in Greece. The students and lecturers engaged in ecosystem based management were trained on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) by using the GWP IWRM ToolBox. Read more >>

More youth activities:

Pan-Asian workshop on urban water issues 

The 2016 GWP PANASIA workshop was organised by GWP Southeast Asia and hosted by the Singapore National Water Agency (PUB) in Singapore on 14-15 July. The theme was “Innovative Urban Water Management in Asia.” Read more >>


GWP Med contributes to water governance

GWP Mediterranean has contributed to the OECD Water Governance Initiative (WGI) since its launch in 2013. The region was represented at the 7th meeting of the WGI held on 23-24 June in The Netherlands. Read more >>

AWW6 renews commitment to implement SDGs

The 6th Africa Water Week (AWW6), the African continent’s premier event on the water calendar was held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on 18-22 July. The theme was “Achieving the SDGs on Water Security and Sanitation.” Read more >>

GWP Mediterranean at AWW6:


Access to water: Helping or hurting poor people?

A new Technical Committee Perspectives Paper draws attention to the adverse effects some increasing block tariffs have on development. Read more >>


GWP blog: Harvesting rainwater, sustaining life

Konstantina Toli, Senior Programme Officer with GWP Mediterranean, writes a blog about rainwater harvesting lessons from the GWP regions. Read more >>

Mark the date - GWP Network Meeting!

This year's meeting is a virtual one, to be broadcast live on 11 October on A recorded version will be available later. More information to follow. Key documents:

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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