
singapore st andrew’s society e-news: August 2016

chieftain’s chat

Welcome back, if you left these sunny shores for Scotland or anywhere else in the world.

I spent almost three months in our little village on the outskirts of the Trossachs and loved every minute of it. The weather was fabulous, the catch-ups were as special as always, and I did touristy things on the doorstep like climb Ben A’an (evidence below). It was tough to leave, as always, but now that I’m back, it’s full swing into the Society calendar.

Last week we were enjoying the views (through the haze) at UsQuBa, plus indulging in their amazing food. Judging by my fuzzy head the next morning, there was certainly plenty of wine being poured! Thanks to new sponsor IFS for enabling us to host you all there. Some pics below.

Whisky Kiss will soon be here, so remember to get your tickets. Not long after, we are taking part in the British Association’s 60th birthday at Eden Hall on the 1st October. Should be a fun day out for the family. 

Dancing starts back tomorrow, with ball dance practices scheduled to start in October. This is going to my year where I know what I’m doing, so no more toes will be damaged... check out all our regular events on our website (link at the bottom of this page).

Hope to see you all soon. 


Drop in coffee morning

Going forward, we are going to clink our coffee cups with the British Association and St David’s Society. Let's join them for a blether every Thursday from 10.30am at Dome Cafe in New Plaza Singapura, Atrium 03-92.

No need to book, just come along and look for the BA flags and welcoming faces.
Join us at the British Association’s garden party to celebrate 60 years of the British Association in Singapore.

It promises to be a great family day with lots of entertainment and a chance to have some great food and drinks. There is also a dedicated children’s area provided courtesy of GEMS World Academy (Singapore).

Come and test your strength with a tug-of-war hosted by the St Andrew’s Society, and sample some Scottish baking.

Enjoy early bird prices until 31 August: 
BA Members adults $35 Children (under 12) $10 
Non members adult $45 Children (under 12) $15

For further details and tickets see
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