Now available!  David Fleming's Lean Logic and Surviving the Future
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"Wisdom is intelligence drenched in culture" ~ David Fleming

So here they are, in all their beauty!

Yes, I am now in proud possession of actual physical copies of both David Fleming's posthumous books, and they are gorgeous!

They don't officially launch until September 8th, but I have heard from some who placed early pre-orders that they too have already received the books.

If you haven't placed your orders yet, just click on the book covers below to get them winging their way to you.  As for the rest of us, it must be time for a party...

Launch events/book tour

2-4th SeptDark Mountain Basecamp festival, Embercombe, Devon (sold out)

10th SeptSmall Is Beautiful festival, Centre for Alternative Technology, Powys, mid-Wales

19th Sept – 11:30am – "Could Brexit lead to the rediscovery of culture grounded in place?", celebration of the books with Jonathon Porritt.  Trinity College, Oxford University

21st Sept – 6:30pm-8:30pmThe main launch celebration at Daunt Books, Chelsea, London

12th Oct – 8pm-10pm – Schumacher College Earth Talk on David Fleming, with Rob Hopkins. Dartington, Totnes

6-10th Feb 2017 – Schumacher College week-long course on David's work: Community, place and play: a post-market economics, with Mark Boyle, Rob Hopkins and Stephan Harding

Click links for more details or to book. 
I look forward to seeing many of you soon!

A quick favour from you...

As core friends of the books, please please please could you take five minutes to write an Amazon review for one or both.  Here are the links to the UK Amazon pages for each book:
Most of you will have seen Lean Logic before, and if we could get at least 20 five star reviews up on the books in the next week it would provide a MASSIVE boost to how many people actually end up reading them.

Something short and simple is fine.  If you don't know how, email me at and I'll be happy to explain.

Click the cover above for Lean Logic's own dedicated webpage, with all information and links for ordering anywhere in the world.

It's thoroughly edited and indexed, with a comely layout (see sample spreads here and here), a foreword from Jonathon Porritt, completed endnotes and (epic!) bibliography, editor's preface and illustrated with over 60 wood engravings selected or commissioned by David.  But none of that does justice to just what a beautiful object it is!
Click the cover above to read about or order the new paperback - Surviving the Future.

This too is beautifully laid-out, though naturally in a far more conventional style than the full dictionary.  To give you a sense of what's inside, here's Rob Hopkins' wonderful Foreword, the contents list and my editor's preface.


And we're not the only ones excited by these books!

Even ahead of the official launch there's been so much talk about these books it's hard to know where to begin.  I couldn't possibly do more than offer links to some of what's out there, so here goes...

First, the books have had amazing praise from a wide range of distinguished folk, which you can read here and here.  Including Caroline Lucas MP, Roger Scruton, Mark Boyle, Rupert Sheldrake, Tim Jackson, Andrew Simms, Alastair McIntosh, Jeremy Leggett, Richard Heinberg, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Paul Kingsnorth, Tim Yeo, John Holloway, John Michael Greer and many more!
Chelsea Green put out a great press release to go alongside their rather attractive little postcards (like the one above, currently being distributed by friends at various events) and I've already done one lovely interview about David and the books, with a couple of radio stations also keen.


Then there are the first reviews, from John Thackara, the Dark Mountain journal, Resurgence magazine and Resilience.orgKosmos magazine have been inspired enough by the copy we sent them to spontaneously start running extracts online, and John Michael Greer plugged it powerfully at the end of his latest story.

And Twitter has been buzzing with early #LeanLogic and #SurvivingTheFuture tweets, with highlights including these from John Thackara, Rob Hopkins, Raf Manji, Henrik Dahle and Lean Logic's very own Twitter account


Meanwhile pre-orders have been such that the publishers already had to order another print run to cope with demand!  Lean Logic has consistently been Amazon's #1 New Release in Dictionaries (though I'm not sure how many new dictionaries are released anyway!?), and the two books have regularly been #1 and #2 in Amazon's Hot New Releases in Social Philosophy.
"David Fleming was an elder of the UK green movement and a key figure in the early Green Party.  Drawing on the heritage of Schumacher's Small is Beautiful, Fleming's beautifully written and nourishing vision of a post-growth economics grounded in human-scale culture and communityrather than big finance is both inspiring and ever more topical."

~ Caroline Lucas MP, former leader, Green Party of England and Wales; former Member of the European Parliament

Much more to come...

And all of this before the books even launch!  Reviews are already being prepared by the London School of Economics Review of Books, STIR magazine, lowimpact org, Permaculture magazine, The Land and the journal of the Society of Wood Engravers!  Harper's, SALT and the Occupied Times also plan to run extracts. 

And of course as the launch events and these reviews roll out, we'd expect a far wider range of outlets to pick up on the books and be keen to get their teeth into them!

You can help!
Please do spread the word however you can - review the books online, tell your friends, lend them a copy.  Or if you know of a group or organisation that really needs to hear about these books, drop me a line.  Let's make sure David's genius finally receives the attention it deserves!

And if you're keen to be the first to hear about future reviews, events etc, the best thing to do is follow my Dark Optimism accounts on Facebook and/or Twitter.

ps  In my previous email back in the Spring I said that the books would be published in July.  Sorry, that was my confusion.  The first copies were printed in mid-July, but then the long logistical process started to have copies in all the shops around the world in time for the launch on Sept 8th!
And, like last time, a little treat to end, this time courtesy of the wonderful Henrik Dahle, who somehow managed to interview David up an oak tree (see above) in November 2010 for his Uptrees project! 

You can listen to the full audio recording - including discussion of Lean Logic - by clicking here.


“I think the book is all really about getting on with life and crucially getting on in life in the things that really matter. And what really matters is music . . .

Henrik: music. . . ?

David: . . . and humour and conversation and painting, the arts, things like that, and having fun, play and farting about and generally enjoying life. That’s what really, really matters, I mean everything else is . . . well, the needle hiss, we used to say in the old days. Gramophone records . . . oh you are probably too young to know that expression anyway [laughing]”

Surviving the Future website
Lean Logic website
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