Salon: Issue 369
6 September 2016
Next issue: 20 September 2016
The Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter (Salon) is a fortnightly digest of heritage news. It focuses on the activities of the Society and the contributions that the Society's Fellows make to public life. A copy of Salon’s editorial policy can be found on the Society’s website.
Please send news, comment and feedback for publication to the Editor, Mike Pitts, at Salon Editor.
Salon does not review books, but the Editor is pleased to receive details and front cover images of new titles written by Fellows. Scholarly publications are reviewed in The Antiquaries Journal: for details see Publications.
Inside this issue
From the Desk of the General Secretary
Kelmscott Manor Secured for the Future with a £4.7 million Grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has given initial support for a £4.7 million grant and awarded £334,800 toward the first (development) stage of a £6 million project to secure the future of Kelmscott Manor, the former Cotswolds retreat of William Morris, which is owned by the Society of Antiquaries of London and open to the public as a historic house and museum attraction.
Stuart McLeod, Head of HLF South East, said: “William Morris’s time at Kelmscott had a strong influence on his conservation beliefs, so it’s fitting that this project will bring a number of historic buildings at the site back into use as well as complete some much-needed restoration.
“Thanks to National Lottery players, physical and virtual access to the heritage and legacy of Kelmscott and Morris will be transformed, and we’re delighted to support these plans.â€
Development stage funding will enable the Society to draw up proposals to double visitor numbers, improve visitor facilities at the Manor (including re-interpretation of the house and wider estate) and undertake vital conservation work. Read more about this great news via the Society's website.
Memorial for Past President Christopher Brooke
Professor Christopher Brooke, MA LittD FBA FSA, who died in December, was a distinguished Fellow in addition to his achievements as a historian. He was the Society’s oldest-surviving President, a post he held from 1981 to 1984. An important aspect of his presidency was the decision to re-open excavations at Sutton Hoo under the direction of Martin Carver FSA.
The memorial event is to be held on Thursday, 22 September, and will focus on the impact Christopher Brooke had as a Fellow and President of the Society, and we hope Fellows, Friends and Family will come together to celebrate his accomplishments. The event (16.00 - 17.00) will be followed by a drinks reception (17.00 - 19.00). All are welcome, but we ask you to please reserve a place to help us prepare for the evening.

Three hundred and fifty years ago, the City of London was a smoking ruin. The Great Fire, which broke out on Sunday 2 September 1666, was under control by 5 September.
Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral, whose predecessor was destroyed in the fire on 4 September, was lit with projected flame effects over this last weekend. The Museum of London’s exhibition Fire! Fire! opened in July, and closes on 17 April next year; exhibits include the museum’s fire engine from the late 1670s, restored by Croford Coachbuilders using traditional techniques and materials. Visit London has a website detailing these and other events.
Pictured is an oil painting of the Great Fire seen from Ludgate, c 1670–78, restored by William Jones c 1910 (Museum of London).
V&A Director to Leave Britain
Richard Brooks, Arts Editor at The Sunday Times, wrote in the paper on 4 September (subscription needed) that Martin Roth, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, ‘is expected to return to his native Germany this week’, disillusioned by an increasingly insular post-Brexit Britain.
Roth, writes Brooks, ‘is seen as the London museum’s most successful director since Roy Strong [FSA] in the 1970s.’ He had planned to tell staff on Monday morning, and announce the news publicly at the press launch of Revolution, a new exhibition about late 1960s and early 1970s culture, on 7 September. He had spoken out against Brexit before the referendum, writes Brooks, and afterwards he described the result as ‘a personal defeat’.
Roth has been Director of the V&A since September 2011, before which he was Director General of the Dresden State Art Collections (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden), overseeing 12 museums and galleries. According to Brooks, he has no immediate job to go to outside the UK, but it seems likely that his talents will be fast sought after.
The V&A confirmed the departure in a press release the next day. Roth will leave the post ‘in the autumn’. He ‘intends to devote more time to various international cultural consultancies and plans to spend more time with his wife Harriet and their children, in Berlin and Vancouver.’
The V&A’s Board of Trustees were not apparently expecting this: they ‘will now begin the search to find a new Director', says the museum. ‘Favourites to succeed him’, writes Brooks, ‘are thought to be his deputy, Tim Reeve, and Simon Thurley [FSA], who ran the Museum of London before becoming chief executive of English Heritage, which he left last year.’
Unease among Fellows about the Referendum vote was very strong, with almost universal dismay expressed in a special Brexit Salon. Photo V&A.
EU Historic Environment Funding
John Cattell FSA, Head of the Investigation and Analysis Department at Historic England, tells us about a survey with an imminent deadline, which can be found online.
‘Historic England is seeking to improve its understanding of what England’s historic environment receives from the European Union. To help with this it is inviting organisations to fill in a short survey. This information will provide an important baseline from which to identify the impact on business and to plan for the future.
‘The deadline for responses is Friday 16 September, and the results of the survey will inform the advice Historic England provides to central government.’
Reform to the Law Governing Burial and Cremation
Stephen Johnson FSA, Chair of the Society’s Policy Committee, has written this important piece, below, about potential changes in UK law governing contemporary burial and cremation. Fellows will know that ancient and historic human remains are not only an absolutely key component of archaeological research, but that they have also been a focus of public and academic debate, much of it thoughtful and well informed, and of some controversy. The Ministry of Justice recently introduced changes regarding how archaeologists in Britain excavate and study human remains, which included an unprecedented shift towards an assumption of reburial. These changes were mostly abandoned in the face of archaeological objections. The image is from artwork prepared for a front cover of British Archaeology magazine in 2010; key concerns then were later addressed by the Ministry.
Now the Law Commission, a statutory independent body created to keep the law under review and to recommend necessary reform, is considering wider matters of burial and cremation. As Johnson says, the Commission has contacted the Society to ask us for our views.
‘The Law Commission’, he writes, ‘has asked the Society to comment on a possible project to reform the law governing burial and cremation. The Commission is particularly interested to hear what current problems in the law are, any information the Society can provide about the scale of those problems, and what we consider to be the likely public benefits of reform (for example, economic, societal and environmental gains). Facts, statistics, and indications of time spent or money lost, as well as the non-financial impact of problems with the law, are all helpful. The Commission needs this information to build the case for reform, and to assist in discussions with government departments about the priority that potential projects should be given.
‘A background note states that:
"The current legislation governing burial is inconsistent and spread across various Acts and Church Measures, some of which date back to the 19th century. Difficulties arise in its application to modern conditions. Space is limited and increasingly expensive yet, with a growing population, there is a high demand for burial sites; it has been estimated that half of the 25,000 burial grounds in England and Wales will be full by 2030. Further, societal attitudes to the disposal of bodies have evolved; the law should be flexible and accommodate different religious and cultural beliefs and alternative burial arrangements.
“Various organisations – including religious and other belief groups, local authorities, cremation authorities, funeral directors, and archaeologists – as well as bereaved families are affected by the law governing burial and cremation. The law may be preventing sensible activities and causing inefficiencies with a financial as well as emotional impact. A project could:
“(1) examine how the law should facilitate efficient use of burial grounds, and the circumstances in which burial grounds can be closed and built upon;
“(2) consolidate and update the different statutory provisions applying to burials in churchyards, cemeteries, and private burial grounds;
“(3) review and codify the duty to dispose of a dead body, and consider whether individuals’ wishes concerning the disposal of their bodies should be legally binding; and
“(4) examine whether the Cremation Act 1902 confers sufficient powers to make regulations concerning cremation.
“Government consulted on reform to burial law in 2004, but announced in 2007 that primary legislation was not a priority; a similar announcement was made in 2012. Government is, however, currently considering changes to the Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 and changes to cremation practice.
“[The Commission] is interested in consultees’ views on the impact of these issues and whether they would be suitable for review by the Law Commission. [It] would also like to hear about any specific aspects of burial and cremation law that consultees suggest require modification, simplification or reform.â€
‘Readers of Salon with experience – primarily from an archaeological standpoint – who can provide evidence of the sorts of problems encountered with the current legislation governing burial, are invited to submit their views, or, as an initial approach, to contact the General Secretary John Lewis FSA at the Society ( jlewis@sal.org.uk). The deadline for our reply to the Commission is 31 October this year. The Society would appreciate responses from the Fellowship in early October.’ See the Society's webpage.
Cultural Protection Fund
 The second round of the Cultural Protection Fund is now open. The £30 million fund, delivered in partnership with the Department for Culture Media and Sport, is designed to help create sustainable opportunities for economic and social development through the fostering, safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage. Organisations working with local partners in one or more of the Fund’s target countries within the Middle East and North Africa region are invited to apply.
In this round of funding, organisations can apply for up to £3 million for projects focusing on the protection of cultural heritage at risk due to conflict. Full details of the application process (including timelines and eligibility) can be found on the webpage. For Large Grants, the call for Expressions of Interest opened on 1 September, and closes on 28 October 2016. Small grants applications are now available; decisions will be made quarterly, in December, March, June and September. Photo shows remains of the Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
Albright Institute Fellowships
 The W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) offers one to nine month Fellowships in Jerusalem. The current deadline for most awards is 15 October 2016, with some later exceptions. All nationalities are eligible for at least some Fellowships – and any open to European citizens will continue to include those of the UK. Albright Fellows, primarily from the United States, Canada, Europe, China, Israel and Palestine, exchange ideas with other researchers, students and the public, in the US and locally.
The AIAR, based in Jerusalem, is the oldest American research centre for Near Eastern studies in the Middle East. Founded in 1900 as the American School of Oriental Research (ASOR), it was renamed in 1970 after its distinguished director and father of American archaeology in the region, William Foxwell Albright (1891–1971). For 116 years, the Albright has advanced its mission to engage in and facilitate research on the history and cultures of the Near East, to document and preserve evidence from the ancient world as a cultural resource, and to educate the public about the history and cultures of the region. Full details can be found online.
Picture shows Fellows on a field trip to Montfort Castle, a Crusader castle in northern Israel.
Castle Studies Trust Grants
For its next round of grants the Castle Studies Trust has been able to increase the maximum amount it can award per grant by 50%, to £7,500. Grants will initially focus on new work on castles, such as architectural and geophysical surveys or scientific analyses such as radiocarbon dating, as well as projects to enhance public understanding of castles, such as reconstruction drawings. Applications are now open, and close on 15 December 2016. The Trust has also broadened its criteria for sites for which it will award grants. These now include sites managed by major heritage bodies, subject to caveats. Applications are assessed by a team of experts, among them Jeremy Ashbee FSA, John Kenyon FSA and Richard Oram FSA. For further information see online, or contact the Chair of Trustees, Jeremy Cunnington at admin@castlestudiestrust.org.
While We Were Away
It is our sad duty to record in this edition of Salon the deaths of nine Fellows.
Prunella Fraser FSA, elected a Fellow of the Society in November 1990, died on 25 July. She edited A Catalogue of the Drawings by Inigo Jones, John Webb and Richard Boyle in the Burlington-Devonshire Collection, with John Harris, published by the Royal Institute of British Architects (1960).
Anthony Streeten FSA, archaeologist and antiquary, died on 29 July, aged 62. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in May 1988. His career was with England’s statutory heritage consultancy, first at the Department of the Environment (starting young at excavations at Castle Acre Castle, Norfolk), then as one of the founding staff of English Heritage (now Historic England), where he became Director of the East Midlands Region.
The Revd Canon David Welander FSA, Cathedral Canon and historian of Gloucester Cathedral, died on 12 August. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in November 1981. His publications included Gloucester Cathedral (with David Verey, 1979), Stained Glass of Gloucester Cathedral (with the Cathedral Priests, 1985) and History, Art and Architecture of Gloucester Cathedral (1991), as well as a Pitkin guide to the Cathedral (1992) and a visitor's handbook (2001). His funeral will be at the Church of the Holy Cross, Sherston, Wiltshire, at 2.00 pm on 9 September. All are welcome to attend this celebration of his life.
Dudley Moore FSA, Barrister and Aegean archaeologist, died in January.
Richard Pfaff FSA, historian of medieval English liturgy, died in July.
Peter Willis FSA, architect and chronicler of landscape gardens and Chopin, died in August.
Edgar Peltenburg FSA, Professor Emeritus of Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, died in August.
Percival Turnbull FSA, northern England archaeologist, died in August.
J.T. Smith FSA, Roman and Medieval buildings historian, died in August.
Appreciations appear in Lives Remembered below (and more will follow in future Salons). The section also contains further notices on Sarnia Butcher FSA, John Casey FSA, Christine Mahany FSA and Randolph Vigne FSA.

Three shipwrecks in the south-west, the oldest being a late Medieval trading or fishing boat in the river Axe, have been given protected status. Mark Dunkley FSA, Maritime Archaeologist at Historic England (HE), said the sites were identified during a systematic survey of Devon’s coastal heritage. Joseph Flatman FSA, Head of Listing Programmes at HE, told the Radio 4 Today programme that he’d be happy for children to dig in the sand around the remains of the Sally at Westward Ho! (above).
Royal Museums Greenwich has received a confirmed grant of £4,677,100 from the Heritage Lottery Fund towards a £12.6 million project. The Endeavour Galleries, showcasing exploration, will open in 2018, the 250th anniversary of James Cook’s first voyage into the Pacific (as he actually rounded Cape Horn in January 1769, that can be extended a year if opening is delayed).
Chris Stringer FSA was one of several authors, many like Stringer at the Natural History Museum, to publish new scientific studies on items from the Piltdown fraud. As with most research into this enduring story of obsessive deception unleashed over 1912–14, their results point to Charles Dawson FSA as the single perpetrator.
Frank Olding FSA, Heritage Officer for Blaenau Gwent and Chair of the 2016 National Eisteddfod, has written The Archaeology of Upland Gwent (with a foreword by William Manning FSA), published by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. ‘It is wonderful to present this book to the world at last,’ said Olding in a press release. ‘Hopefully it is a fitting tribute to the unique upland archaeology of Gwent. As someone who was born in the area, it was a huge privilege to be invited to write this book.’ Photo shows Crug Hywel Hillfort near Crickhowell.
Floods and fears of terrorist attacks have kept tourists away from Paris, where visitors to the Louvre have reportedly fallen by 20%. Last year 8.6 million people went to the Paris museum. The British Museum, the UK’s most popular attraction, was visited by 6.8 million. Tate Modern, which attracted 4.7 million (19% down on 2014, which it attributed to the success of a Matisse exhibition in that year), announced that it had drawn in a million visitors in the first month since opening its new extension in mid June.
Continuing interest in Gertrude Bell FSA (one of six women nominated for Fellowship of the Society in 1920 in the wake of the Sex Disqualification Act) has focussed on Red Barns, her childhood home in Redcar. Commissioned by her father in 1868 from Philip Webb, the Grade II* house is said to be similar to Red House in Bexleyheath, London, which Webb co-designed with William Morris in 1860. A campaign has been launched, supported by Redcar MP Anna Turley, to save the empty building and create a Gertrude Bell museum.
A decorative altarpiece thought to have been designed by the writer – and more briefly architect – Thomas Hardy, has been found under panelling behind the organ of All Saints church, Windsor.
Duncan Wilson FSA, Chief Executive of Historic England, wrote to The Times (18 August) in support of pubs. Approving Wandsworth Council’s plans to protect historic inns from redevelopment, he noted that the buildings are ‘integral to local identity’. However, ‘the pressure to replace historic fabric, rather than work with it, is a problem that exists right across the country.’ Meanwhile in Aldgate, near the City of London, The Victorian Society has objected to proposals to demolish the Still and Star, ‘to build a huge office block which will wipe away the area's historic street pattern’. The clever montage of a modern photo and a Gustave Doré engraving (right) is by graphic designer Adam Tuck on Spitalfields Life.
The idea that the human impact on Earth has become strong enough for a new geologic time unit to be named as successor to the Holocene, was presented by the Anthropocene Working Group to the International Geological Congress in Cape Town on 29 August, a landmark stage towards formal adoption.
Ian Baxter FSA is guest-editing Heritage Update while the Heritage Alliance seeks a new Editor for its newsletter.
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, aggressive media spokesperson and a founder-member of Islamic State, died in late August in an air strike in Aleppo province, Syria. He had successfully promoted the destruction of antiquities and archaeological sites, alongside war and murder.
Former Fellow Adam Wilkinson, Director of Edinburgh World Heritage, said Edinburgh ‘stands ready to help the communities of Syria conserve and restore its urban heritage’. Maamoun Abdulkarim, Syria’s Director-General of Antiquities and Museums, speaking in the city in August, said ‘Syria’s heritage belongs to its people, and to the people of the world. I look forward to building closer ties with the people of Edinburgh in the future.
Historic England has published Technology in the Country House by Marilyn Palmer FSA and Ian West. ‘This is a unique account’, says the blurb, ‘of how, particularly after 1750, new technology shaped the development of country houses and their estates, and affected the lives of the people who lived and worked in them. The authors have spent several years exploring the attics, cellars and other hidden corners of almost a hundred country houses and estates across Britain. Their book will be hugely valuable in raising our understanding of how country houses worked.’
‘If you demolish a historic building in Timbuktu you commit a war crime,’ wrote Simon Jenkins FSA in The Guardian, in response to the opening of Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi’s trial in the Hague for damaging the world heritage site. ‘If you demolish one in Britain you apply for retrospective planning permission. What is the difference?’ Al-Mahdi had been arrested and charged in September 2015, when his lawyer said he would plead guilty and ask for forgiveness for the destruction of nine mausoleums and part of the Sidi Yahia mosque and associated items. ‘For the first time,’ wrote Jenkins approvingly, ‘the concept of war criminality has been extended from killing people to trying to wipe out their cultural heritage.’ ‘…the Hague case’, he said, ‘could open a can of worms – and with luck will do so.’
Simon Jenkins pursued this line on the Radio 4 Sunday programme on 28 August (at 36 minutes), when he discussed the topic with presenter Edward Stourton and Unesco’s Giovanni Boccardi. Jenkins noted that the UK has still to ratify the Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, despite a pledge last year by then new Culture Secretary John Whittingdale to do so ‘at the first opportunity’, as reported in my first Salon. The new Prime Minister Theresa May replaced Whittingdale with Karen Bradley in her Brexit cabinet.
‘Key to the self-image of the young Victoria,’ said Philippa Glanville FSA, a member of the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest, ‘this exquisite coronet [pictured] was designed by her husband Prince Albert. Worn in her popular state portrait by Winterhalter of 1842, the year it was made, its combination of personal meaning and formality explains why she chose to wear it in 1866, emerging from mourning for the State Opening of Parliament.’ Culture Minister Matt Hancock has placed a temporary export bar on the coronet to allow a buyer to come forward with £5 million keep it in the UK. ‘Its departure would be a great loss, given its beauty, its associations and its history,’ said Glanville.
Historic England is working with Unbound, a crowd-funding publisher, to publish peer-reviewed books which will be marketed internationally under HE’s imprint. The first title, The Art of Capability Brown: Place-making 1716-1783 by John Phibbs, is about 90% funded, at £50 for a hardback copy and your name in the back.
Patrick Ashmore FSA tells Salon that Historic Environment Scotland has published excavations he directed at Calanais as a free digital monograph, Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88. The work took place in advance of repairs to the ground, much worn by visitors, revealing many unexpected structures beyond the famous standing stones. The detailed report includes contributions from T Ballin, S Bohncke, A Fairweather, A Henshall FSA, M Johnson, I Maté, A Sheridan FSA, R Tipping and M Wade Evans.
University Campus Suffolk, a collaboration between the universities of Essex and East Anglia since 2007, became the University of Suffolk on 1 August, allowing it to award its own degrees and access direct government funding. David Gill FSA continues as Professor of Archaeological Heritage at the new university.
Caroline Shenton FSA has written Mr Barry's War (OUP). The book takes up where its prequel, The Day Parliament Burned Down, left off, says Shenton, 'and Fellows may remember me giving a lecture on the 1834 fire a few years ago'. 'When Charles Barry won the competition to build a new, Gothic, Houses of Parliament in London, he thought it was the chance of a lifetime,' says the blurb. 'It swiftly turned into the most nightmarish building programme of the century. From the beginning, its design, construction and decoration were a battlefield. The practical and political forces ranged against him were immense.’ Braving ‘crackpot inventors, ignorant busybodies and hostile politicians’, and strikes, sewage and cholera, Barry took 25 years to achieve victory with his Great Work in the face of overwhelming odds, and at great personal cost. Fellows can obtain a 30% discount up to 31 October 2016, by entering the promotional code AAFLYG6 at the checkout on the OUP website.
Bede’s World, which closed in February, will reopen in October as Jarrow Hall – Anglo Saxon Farm, Village and Bede Museum. South Tyneside Council transferred the lease to Groundwork, whose executive director Andrew Watts said, ‘It is essential that its celebration of the life of the Venerable Bede … remains a key element of its work, but recent history has shown that it must have broader appeal.’
Lancashire County Council announced in March that it would close five museums to save money. In August it said they may reopen in 2017, after it received 'robust' business plans for their futures.
At the summer meeting of the Cambrian Archaeological Association at Ruthin, Denbighshire, in July, John R. Kenyon FSA was installed as President of the Association for 2016/17. The chain of office was passed to him by the outgoing President, David Austin FSA. Kenyon’s Presidential address, ‘â€Those proud, ambitious heapsâ€: whither castle studies?’, will be published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 2017.
 Alan Powers FSA has two new books out. One is 100 Years of Architecture (Lawrence King), a global survey of over 300 buildings and objects since 1914 (including the Nissen Hut and the Airstream Caravan). ‘It is meant to be mildly subversive’, says Powers, ‘of the accepted canon of examples, and I hope it includes at least one thing that no reader will have seen before, if not quite a lot more.’ He will be talking on the subject at Waterstone’s, Piccadilly on 14 September. His other book is Edward Ardizzone: Artist and Illustrator (Lund Humphries). There will be an exhibition on Ardizzone at the House of Illustration (23 September–15 January 2017), for which Powers is co-curator.
A major Francis Bacon exhibition, curated by Martin Harrison FSA who recently completed a catalogue raisonné of the artist’s works, is to move in updated form from Monaco to the Guggenheim Bilbao in Spain (30 September to 8 January 2017).
Robin Skeates FSA is now Head of the Department of Archaeology at Durham University. Professor Skeates is a specialist in Central Mediterranean prehistoric archaeology, but also works in the field of museum and heritage studies.
Pauline Beswick FSA writes to say that the Derbyshire Archaeological Society has placed its Journal from 1879 to 2011 online for free access.
Lives Remembered
Dudley Moore FSA, a Barrister (member of Middle Temple) and Tutor of Law with a strong interest in Aegean archaeology, died while undergoing emergency heart surgery on 28 January, aged 63. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in October 2012.
Dudley J. Moore, encouraged by his wife Sarah Green, an archaeologist (pictured), took an MA in Classical Civilisation at the Open University, and an MSt in the Aegean Bronze Age at Oxford University. His DPhil, obtained in 2008 from the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sussex, was on Early British Travellers to Crete and their Contributions to the Island’s Archaeological Heritage. He published the stories of Richard Pococke (1704–65), Robert Pashley (1805–59) and Thomas Spratt (1811–88) as Dawn of Discovery: Early British Travellers to Crete (2010).
Among topics on which he liked to give talks was an archaeological perspective on the Great Escape (Stalag Luft III). He was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sussex, Aegean Archaeology Tutor at Southampton University, and co-founder and Chairman of the University of Sussex Archaeology Society.
All of this was what he termed his ‘hobby’. He studied for a BA in Law at Sussex University. After qualifying as a Barrister, he obtained an LLM on EU Law and an MPhil in Law of Privacy (his Privacy: The Law and the Press, was published in 2003 and in a second edition in 2006). He worked in solicitors' offices and criminal and civil courts before becoming a full-time Law Tutor and Deputy Programme Manager, at Bellerbys College, University of Sussex, in 1995. He was a keen sportsman, and a qualified ski and diving instructor.
Richard Pfaff FSA, historian of the liturgy of Medieval England, died on 10 July, aged 79, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, after a short illness. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in March 1993. Linda Ehrsam Voigts FSA, a close friend and Curators' Professor of English Emerita at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, has written this tribute:
‘Richard William Pfaff was a descendant of German settlers in the American Midwest. Dick gave new meaning to the name Pfaff/e, which originally meant priest or pastor but had become a term of disparagement after Luther used it to attack his enemies. Dick’s life and scholarship honours the original positive meaning of his name.
‘The culmination of Dick’s authoritative publication was The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History (2009), which received the highest award of the Medieval Academy of America, the Haskins Medal. But many other important studies preceded this book. His contributions to Anglo-Saxon studies can be read in The Eadwine Psalter (1992) and The Liturgical Books of Anglo-Saxon England (1995). For the 15th century his New Liturgical Feasts in Later Medieval England (1970) continues to be widely used, as does his Medieval Latin Liturgy: A Select Bibliography (1982). Thirteen of his important articles were published in Liturgical Calendars, Saints, and Services in Medieval England (1998), and his Montague Rhodes James (1980) is an entertaining biography of a great Cambridge scholar of Medieval manuscripts and author of ghost stories. In recent months Dick had been preparing a study of early printed Books of Hours.
‘Dick Pfaff’s first degree was from Harvard College. A Rhodes Fellowship took him to Oxford, where, at Magdalen College, he completed the D.Phil. in History. Having studied Theology at Oxford and at General Seminary in New York, he was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church of the USA in 1966, and the following year accepted a Professorship in History at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He taught English Medieval history there until his retirement in 2006. Students and colleagues who were entertained by him and his wife Margie in their home, were not surprised at the stacks of books in all rooms and hallways, but sometimes found the stacks in the bathroom unexpected.
‘From 1968 Dick served as Priest Associate at the Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill, always officiating at the 7:30 Sunday service. Although he could be described as a traditionalist in liturgy, he was always supportive of women clerics, one of whom preached at his funeral. His long marriage to Margaret Campbell (they wed in Oxford in 1962) ended with her death in 2010. Their son David is now an Episcopal priest in Cincinnati, Ohio. In recent years, Dick and Jeanette Falk, fellow inhabitants of the Carol Woods Retirement Center in Chapel Hill, formed a happy relationship, at first through music, and married in April of this year.
‘As well as being a Fellow of this Society, Dick was a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and served as President of those Fellows. Few, however, know of his role as Founder and Life President of the West Omaha Soft Ice Cream and Walking Society.
‘Dick of course spent much time in England, and was as well known to Fellows for his church crawls as for his learned lectures. Those Fellows who accompanied him on such expeditions speak with admiration both of his fearless endeavours to gain admission to notoriously inaccessible sites, and of his deep knowledge of and affection for the churches visited.’
Peter Willis FSA, historian of landscape architecture and student of Chopin in Britain, died on 12 August, aged 82. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in March 1983. The following is a summary of his entry in the Dictionary of Scottish Architects.
Born in Thornaby, Yorkshire, Peter Willis graduated with First Class Honours from King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Durham) in 1956. At Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, he studied Charles Bridgeman, an 18th-century landscape designer, under Nikolaus Pevsner, completing his PhD thesis in 1962, having spent a year at the University of Edinburgh.
He spent the year 1960–61 on a Fulbright Scholarship as a teaching assistant in the Department of Art at UCLA California, while working on the Stowe Papers in the Huntington Library. He practised as an architect with Robert Matthew, Johnson-Marshall and Partners in Edinburgh 1961–64.
In 1964–65 he was a Junior Fellow in Landscape Architecture at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC. In 1965 he was appointed Lecturer in Architecture at Newcastle University where, after becoming Personal Reader in the History of Architecture in 1979, he remained full time until 1990, continuing part-time teaching until 1996.
He returned frequently to the United States: to the University of Minnesota (as visiting professor in the Department of Art History, 1968–69), Yale (Visiting Fellow in the Department of History of Art, 1980–81), Manitoba (Visiting Professor in Landscape Architecture, 1979) and Louisville (Frederic Lindley Morgan Professor of Architectural Design, 1994).
After leaving Newcastle University, he took an MA in the Department of Theology at the University of Durham, with a study of the monk and architect, Dom Paul Bellot, OSB; he was awarded a DLitt on the basis of his publications. In 1999 he gained an Open University Diploma in Music. In 2010 he graduated PhD from the Department of Music at Durham, with a thesis entitled Chopin in Britain: Chopin's visits to England and Scotland in 1837 and 1848..
He was elected Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1960, and Associate of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) in 1964. He became a Fellow of the RIAS in 1968, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 1978, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1982. His many publications include Charles Bridgeman and the English Landscape Garden (1977), New Architecture in Scotland (1977), RIBA Dissertation Handbook: A Guide to Research and Writing (1983), The Genius of the Place: The English Landscape Garden, 1620–1820 (edited with John Dixon Hunt, 1988), Dom Paul Bellot, OSB: Architect and Monk (1996), Chopin in Manchester (2011) and Chopin in Britain (to be published by Taylor & Francis in December 2016).
His archive on the history of architecture, landscape and gardens is in the Willis Papers in Durham University Library. His material on Dom Paul Bellot, OSB, is at Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight and St Andrews University Library. His Chopin archive is said to be at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Edgar Peltenburg FSA, Professor Emeritus of Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh and a major presence in Cypriot archaeology, died on 14 August, aged 73. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in May 1984.
Edgar Peltenburg (Eddie) took his first degree in Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham. He was Lecturer in Archaeology and Adult Education in Argyll and the Isles, before joining the University of Edinburgh where he remained for the rest of his career. He conducted fieldwork in Canada, the Middle East (including Iraq and Syria) and Cyprus, where he was director of the Lemba Archaeological Research Centre. His publications include Early Society in Cyprus (edited 1989), The Burrell Collection: Western Asiatic Antiquities (1991) and The Colonisation and Settlement of Cyprus. Investigations at Kissonerga-Mylouthkia, 1976–1996 (edited 2003).
He talked to Margaret Throsby about his life for ABC Classic FM, Radio Australia, when he was Sydney University's 2013 Anthony McNicoll Visiting Scholar. Referring to one of his music choices, Mendelssohn’ Fingal’s Cave, he described ten years as Extra-Mural Tutor in Argyll and the Inner Hebrides, travelling up and down the west coast of Scotland.
‘I consider myself a transnational’, he said, in a gentle, lightly lyrical voice with a water-worn accent hinting at its mixed origins around the northern hemisphere. Before he was born, his Dutch parents were working a forestry concession under Josef Stalin in Russia, supplying timber to Holland in the late 1930s. They were ejected ‘for political reasons’. On holiday in the Azores when war broke out, they were told by the family for whom they were working in Russia that it was unsafe to return to Holland, so they went to Canada hoping to obtain a concession there. They ended up picking potatoes, however, from an internment camp on Prince Edward Island, where Peltenburg was born. His parents could not speak English, and the family moved to French-speaking Montreal. Deciding in his late teens to pursue archaeology, Peltenburg felt he could do so only outside Canada, so he took a freighter to Bristol and went to Birmingham University.
Trevor Watkins FSA, a close colleague at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, has written this tribute for Salon:
‘Although Eddie Peltenburg retired in 2009, he was still extraordinarily active, posting recent papers on academia.edu, and – hopefully – seeing the warm and congratulatory review that his latest monograph on the work at the site of Tell Jerablus al-Tahtani received in the current issue of Antiquity.
‘Eddie was born in Montreal, Canada in 1942, the son of Edward and Mary Peltenburg, who had immigrated from the Netherlands. At high school Eddie was an ice-hockey star, and he continued to play when he came in 1960 to study for a degree in Ancient History and Archaeology at Birmingham University. After a short spell back in Canada, where he taught briefly at McGill University in Montreal, he returned to Birmingham to write his PhD on Western Asiatic glazed vessels of the second millennium BC, completing his time at Birmingham with a Research Fellowship.
‘In 1969 he took up a post with the University of Glasgow’s Extramural Studies Dept. He was Resident Staff Tutor for Argyll and Bute, based in Oban, organising and giving courses over a huge territory. In 1978 he was appointed lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at Edinburgh University, where he remained for the rest of his career, finishing as a Professor, and, after retirement, an Emeritus Professor.
‘While he was completing his PhD in Birmingham, he joined me – I was a Research Fellow in Birmingham at that time – to begin the excavations of a Neolithic site at Philia in Cyprus. Out of that came his own excavations at the site of Ayios Epiktitos-Vrysi on the north coast of the island. Besides revealing some dramatically well-preserved domestic architecture, that excavation finally clarified the situation of the Cypriot pottery Neolithic, demonstrating that there were regionally divergent contemporary cultures in different parts of the island. Following the events of 1974, Eddie moved to the south-west of Cyprus, setting up the Lemba Archaeological Research Centre as the base for fieldwork and research on mainly Neolithic and Chalcolithic period sites.
‘Eddie’s excavations in the area just north of Paphos, of a series of sites around Lemba and the nearby Kissonerga, plus the work that he initiated at Souskiou, gave fieldwork experience to generations of students, and provided grist to the postgraduate research mills of a string of students who came from all around the world to work with him. Most of the research was directed to pottery Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites. Most prehistoric settlement sites in Cyprus were of relatively short duration, and the island seems to have supported extraordinary cultural variation, making the construction of long-term cultural history very difficult. Eddie’s research was successful in making sense of the Chalcolithic period for the first time, and in creating a regional cultural sequence that stretched from the earliest Neolithic to the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in the later third millennium BC. When material from the excavation of a couple of shafts below the Chalcolithic settlement at Mylouthkia was radiocarbon dated to the middle of the ninth millennium BC, he was able to extend the known prehistory of the island back to a time equivalent to the mainland PPNB (pre-pottery Neolithic B at Jericho and throughout the Levant). Altogether, he had worked on the prehistory of Cyprus for 50 years.
‘At the beginning of the 1990s, Eddie began to divide his research time between the Lemba project and a new salvage excavation at the site of Jerablus al-Tahtani, which, as its name suggests, is close to Jerablus, ancient Carchemish, on the Euphrates. The site was just south of the Turkish-Syrian frontier, and at the northern end of the lake that has been created behind the massive Tishreen Dam. Over the years that followed, Eddie’s excavations explored the functioning of a small-scale Uruk (south Mesopotamian) settlement of the late fourth millennium BC, which became the seat of a small-scale kingdom or principality in the later third millennium BC. Although the site represented a relatively small settlement by the standards of the region, it had impressive fortifications with a monumental gateway, and a burial vault rich in the grave-goods of the ruling family. By working on a small-scale site at relatively modest expense with a loyal team, the excavations have produced a wealth of information, a long list of publications, both monographs and articles, a string of PhDs, and the foundations of several academic careers.
‘Eddie kept friends among his former Glasgow colleagues, extramural class students, and members of archaeology societies in the west of Scotland. He was a most popular and successful teacher and supervisor over many years at Edinburgh. As a researcher, he made lasting academic friendships, and as a fieldworker he formed teams that brought together leading established figures, young researchers and students, from many nationalities.
‘Eddie was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and was also a Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.’
Photo from Dialogos.
Percival Turnbull FSA, a stalwart of archaeology in northern England, died suddenly on 20 August, aged 62. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in May 1990.
Percival David Turnbull was born in Coxhoe, County Durham, but grew up in Nottinghamshire after his father’s home coal-mine pit closed. He took his undergraduate degree at the London Institute of Archaeology (now UCL) in 1975, and then worked at the University of Durham, and with Durham, North Yorkshire and Cumbria County Councils.
In 1995 he and fellow archaeologist Deborah Walsh founded the Brigantia Archaeological Practice in Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham, an archaeological and heritage consultancy named after the Celtic tribe which covered – at least according to Roman observers – most of northern England. The practice continues. Walsh told The Northern Echo that her business partner was also her ‘best friend’, and that he ‘was respected all over the country and was an absolutely amazing excavator. He was very much a part of the community; he loved the area.’ He had a ‘really original mind’, said Martin Henig FSA. ‘He was a very fine archaeologist, a great man and one of the real jewels in British archaeology.’
The Brigantian royal household included a pro-Roman client ruler Cartimandua, whose base is thought to have been the enormous earthwork complex at Stanwick, enclosing 270 hectares, a few miles south-east of Barnard Castle. In 1983 Turnbull and Colin Haselgrove FSA set up the Stanwick Research Project at the Department of Archaeology, Durham University. The results of what became a 30-year programme of research and excavation, to which Turnbull made significant contributions, have just been published as a substantial Council for British Archaeology Research Report (Cartimandua’s Capital? The Late Iron Age Royal Site at Stanwick, North Yorkshire, Fieldwork and Analysis 1981–2011, edited by Haselgrove).
Turnbull directed and published many excavations on a variety of sites, mainly prehistoric and Roman, and wrote widely on subjects ranging from Roman erotic art (an undergraduate fascination) to iron age politics. In an article on ‘The politics of Brigantia’ (with Leon Fitts FSA, 1988), he described Tacitus’ history of Cartimandua as a ‘brief first century soap opera’.
He enjoyed a pipe and a story, and was a regular letter writer to The Guardian and archaeological newsletters (not least to Salon), bringing a reliable mix of dry wit and perception (I treasured his pithy contribution to the debate about the identity of remains excavated in a Leicester car park: ‘The identification of bones found in Leicester as those of Richard III’, he wrote in a letter to The Guardian in September 2012, ‘may be supported by the telling absence of any trace of a horse.’ He was, of course, right). Guardian archaeology and arts correspondent Maev Kennedy FSA once described his approach to archaeology in Britain as ‘philosophical and borderline optimistic’. ‘RIP Percival Turnbull,’ she Tweeted on news of his death, ‘a gentleman, a scholar, a cynic, a big brain and a razor sharp wit.’ The congregation sang Jerusalem and The Red Flag at his funeral.
J.T. Smith FSA died on 23 August, his 94th birthday. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in May 1957. Bob Meeson FSA and Nat Alcock FSA have written this tribute to an outstanding authority on the analysis of historic building plan-forms, functions and structures:
‘John Thomas Smith will be remembered especially for his work with historic buildings, although he also worked as an archaeologist at Wareham (Dorset) and Cricklade (Wiltshire), and wrote an outstanding analysis of Roman villas. Urban topography and historic building analysis were the dual foci of his MA thesis on Shrewsbury, completed in 1953 and yet to be surpassed (unpublished but thankfully now available online: Shrewsbury: Topography and Domestic Architecture to the middle of the 17th century). His studies at Birmingham University were interrupted first by war service in the Royal Engineers, and then by his appointment in 1949 to the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), where he remained until his retirement in 1987. There he worked energetically on RCHM(E) Dorset volumes, then spent 10 years recording threatened buildings throughout England – an experience he regarded as critical to his later work – finally becoming Head of Architectural Investigation, tolerating the heavy administrative responsibilities involved.
‘John’s finest work was extracurricular. He was an outstanding scholar who applied hitherto unparalleled structural analysis and a powerful intellect to the study of historic buildings, promoting his disciplined approach both through his extensive publications and by way of adult education (as at Attingham, Shropshire), mentoring professional colleagues and cajoling independent building recorders. It was via courses based at Attingham that he and Stanley Jones jointly commenced their major work in 1961 on Breconshire houses, which produced a series of seven substantial papers published between 1963 and 1972. Numerous other articles followed in county journals.
‘His published books include the magisterial work based on surveys of almost 1,000 houses in Hertfordshire (English Houses 1200–1800: The Hertfordshire Evidence, 1992). A suite of papers between 1955 and 1975 in the Archaeological Journal (AJ), Medieval Archaeology (MA) and Vernacular Architecture (VA) have been immensely influential, and may prove to be his most enduring legacy; these are sufficiently significant to be worth listing by name:
‘“Medieval aisled halls and their derivatives,†AJ 112 (1955)
“Medieval roofs: a classification,†AJ 115 (1958)
“Cruck construction: a survey of the problems,†MA 8 (1964)
“Timber-framed building in England,†AJ 122 (1965)
“Cruck distributions: an interpretation of some recent maps,†VA 6 (1975) (reprinted with additions in N. W. Alcock, Cruck Construction: An Introduction and Catalogue (CBA Research Report 42, 1981; available for free download).
‘In these papers, he provided a clear and lasting framework for the study of Medieval roofs, still in use in building analysis today. Where technical terminology was available he succinctly outlined its proper use, and where it was not, he proposed new vocabulary (including the term "base cruck" for a newly recognised roof type). He also identified many of the problems that are still being addressed in building studies today.
‘He had remarkable language skills, allowing him to use sources from across Europe and to develop collaborations with European specialists, which led to papers in a wide range of overseas journals, always illuminating though often controversial, as with a paper on “Norwegian stave-church roofs from an English standpoint†(Universitetets Oldsaksamling Arbok 1975/76/77, 1975). He had a longstanding interest in Roman villas, which he developed after his retirement into Roman Villas: A Study in Social Structure (1997), of which the reviewer in Britannia said that “he has served, almost single-handedly, to make the study of Roman villas interestingâ€.
‘He was a founder member of the Vernacular Architecture Group in 1954, of which he was elected an Honorary Member in 2001. While President from 1969–72, he proposed to our late Fellow Barbara Hutton that the Group should publish an annual journal – Vernacular Architecture – which he helped to steer through its formative volumes until it became the primary British source on the subject.
‘Everyone who encountered him professionally was inspired by his friendship and support. One of us (NA) remembers with particular gratitude being shown into his office in the 1960s as an unknown graduate student with questions about Dorset buildings, being given a warm welcome, the questions answered, and the suggestion made to join the Vernacular Architecture Group (then only available by invitation) – which led to a lifetime’s research into vernacular buildings.
‘John was predeceased by his wife, and leaves three sons, Martin, Dan and Tim.’
Martin Millet FSA adds this note about Smith’s work on Roman villas:
‘Although J.T. Smith's primary academic career lay in the study of Medieval buildings, he also made a key contribution to the study of the Roman period, and he had an immense impact on the study of villas. In 1963 he wrote the first serious architectural account of Romano-British aisled buildings, and later he contributed a series of closely argued papers discussing individual sites and problems of interpretation. This work, which culminated in Roman Villas: A Study in Social Structure, was characterized by two features. First he had a detailed knowledge and understanding of sites and interpretative debates across Britain, as well as much of western Europe. Second, he insisted that buildings should be interpreted as the products of social organization. In this he drew on his experience of Medieval buildings, and presented ideas which, if not always widely accepted, completely changed the subject.’
J.T. Smith's funeral will be on Friday 7 October at 10.40 am, West Herts Crematorium, and then afterwards at Freddie’s Restaurant in St Albans.
On 8 August The Times (subscription) published an obituary of Randolph Vigne FSA, who died in June, describing him (under the headline ‘Co-founder of the African Resistance Movement’) as ‘a moderate young white South African with a love of literature who was driven by the injustice of the apartheid regime to commit acts of sabotage against the government.’ The writer focusses exclusively on Vigne’s engagement with the politics of South Africa and, in London, his work with Canon James Collins and the SWAPO office, founded on his initiative in 1969 (not 1968 as The Times has it). Salon also covered Vigne’s distinguished writing on Huguenot and African history, and on refugees and migration.
Randolph Vigne’s widow, Gillian Vigne, writes to confirm details of chronology (‘small details that don't matter,’ she says, ‘but for the record’). He went to Oxford in 1946 from school, and returned to South Africa in 1949. He stood for parliament in 1958 (‘on the impossible platform of “one man, one voteâ€â€™), and escaped South Africa on 10 July 1964, after most of his colleagues had already been arrested (not The Times’ 4 July). He returned again to South Africa (from exile) in 1995 (Times: 1990). He was born on 10 July 1928 (Times: 7 July), and died on 19 June 2016 (Times: 19 July). He felt, says Gillian Vigne, ‘that his Order of Luthuli gong was from “South Africaâ€, not [the] awful Zuma’.
This feels an appropriate place to note the British Museum’s exhibition, South Africa: the art of a nation, which opens on 27 October (until 26 February 2017). This will, says the BM, ‘use art to tell the story of the region’s deep history, the colonial period, apartheid, the birth of the “rainbow nation†and South Africa today.’
Amanda Martin, Curator/Manager of the Isles of Scilly Museum, corrects Salon over the date on which the late Sarnia Butcher FSA began excavations at Nornour: 1962, not 1969. ‘Our Museum’, Martin writes, ‘was established after some years of planning and fundraising because of the Nornour finds, opening to the public in August 1967. I am certain’, she adds, ‘that Sarnia would have like it to be right!’
Martin sent the photo, showing Butcher (right) on a recent visit to Nornour, with bioarchaeologist Jacqui Mulville.
There will be an informal meeting to celebrate the life of Patrick John Casey FSA at at the Society of Antiquaries on Friday 2 December at 4 pm. The meeting will be followed by refreshments. Fellows and friends who would like to attend are requested to contact Jeffrey Davies (jld@aber.ac.uk) as soon as possible.
‘Perhaps I might add a note to John Smith’s sympathetic obituary of Christine Mahany FSA,’ writes Tim Clough FSA. ‘She was active in Stamford when I became Curator of the Rutland County Museum in 1974. As John rightly says, her enthusiasm was not confined to Stamford, and she gave generously of her time and professional knowledge in support of the activities of the fledgling Rutland Field Research Group for Archaeology & History, whose members – all enthusiastic amateurs – were then engaged in excavating the medieval village site at Nether Hambleton in advance of the construction of Rutland Water, in default of any other provision for recording or investigating the site. That group eventually merged with the Rutland Local History & Record Society in 1993, and the results of the excavations are summarised in that Society’s HLF-sponsored publication The Heritage of Rutland Water, where it is acknowledged that “The professional guidance and direction given [by Mahany] helped considerably to expand the limited experience of Group members and to maintain their enthusiasm.†Several of those members went on to make significant contributions to the archaeology of Rutland, a fitting legacy of Christine’s encouragement.’
The Wisdom of Fellows
Christopher Page FSA wonders if any Fellows could advise him about a woodcut of the early 1680s (pictured), which accompanies a ballad in the Pepys collection. ‘It would be very useful to know’, he tells Salon, ‘what sort of costume this is, and what sort of social group is being suggested (alewife? street musician? Or is she much more ladylike than that?)'
Christina Unwin FSA (christina.unwin@icloud.com) has asked me to note that she was responsible for the illustration of a ship burial that accompanied an item in the last Salon. The image had been supplied with a press release, but had not been credited.
Forthcoming Ordinary Meetings of Fellows
You can catch up on meetings you've missed by watching our lecture recordings (visit the events page and filter the results list by choosing 'past events'). Unless indicated otherwise, tea will be served at 16.15, and the Meeting will commence at 17.00 precisely. Online ballots close at noon at the date of the scheduled ballot. At Ordinary Meetings, ballots open at 16.00 and close at 16.20. The results are read at the beginning of the Meeting.
6 October: 'Pictures in the Notitia Dignitatum', by Dr Stephen Johnson FSA (Treasurer)
13 October: 'The Red and the Dead: Reconstructing the Political Life, Activities and Networks of Vere Gordon Childe', by Dr Katie Meheux
20 October: 'Christian Symbolism on the Ardagh Chalice, an Early Medieval Masterpiece from Ireland', by Dr Niamh Whitfield, FSA
Interested in proposing a lecture? Please download and complete the Lecture Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Officer (rladue@sal.org.uk).
Forthcoming Public Events
Public Lectures
Public Lectures are held from 13.00 to 14.00 on Tuesdays. These lectures are very popular, so advance booking is advised to be sure of a place. Details of forthcoming lectures can be found on the 'Events' page of the Society's website.
20 September: 'A Copy of a Copy: Leek's Replica of the Bayeux Tapestry', by Dr Brenda King, Chair of the Textile Society.
18 October: 'The Relics of Battle Abbey', by Dr Michael Carter FSA (English Heritage).
22 November: 'Motherboards and Motherloads: The Evolving Excavation of the Digital Age', by Christine Finn FSA.
Click here for more information on our public lectures. We also run public tours of our building and collections (£10 per person) preceding the lectures above.
Filming Antiquity
The Filming Antiquity project was funded in spring 2014 to digitise, research and present the home movies of the British archaeologist Gerald Lankester Harding FSA. Harding began his career in archaeology with Flinders Petrie in 1926 at Tell Jemmah, in what was then British Mandate Palestine. The footage currently being researched by Filming Antiquity dates to the late 1920s and early 1930s, when Harding was working on the sites of Tell Fara, Tell Ajjul and Tell ed-Duweir.
23 September (17.30-19.30): In this presentation Amara Thornton FSA and Michael McCluskey (University College London) will discuss the life and work of Harding as captured on screen, setting the footage in the context of interwar excavations and the history of cinema. The presentation will include screening of footage rarely seen since the 1930s, as well as fascinating materials from Harding’s archive showing his experiences on these digs.
For more information, including booking (£5 per person), please visit the website.
Postgraduate Open Day (14 October)
The Society of Antiquaries of London has the largest antiquarian library in the country, with a collection spanning items from the 10th century to present day, reflecting 300 years of research and scholarship into the history and material remains of Great Britain and other countries. Our second annual Postgraduate Open Day is focused on helping students learn about the resources that can available for their postgraduate studies (aimed at students beginning or currently undertaking postgraduate study).
Find out more and reserve your place via our website (this is a FREE event, but space is limited and reservations are required).
Society Dates to Remember
The Society's Library will be closed on Friday, 14 October, for its second annual Postgraduate Open Day.
Regional Fellows Groups
South West Fellows
Want to join the South West Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings, you can subscribe online at: http://eepurl.com/MvHUr
Welsh Fellows
14–16 October: The Annual Field Weekend is in Usk this year. The programme includes visits to castles at Hay-on-Wye and Usk, Llanthony Abbey, Clytha House and Gardens and other historic houses and sites in the area. For more information on this event, please contact Bob Child, FSA, at bob.child@ntlworld.com.
Want to join the Welsh Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings, email Bob Child at bob.child@ntlworld.com.
York Fellows
6 September: The Grey Friars Project: Finding Richard III by Dr Turi King (18.00 at the Bar Convent, York).
Want to join the York Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings in York, you can subscribe online at: http://eepurl.com/8nvxL
Other Forthcoming Heritage Events
See end for 'Call for Papers'
9 September: The Annual Soane Lecture (Bedford)
Philippa Glanville FSA, formerly Chief Curator of Metal, Silver and Jewellery at the V&A,is guest lecturer at 7.30pm at Moggerhanger Park (designed by Sir John Soane). Tickets £18 (£12 for Friends of Moggerhanger) available from Mary Burt, 07736 411144 or mjoburt@tiscali.co.uk.
9–11 September: Capability Brown: Perception and Response in a Global Context (Bath)
The influence of Capability Brown and the naturalistic landscape design style on landscapes across the world will be presented at a major ICOMOS-UK conference at the University of Bath, as part of the first-ever national Capability Brown Festival. Speakers include David Thackray FSA, President of ICOMOS-UK and Megan Aldrich FSA. For more information see the ICOMOS website.
12 September: Of Snails and Toads – the Marlborough Mound and the Archaeology of Garden Mounts and Grottoes (Marlborough) Brian Dix FSA will give the Marlborough Mound Trust Annual Lecture at the Ellis Theatre, Marlborough College, on the history and archaeology, in garden terms, of mounds and grottoes. Recent work at the Mound has restored the spiral path which was cut into the old castle mound around 1650, when the Seymour family built the first house on the site of what is now C House in the College; the garden was much admired by contemporaries. For further details please contact the Marlborough Mound Trust, tel. 01672 892390.
15 September: ‘Uncouth and whimsical’: Furniture and the 18th Century Antiquarian Interior (Twickenham)
This study day at Strawberry Hill celebrates the acquisition of the chair made c 1603 for Sir Peter Warburton, which was sold from the house in 1842. It focuses on the design and uses of ‘ancient’ and modern antiquarian furniture at Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill, and its place in the broader history of antiquarian interiors, as well as its afterlife. Speakers include Adam Bowett, Silvia Davoli, Peter Lindfield, Sarah Medlam, Michael Snodin FSA, Mark Westgarth and Lisa White FSA. For further information contact claire.leighton@strawberryhillhouse.org.uk. See website for tickets.
16 September: Framing the Post-Medieval: Approaches to Regional and National Research Frameworks (Salford)
This conference at the Peel Building, University of Salford, is to encourage discussion and debate on recent post-Medieval research and set agendas for the future. Particular note will be taken of the regional frameworks which are being revised and updated by Historic England, but papers will also offer experience from previous revisions, and those considering wider national framework issues not only in England but across Britain and Ireland. See the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology’s website for full details.
17 September: 850th Anniversary of the Assize of Clarendon (Salisbury)
Before 1166 guilt or innocence was mainly tested by ordeals. During the Assize held at Clarendon Palace, Henry II laid the first foundation of our present judicial system and paved the way for Magna Carta. Speakers at a conference in Salisbury Museum include John Mcneill FSA, Anthony Musson FSA and Nicholas Vincent FSA. The programme will include a chance to see some of the material from the contemporary Old Sarum site, held in store at the Museum. For more information or to book a place contact clarendon850@btinternet.com.
17–18 September: The Archaeology of the Latin East (Cardiff)
A conference in honour of Denys Pringle FSA, in the Glamorgan Building at Cardiff University, will mark the publication of Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant: The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, edited by M. Sinibaldi, K.J. Lewis, B. Major and J.A. Thompson (University of Wales Press), and Professor Pringle’s 65th birthday. For more information, see online.
19 September: Soane and Shakespeare: Objects And Contexts (London)
Alison Shell FSA is hosting a free study day run by Sir John Soane's Museum and University College London. In the morning, participants will view the exhibition, guest-curated by Shell, ‘The Cloud-Capped Towers’: Shakespeare in Soane's Architectural Imagination, at Sir John Soane's Museum. They will move to UCL for a lunchtime exhibition of Shakespeare-related material in UCL Art Museum, with a tour of the Flaxman Gallery in UCL Library. The afternoon colloquium will feature papers from Andrew Rudd, Emma Smith, Marcus Risdell and Robin Simon FSA.
23 September–13 November: At the Foot of the Pyramid (Rome)
Nicholas Stanley-Price FSA is curating At the Foot of the Pyramid: 300 years of the cemetery for foreigners in Rome, at the Casa di Goethe, under the auspices of the 15 administering embassies. The exhibition assembles more than 40 European and American paintings, drawings and prints from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, including works by JMW Turner, Jacques Sablet, Walter Crane, Jakob Philipp Hackert, Ettore Roesler Franz, Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Edvard Munch. Among the most famous tombs, designed by artists such as Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Bertel Thorvaldsen, are those of John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley and the Beat poet Gregory Corso; Italians include Dario Bellezza, Carlo Emilio Gadda and Antonio Gramsci. Shelley thought it ‘The most beautiful and solemn cemetery I have ever beheld.’ Photo shows detail of Rudolph Müller’s painting of the tomb of August von Goethe, the poet’s son (1840s), Klassik Stiftung Weimar.
24 September: Anglo-Saxon Rendlesham A Royal Centre of the East Anglian Kingdom (Bury St Edmunds)
A one-day conference to present the results of archaeological investigation at Rendlesham 2008–14, at the Apex, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Speakers include Chris Scull FSA and Jude Plouviez FSA, and discussions will be led by Martin Carver FSA, Catherine Hills FSA and Leslie Webster FSA. For details see Suffolk Heritage Explorer.
24 September: 2016 Deerhurst Lecture (Gloucestershire)
The 2015 Deerhurst Lecture will be given by Matthew Townend of the University of York, under the title 'The Road to Deerhurst: 1016 in English and Norse Sources'. The lecture will commemorate the millennium of the peace-meeting at the island of Olney between Kings Edmund Ironside and Cnut after the many battles in the course of the year. Tickets will be available at the church door or visit the Friends Of Deerhurst Church website.
September–November: Venice in Peril Fund Lectures (London)
The Venice in Peril Fund presents an autumn lecture series at the Society of Antiquaries:
26 September – Frank Salmon FSA, ‘Monumental, refined and urbane: Victorian Architecture and Renaissance Venice’.
17 October – Jonathan Keates FSA (Chairman of the Venice in Peril Fund), ‘Shakespeare goes to Venice’.
14 November – Martin Drury FSA, ‘Venice and the Society of Dilettanti’.
27 September: Ten Things You Really Should Know About Ancient Greek Democracy (London)
Paul Cartledge FSA will speak at Barnard's Inn Hall, Gresham College, about ancient Greek democracy – arguing that there was no such thing. Even Athens, which invented both the thing and the name, had at least three versions over a span of about 150 years. Although the ancient Greeks have given the world ‘democracy’, ancient Greek democracy was in several crucial and fundamental respects very different indeed from, if not opposite to, what passes for ‘democracy’ today. See online for details.
29 September: Heraldic Badges: From Miniature to Monumental, 1300–1500 (London)
A Research Forum at the Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House. The question of how to represent a person was of great importance to artists and patrons in the later Middle Ages. While much attention has focussed on the development of facial likeness in portraiture, the concurrent fashion for expressing identity through symbolic codes has been comparatively ignored. Heraldic badges – a form of symbolic representation whereby individuals are represented through objects, plants, animals, letters or mythological beings – were extremely popular in the royal and aristocratic courts of the 14th and 15th centuries. This conference brings together experts from across Europe, and aims to stimulate cross-cultural conversations on the display, function and circulation of heraldic badges. See online for details.
5–6 October: Auricular Style: Frames (London)
An international conference at the Wallace Collection will be the first dedicated to the Auricular style, centring on one of its most significant manifestations, the picture frame. Speakers currently include Karen Hearn FSA, Christopher Rowell FSA and Jacob Simon FSA. Displays to run simultaneously with the conference are planned with the Guildhall Art Gallery, and Ham House, London. Relevant topics include connections between countries, the Van Vianens, Fontainebleau, the grotesque. ‘Medici’ frames. the influence of prints, Auricular settings, craftsmanship, the style’s decline and its revivals, and more. Enquiries and submissions (300–400-word abstracts) to alabone.g@gmail.com by 29 January, 2016. Convenors Gerry Alabone FSA and Lynn Roberts, in association with the Institute of Conservation (Gilding & Decorative Surfaces Group). Early bird registration (after which prices rise) ends on 30 June.
5–16 October: Exhibition: William Stukeley Drawings (Spalding)
The Spalding Gentlemen’s Society presents an important exhibition at
Ayscoughfee Hall Museum, Spalding. The drawings have recently been cleaned, conserved and mounted under a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. This is the first time they have ever been displayed in public. They are beautiful in their own right, examples of a skill that used to be common before photography was invented. The drawings are important for several reasons, not least for the light they shed on Stukeley's role in shaping the evolution of garden design in 18th-century Britain.
7–8 October: Sir Walter Scott the Antiquary (Edinburgh/Melrose)
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (SAS) and Abbotsford House are holding a conference to celebrate the bicentenary of The Antiquary, at the Auditorium, National Museum of Scotland on the Friday (chaired by Iain Gordon Brown FSA and George Dalgleish FSA), and Abbotsford House, Melrose on the Saturday. Published in May 1816, The Antiquary’s 6,000 copies sold out within three weeks, and went through a further nine editions in Scott’s lifetime. Scott was a Vice President of the SAS, and his interests in the material culture of Scotland and their contemporary research form a core element of the novel. This unique event will uncover a different side to Sir Walter Scott, the antiquary and collector, and the physical culture surrounding and inspiring him.
8 October: Environment and Society in the First Millennium A.D. (London)
A conference in the Society of Antiquaries Meeting Room, Burlington House (09.15–18.00) taking a Mediterranean-wide approach, setting climate or pollen data into the wider first millennium A.D., greening the countryside and so making rural surveys meaningful. A panel of international speakers includes Stephen Rippon FSA. To register write to M.Mulryan@kent.ac.uk before 5 October.
8 October: Church Visits: Autumn Study Day (Essex)
Essex historian Christopher Starr FSA will be in situ to talk about four Medieval churches in central Essex: St Mary & St Lawrence, Great Waltham; St Martin, Little Waltham; St John the Evangelist, Little Leighs; and St Mary, Great Leighs. Contact Susan Clark-Starr, Friends of Essex Churches Trust, phone 01787 242121 or 07956 463628, or email susanclarkstarr@hotmail.co.uk. See online for details.
10/11 October: Sometimes all that Glitters is Gold: The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos (Cambridge and London)
The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior, Pylos, Greece, is a spectacular find that matches contemporary graves such as those Heinrich Schliemann dug at Mycenae, while helping to explain the Cretan connections with the south-west Peloponnese and the rise of the site that later hosted the Mycenaean palace. The Faculty of Classics and McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, are delighted to announce the first full presentation in the UK of this remarkable discovery. Jack Davis FSA and Sharon Stocker (Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati) will speak on 10 October at 5 pm at the Faculty of Classics, to be followed by a reception. This is anticipated to be a popular lecture. To reserve your place please reply to pylos.lecture@classics.cam.ac.uk by Monday 3 October. The speakers will deliver a similar fund-raising address in London, on 11 October, at the Hellenic Centre, 16–18 Paddington Street, for the Anglo-Hellenic League. See online for tickets.
14–16 October: 1066: Interpreting the Norman Conquest in 2016 (London)
In this 950th anniversary year, a conference on the Norman Conquest is to be held by the Royal Armouries at the Tower of London, running from the day of the battle. The conference is intended for a general audience, but the contributions will be delivered by prominent experts, including David Bates FSA, author of a forthcoming biography of William the Conqueror, and Elisabeth van Houts, who has edited and translated several Anglo-Norman chronicles and has published on women and gender in the Middle Ages. Subjects will include the background to the Conquest, arms and armour, architecture, landscape, government, aristocracy, the church, society, the Bayeux Tapestry and the task of studying the period today. To register interest and obtain further information please contact bookings@armouries.org.uk or call 0113 220 1888.
15 October: 1066 Battle of Hastings (Southampton)
The University of Southampton is holding a 1066 Battle of Hastings Lifelong Learning study day. Speakers will include David Hinton FSA, Leonie Hicks, Catherine Clarke, Nicholas Karn FSA and Dan Spencer. Full details can be found on online.
15 October: The Age of Luxury: the Georgian Country House c 1700-1820 (Lewes)
Between 1700 and 1820 old houses were transformed and new ones built, some on a spectacular scale by owners who would now be regarded as multi-millionaires. The influence of the Grand Tour on country house owners was considerable, not least as many of them travelled abroad themselves, seeing European fashions at first hand. This Saturday conference chaired by Maurice Howard FSA address such aspects of the Georgian country house. Speakers include Sally Jeffery FSA on the influences on early Georgian garden design, Geoffrey Tyack FSA on architecture and planning, Susan Bracken FSA on interiors and Jonathan Yarker of Lowell Libson on the Grand Tour. Other topics include servants, guidebooks and how such spending was paid for.
The Age of Luxury is part of a series of day conferences organised by Sue Berry for the Sussex Archaeological Society at Lewes. New ideas from Fellows are welcomed (and she is seeking an expert on the impact of the Reformation on the English Parish Church). Please contact pat.sueberry@btopenworld.com. Speakers are paid a fee and expenses and can bring a friend free. The watercolour by J. Lambert of Lewes (1780, detail) shows Newick Place near Lewes, the home of Lady Vernon (Sussex Archaeological Society).
19 October: Shakespeare, the Earls of Derby & the North West (Prescot)
Knowsley Hall is hosting an international symposium in association with Liverpool John Moores University and Shakespeare North, organised by Stephen Lloyd FSA. Leading scholars of Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre culture will mark the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, and reveal new research and interpretation about the deep involvement of the Earls of Derby and other members of the Stanley family in the world of Shakespearean theatre, especially in the north-west. See online for details.
26 October: The Arundel Choirbook and Tudor Polyphony (London)
A concert in the Great Hall, Lambeth Palace, followed by a reception. Created in 1525, the Arundel Choirbook is one of very few part-books to have survived the Reformation. It reveals a wealth of extraordinary music and is one of the jewels of the collection of Lambeth Palace Library. In a rare performance, Harry Christophers and The Sixteen will perform pieces by Ludford and Fayrfax, complemented with works by Sheppard, a younger contemporary of Fayrfax. For tickets (£60) phone 01904 651485, email boxoffice@ncem.co.uk or see online for full details.
27–28 November: The Destruction Of Books (London)This year’s 38th Annual Conference on Book Trade History, at Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, is concerned with the attrition and loss of books and manuscripts. Speakers will explore misfortunes that can befall books, ranging from accidental or wilful destruction of books to the cutting up and re-use of text and pictures. The impact of book-trade practices and changing fashions in collecting, with the recycling of paper and parchment and the rebinding of books, will form another major theme. Speakers include Brian Cummings FSA, John Goldfinch FSA, Christopher de Hamel FSA, Giles Mandelbrote FSA and Nicholas Pickwoad FSA. See online for full details.
November 2016–June 2017: Lecture Series on the History of English Architecture (London)
Simon Thurley FSA is giving a series of free lectures in his capacity as Visiting Professor of the Built Environment at Gresham College, a positon created in 2009 for his continuing lectures on the history of English architecture. They will take place at the Museum of London, and will be accessible to the general public on a first come first served basis, beginning promptly at 6pm. The lectures are:
2 November 2016: Saving the Twentieth Century
How far can experimental buildings of the 1960s and '70s be altered for new uses? Should there be new rules for a new era of conservation?
7 December 2016: Tough Choices: Heritage or Housing?
The one built environment issue on which there is political consensus is an urgent need to build more houses. Housebuilding and heritage can be reconciled, but at the moment far too few local authorities know how to do it.
1 February 2017: Perfection or Pastiche? New Buildings in Old Places
The blight of the concrete municipal buildings of the 1960s and 70s in the historic centres of our cathedral cities is all too familiar. Everyone wants to avoid the same mistakes being made again, but can we reconcile old and new in our historic cities?
8 March 2017: The Value of Heritage and the Heritage of Value
There was a time when old places were valued simply for their beauty and interest, but now this is not enough. Are calculations of the financial contribution of our history adding to the value of our heritage or have they fundamentally devalued it?
7 June 2017: Fifty Years of Conservation Areas (Simon Thurley and Desmond Fitzpatrick FSA)
The first Conservation Areas were designated in 1967, today at the golden anniversary there are some 10,000 sites. The presentation will explore the origins, variety and some challenges for the future.
Call for Papers
12 September: Objects & Possessions: Material Goods in a Changing World 1200–1800 (Southampton)
Chris Woolgar FSA is organising a conference at the University of Southampton, 3-6 April 2017, to focus on objects and possessions between AD1200 and 1800 across Europe and its overseas colonies, the connections and relationships facilitated by the exchange of goods, the importance and interpretation of the inheritance of goods and objects, and the ways in which goods brokered relations between Europe and the wider world. He invites proposals for single papers and whole sessions (three papers). Abstracts (maximum 200 words) to C.M.Woolgar@soton.ac.uk. Keynote speakers include Chris Briggs (Cambridge), Giorgio Riello (Warwick) and James Walvin (York).
3–4 November: Society for Museum Archaeology Annual Conference 2016 (Worcester)
The Society for Museum Archaeology Annual Conference will take place at The Hive, offering an opportunity to network with colleagues while hearing about and discussing the latest developments in the field. This year’s theme is ‘A World of Archaeology: from local to global’. Have you worked on projects with international partners? Do you work on a World Heritage Site? Do you engage overseas audiences online? Or do you concentrate on working with local communities, and use imaginative approaches to open up the world? Gail Boyle FSA, Chair of the Society, says they would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to share the innovative ways they work with archaeological collections. Please send proposals or queries to the Society’s Secretary Kat Baxter at katherine.baxter@leeds.gov.uk by 31 July.
21 January 2017: New Insights into 16th- and 17th-Century British Architecture (London)
This seventh conference in a series will be held at the Society of Antiquaries. Proposals in the form of short abstracts (up to 250 words) are invited for 30-minute long papers. While the emphasis remains on new developments in architecture, we welcome proposals on related themes, such as decorative arts, gardens, sculpture and monuments. The proposals should be submitted by mid-August and the final programme will be announced in September. For further information, please contact Fellows Paula Henderson FSA (henderson.paula@comcast.net) or Claire Gapper FSA (claire.gapper@btinternet.com).
May 17–18 2017: Archaeology and History of Lydia from Early Lydian Period to the Late Antiquity (Izmir, Turkey)
This symposium will take place at the Dokuz Eylul University. Lydia was an ancient region, located in inner western Anatolia, and compared to the coastline of western Asia Minor its archaeology is not well known. We warmly invite contributions by scholars and graduate students from a variety of disciplines of ancient classical studies related to this region. The aim of the symposium is to report on the state of research concerning Lydia between the 8th century BC and 6th century AD. See online for details.
The Council for British Archaeology is seeking a Deputy Director to work from our office in York.
This is an exciting and challenging opportunity to help strengthen existing partnerships, develop new ones and be part of a small team helping to influence national and regional heritage policy. The successful individual will also be helping to develop and implement new projects that help deliver the CBA’s strategic aims and objectives.
The core purpose of this role is to work with key stakeholders to raise the CBA’s profile and deliver CBA strategic aims through partnerships and projects, and to take lead responsibility for the CBA’s work relating to public engagement and community participation in archaeology.
Starting salary of £35,000 p.a – with the possibility of an increase for an exceptional candidate, plus attractive pension with an additional 10% of gross salary available as an employer’s contribution to a pension scheme. A contribution to removal expenses will also be available.
The closing date for applications is 10am on Tuesday 27 September 2016. Interviews are expected to take place on Thursday 6 October 2016. Full details are available online.
Propose a Lecture or Seminar
Please download and complete the Lecture Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Officer, if you are interested in giving a lecture at one of the Society's Ordinary Meetings (Thursday evenings at 17.00) or as part of our Public Lecture series (occasional Tuesday afternoons at 13.00). We welcome papers based on new research or themes related to the Society's field of interest: the study of the material past. You can view our current lecture programme in the Events section of our website.
Fellows are also encouraged to propose topics or themes for conferences or seminars that bring scholars and professionals from a variety of disciplines together to explain, discuss and debate our material culture. Please download and complete the Conference Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Officer, if you are interested in helping us organise such an event.