Summer visits and vision trip to Avignon for Kathy and Peter Lee!
August 2016
Winding French road
Our First Email Bonjour...
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...if you’re reading this, you have successfully received our first email newsletter! Your relationship is a huge encouragement to us on our journey to serve God's mission in Avignon, France. We'll keep in touch with our latest news, fundraising progress and prayer requests.
We Love to Visit!
Kathy, Peter and James at RCC
We love to visit churches to share about God's mission on our fundraising tour. As we walked into the junior high school rented by Restoration Community Church, Pastor Brian and James the mission elder (in photo) welcomed us but looked a little different. We're used to seeing them in their softball gear since our churches participate in the same league. More than competitors, we praise God for them as co-laborers in His mission!
Reply to this email if your church might like us to visit and speak.
Covenant Harbor Camp looks fun, huh? Kathy shared about our mission call to Avignon, France with the day campers. Covenant World Mission connects missionaries with camps as guest speakers. Preparing to go overseas as a missionary is a ministry in itself. It can be overwhelming. The one upside is sharing a vision for God's global mission. It's amazing to think that God might inspire some of these kids to be future missionaries!
Spiritual Fun and Summer Sun
Covenant Harbor day campers
A summer highlight for our family was Cave Quest VBS based on the theme “Following Jesus: The Light of the World.” Since Kathy taught a rotation of the biblical topics, she was able to talk with our boys about their personal understanding of Jesus. We thank God for our spiritual family at Christ Covenant Church which nurtures our children to grow spiritually.
These past seven years, the church has also given Kathy a unique place to serve as a minister called by God. You can read more in a recent Covenant Companion article.
Another highlight for Theo (7) and Bo (10) was swimming at the pool with their cousins and friends. Theo not only jumped from the diving board for the first time but also progressed to front flips. Meanwhile, Bo kept busy in the deep end chasing his friends back and forth in swim tag. 

In a comic book called “Tétine Man,” Bo read about la dame de la piscine = the pool lady. She kicks out a boy for his swimming trunks being one centimeter too long! Who knew that French pool culture could be so different?
Pray for...Our Family Vision Trip
From 8/26-9/5, we're all going to Avignon for the first time. Please pray for...
Avignon, FR map

...Detailed information on Avignon for future decisions about a place to live, children’s school, language school, etc.
...Positive experiences to excite our sons about living in France
...Renewed inspiration and vision to energize our support raising process

Pastor Thierry
...Good conversations with Pastor Thierry (photo) and church leaders to envision ministry needs, opportunities and our role definition

...Relationship building with key church members

...Open dialogue with our regional coordinators, John and Letha Kerl, and Pastor Thierry to help with our relocation needs
Join us in God's Mission to Avignon, France!  
Thank you to those already partnering with us to serve in God's mission to Avignon, France through Covenant World Mission! 
If you're interested in becoming a partner, please consider a monthly or one-time donation online or sign-up for our newsletters. Your tax-deductible donation directly funds our budget and "sends" us to France. (Romans 10:15)
Catch the wave of God's global mission!
Merci beaucoup, 
Kathy and Peter
Kathy's Email
Copyright © 2016 Katherine and Peter Lee, All rights reserved.

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