Jason and I had a tremendous opportunity to use miles and fly to Idaho to visit my Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Bob for a week at the very end of July!
Saddle up!
The Wycliffe Volunteer and Intern Placement (VIP) team is getting ready for a week-long meeting from September 12-16th.  We are meeting to solidify our process of how we do things, as well as remember why we do what we do.  Since my team is spread across 5 states, we will invest time in getting to know each other better so that we can communicate and work better together, especially since most of our communication is through technological means.

Would you pray for these meetings?  Pray for clear communication between the leadership and the team.  Pray for patience as we work through technical difficulties that are bound to happen.  Pray for perseverance through parts of our job that are challenging.  Pray for joy in realizing that we are incredibly privileged to be a part of sending other people overseas to help get God's Word to those who have never heard it before.
Back at the ranch
Six interns returned home in the month of August. They came back from Africa, S.E. Asia and Papua New Guinea.  Some served for a few months, while one was abroad for about 11 months.  Their roles consisted of language development work, literacy, translation assisting, producing books to be used by national translators, Bible translation drafting, helping with exegetical checking, and scripture distribution.

Would you pray for these interns? Pray that they would have a successful transition back to life here in the states and into whatever God has called them to next?  Pray that some of them might consider longer-term service with Wycliffe.
Personal Prayers and Praises
Praise for a God's faithfulness to us - We both have good jobs, we love our church, and we are growing in our marriage.  We have much to be thankful for.
Prayer for energy for Jason and me - Jason is teaching swimming as part of his job at the Elementary school this week, as well as starting a golf club.  I am working hard to get ready for our team meetings as well as keep up with regular VIP work.
Prayer for our church - Our little churchplant will be moving into a new building (not our own, but renting from another ministry), as well as kicking off some new ministries this Fall.  Pray for wisdom, and deeper relationships with the Lord and with each other as we work together.
Prayer for God's timing for us to have a baby.
Partner with me?
Wycliffe missionaries do not receive a guaranteed salary, but instead rely on the faithful gifts of friends and churches who partner with me on an ongoing basis.  Through your faithful monthly or yearly gifts, I can freely give my energy to the Wycliffe Volunteer and Intern role God has called me to. If you are ever interested in being a part of this ministry to reach the Bibleless, please let me know and I'd be happy to talk with you. Or, you can connect with me through the methods below.

 Currently, I need $145/month to get to 100% of the budget Wycliffe has proposed for me.  We're almost there!

Ways to partner with me:
Elizabeth Eno: Member # 285778
Give online: www.wycliffe.me/eno
Give by phone1-800-WYCLIFFE (992-5433)
Give by mail: Wycliffe Bible Translators- P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862
Here is a 2 minute video that summarizes my work with Wycliffe Bible Translators over the past 10+ years!  Please feel free to share it with those who might be interested in partnering with us!

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." - Hebrews 4:16

For His Glory, and for the Nations,
Until All Have Heard,
Elizabeth Eno
Copyright © 2016 Elizabeth Eno, All rights reserved.

5170 Gulf Sturgeon Lane
Saint Cloud, FL 34772
(302) 229-9695

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