
September Meeting: Tues 13th, 7-8pm

Regular meeting @ 2401 Cornwall Ave, basement of First Congregational Church

Special topic: new swings at Broadway Park, near Broadway and N. Park, close to Roeder house.

Speaker: Leslie Bryson, Director
Bellingham Parks and Recreation Dept:

"The previous location of the swings is not ADA accessible, and there is a lot of vegetation that would need to be removed to install any feature there. The previous location of the swings was also quite close to the existing play structure in the northern part of Broadway Park. The proposed location provides walkable access to a play feature to residents who live closer to the southern end of the park, and an opportunity to create a new ADA accessible path into the park.

The swing we have for Broadway Park is exactly like the one in the Cornwall Park north playground, next to the spray park. It is a two bay arch swing, with two swings in each bay. We usually install two belt swings in one bay and two tot swings in the other bay. (safety guidelines require tot swings be separate from belt swings)

For now, we only have funding for the swing, but are leaving space for other play equipment, and would work with the neighborhood on design when we have more funding.

I can also give an update on Fountain Plaza and a few other projects in this area."
Lettered Streets Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 852 Bellingham, WA 98227 USA
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