UK FUSION 2016: CKAS Edition
For the third year in a row, Central Kentucky Audubon Society participated in FUSION--"For Unity and Service in our Neighborhoods"--the University of Kentucky student day of volunteerism. This year, CKAS requested students to help assemble and paint forty more Prothonotary Warbler nest tubes. We knew this would be a daunting task since the work needed to be completed in three hours. Adding to the challenge: a minor setback when the absent-minded project leader and CKAS President realized he had forgotten the 13/16" drill bit and had to run out and get one. Luckily, Loren Taylor, KFDWR avian biologist who developed the tube design and helped with the assembly project, was able to keep things rolling and entertain the students with stories about birds in Tony's absence. In the end, the students lived up to the task! In record time, they assembled and painted all forty tubes. In fact, Loren mused that the paint jobs the students did was "perhaps the best camouflage" she'd ever seen on PROW tubes. See pictures below.
This, of course, throws down a gauntlet. CKAS still has 144 more 8" tubes which could be assembled into PROW nest boxes for KDFWR distribution. We will need to purchase a few more parts, but we feel this is a worthwile project: Prothonotary Warblers rank a 14 on the State of North America's Birds Report, putting them on the "Watch List." Building more tubes is an opportunity for CKAS to do some easy good for threatened local birds. The reports from our first 100 tubes indicate a 35% acceptance rate by PROWs, even though some boxes got installed late in the season. In some areas like the Ballard WMA, Prothonotary Warblers took up residence in 62% of the placed tubes. Loren expects the acceptance rate to be even higher next year since PROWs exhibit very high site fidelity. She's already heard from several of the WMA managers who are excited by the project and anxious to participate again next year, many who have requested she install more nest tubes. So can CKAS build out the remaining 144 tubes in an upcoming project and camouflage them nearly as well as the students did? Time will tell... We're thinking this will be a good November or December CKAS event (after the mosquito season). Watch future newsletters for more info.
The UK FUSION 2016: CKAS Edition Crew
"The camo on these tubes puts Jim's prototype to shame!" said Loren Taylor.
A Walk in Every County? New Leaders, Too?
Recently, some members of the Central Kentucky Audubon Society Board began discussing a somewhat ambitious goal for next year: A bird walk in each of the ten counties we represent. Over the past few months, we've paid attention to who attends our regular walks -- and we have been pleasantly surprised to have been joined on far-from-Lexington walks by birdwatchers from the local areas who we usually don't usually see in Fayette County. So we plan to make a conscientious effort to schedule walks in counties we have not traditionally done so. If you live in one of our counties where you can't remember there ever being a walk, we want to hear from you since we could use your help selecting good birding locations. Additionally, as we schedule more walks, we will eventually need a few more walk leaders. So look for some "Bird Walk Leader Classes" toward the start of next year (even some outside Fayette County) where we'll discuss planning, orchestrating, and reporting data from bird walks. It doesn't take an expert to run a bird walk; you don't even need to be an extrovert. You just need a place, a few like-minded friends, and a desire to find some birds, rare or otherwise.
Upcoming CKAS (& Other) Events
These and other events can be found on our CKAS Web Calendar. Know of a bird-themed event we missed? Please send details to calendar@CKAS.org to get them added to our web & Facebook pages.
Sept 1st to 31st: The 314 Community Art Project Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3990 Raven Run Way, Lexington. Missed the 314 Banner last month at McConnell Springs? Come out and see Lexington's handiwork at Raven Run. Do some birdwatching while you're there!
Sept. 3rd (Sat.) 7:30am-2:00pm: Bird Walk Minor E. Clark Fish Hatchery 120 Fish Hatchery Road, Morehead KY. To carpool, meet at 7:30 am in the parking lot of Eastland Shopping Center (near the Rite Aid). DO NOT BE LATE! Bring lunch.
Sept. 9th (Fri.) 5:30pm-9:30pm: Swift Night Out + Dinner #2 Alfalfa 141 E. Main Street, Lexington. Join us in downtown Lexington for dinner at Alfalfa and our second A Swift Night Out Chimney Swift count (chimney TBD). RSVP to president@CKAS.org.
Sept. 10th (Sat.) 11:00am-12:30pm: 2nd Saturday Seminar: TBA Wild Birds Unlimited 152 N. Locust Hill, Lexington KY. Always something educational and exciting!
Sept. 11th (Sun.) 12:00pm-4:30pm: Kentucky Audubon Council Meeting Sara Michaels Restaurant, 113 North 1st Street, Central City. Open to all Audubon members. To carpool/caravan from Lexington/ Versailles, RSVP and expect to leave about 8:30am and get back late.
Sept. 16th to 18th (Fri.-Sun,) Kentucky Ornithological Society Annual Meeting Lake Cumberland sate Resort Park 5465 State Park Rd, Jamestown KY. Join KOS for their Annual Meeting. Keynote speaker: ornithologist and professional tour leader Kevin Karlson (Saturday at 3:30). More info at birdky.org.
Sept. 16th (Fri.) 7:00pm-8:00pm: Night Hike Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill 3501 Lexington Road, Harrodsburg KY. Join Shaker Village naturalists for a guided night walk with tips to help you spot signs of animal night life. Meet on the steps of the Trustees Office.
Sept. 17th (Sat.) 8:00am-11:30am+/-: Bird Walk Lexington Cemetery 833 W. Main St., Lexington. Meet/park around the first right turn after coming in the gate. Do NOT park in the gatehouse spaces!
Sept. 17th (Sat.) 10:00am-11:00am: Junior Naturalist: Animals on the Move (w/ McConnell Springs) McConnell Springs 416 Rebmann Lane, Lexington KY. For grades K-5. Learn about animals preparing for migration. Call 859-225-4073 to preregister.
Sept. 17th (Sat.) 10:00am-12:00pm: Monarch Butterfly Tagging Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill 3501 Lexington Road, Harrodsburg KY. Join Shaker Village naturalists for an easy hike through the Preserve, a discussion of wildflowers, and the chance to tag migrating monarchs. Limited availability; please register and prepay.
Sept. 18th (Sun.) 3:00pm-5:00pm: Monarch Butterfly Tagging Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill 3501 Lexington Road, Harrodsburg KY. Join Shaker Village naturalists for an easy hike through the Preserve, a discussion of wildflowers, and the chance to tag migrating monarchs. Limited availability; please register and prepay.
Sept. 24th (Sat.) 7:30am-1:00pm: Bird Walk Berea Woods Big Hill Rd, Hwy 21E, Berea. Carpools leaving from the outside parking lot of Lakeside Golf Course 3725 Richmond Road (Coys Drive) at 7:30 prompt. DO NOT BE LATE! Bring lunch. Or meet at the old Indian Fort Theater (2047 Big Hill, Berea) at 8:15am.
Oct. 1st (Sat.) 8:00am-11:30am: Bird Walk (w/ASK) Maine Chance Farm (Spindletop) 2099 Newtown Pike, Lexington. Meet at 8:00am at the McDonald's on Newton Pike & I-64 in the overflow parking area on the far side of the building. BE PROMPT!!
Oct. 2nd (Sun.) 10:00am-12:00pm: The Raven 10K Trail Run (w/Raven Run) Raven Run Nature Sanctuary 3885 Raven Run Way, Lexington. Join the Friends of Raven Run and Lexington Parks and Recreation for The Raven 10K Trail Run. $45 race entry supports Raven Run.
Oct. 5th (Wed.) 7:00pm-9:30pm: CKAS Meeting Location and details TBD.
Oct. 8th (Sat.) 11:00am-12:30pm: 2nd Saturday Seminar: TBA Wild Birds Unlimited 152 N. Locust Hill, Lexington KY. Always something educational and exciting!
Oct 15th (Sat.) 8:00am-2:00pm: Fall Bird Seed Sale Day #1 Southern States Co-Op 2570 Palumbo, Lexington. Do you have enough bird seed to make it to January? Now's the time to stock up. You can take your seed with you or leave it at Southern States to pick up as you need. NOTE: All stored seed must be picked up within twelve months. Proceeds support CKAS. Volunteers needed from 8-11 & 11-2: e-mail seedsale@ckas.org.
Oct 22nd (Sat.) 8:00am-2:00pm: Fall Bird Seed Sale Day #2 Southern States Co-Op 2570 Palumbo, Lexington. Missed us last week? This is your last chance to stock up enough bird seed to make it through the winter. You can take your seed with you or leave it at Southern States to pick up as you need. NOTE: All stored seed must be picked up within twelve months. Proceeds support CKAS. Volunteers needed from 8-11 & 11-2: e-mail seedsale@ckas.org.
Oct 22nd (Sat.) 10:00am-12:00pm: Bird Hike & Banding Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill 3501 Lexington Road, Harrodsburg KY. Join Shaker Village naturalists as they assist in bird banding research projects and see how you can help biologists across the country compile important data. $15 age 13+, $5 age 6-12, 5 and under free. Limited space: RSVP here.
Oct 22nd (Sat.) 1:00pm-1:30pm: Be a Bird Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill 3501 Lexington Road, Harrodsburg KY. Learn about the local birds then make your own beak and wings from recycled materials. $10 age 13+, $5 age 6-12, 5 and under free. Limited space: RSVP here.
Oct 22nd (Sat.) 7:00pm-???: Birds, Words & Wine--A Literary Evening The Brusate-Hollis Residence 524 Rosemont Garden, Lexington. Join CKAS for our second book club evening where we'll be discussing Tom Crawford's 2011 poetry book The Names of Birds (used copies from $20 at AmazonSmile). Must bring a bottle of wine (or other beverage/snack) with a bird on it. Please RSVP.