
Job Posting
Opioid Task Force

We're hiring!
The Franklin County Sheriff's Office and the Opioid Task Force are currently accepting applications for a full-time Community Resource Coordinator. 

The Opioid Task Force Community Resource Coordinator (OTFCRC) is responsible for working closely with the Director and Co-Chairs of the Opioid Task Force (OTF) as well as the Intercept Zero Advisory Council to design and implement a sequential intercept zero mapping project including:
  • Meeting and event coordination
  • Communication with Task Force members and community partners such as the Franklin County Resource Network's Public Policy Task Force
  • Conducting report and presentation research and development 
The OTFCR Coordinator will be responsible for developing an annual report to help OTF, partner organizations, and community members to understand where there are barriers and gaps in accessing services in order to strategically take action, addressing those gaps through public policy change. 
For a complete job posting and information on how to apply please click here

National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month 2016!

Every year, SAMHSA sponsors National Recovery Month to increase awareness about substance use disorders and to celebrate people in recovery. 

This month, in honor of all types of recovery, we want to know what recovery means to YOU. Go to our Facebook page, leave your comment, and be automatically entered to win a $50.00 gift certificate to a local restaurant! The winner will be randomly selected and contacted on Monday, October 3rd.

Visit the National Recovery Month website to learn more.
"Prevention works, treatment is effective, and people recover." 

Harm Reduction Training

On Tuesday, September 20th, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) is hosting a Harm Reduction training designed to:
  • Introduce participants to the principles and practices of harm reduction
  • Explore the wide applicability of the approach
  • Discover its benefits for individuals and their communities
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Registration: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Training: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites
265 Lakeside Avenue, Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752
Click here for a full event summary and registration details
For more information about harm reduction trainings, visit the Praxis and Center for Social Innovation's website or check out the Harm Reduction Coalition.

MPHA Forum on Marijuana

The Massachusetts Public Health Association is sponsoring a free forum about the public health and criminal justice implications of marijuana legalization. As the November ballot quickly approaches, this is a great opportunity to learn how legalizing recreational marijuana use in Massachusetts could affect communities throughout the state. Panelists will offer diverse viewpoints about the public health and criminal justice implications of the ballot initiative. 

When? Friday, September 16th
8:30 - 10:30 am
Where? Blumer Room,
Framingham Town Hall
150 Concord Street, Framingham, MA

For more details about the forum and to register, click here

Sober Home for Men Opens in Springfield

"What sets us apart is our focus on integrating needed behaviors and skills into our Guests’ daily lives so they learn to manage their disease and live free of alcohol and drugs. We also help each Guest build a strong recovery network outside our home, so that when they leave us, they have the support necessary to continue to build long-term recovery."

The Bridge Home recently opened in Springfield, offering six to eight beds in a supportive community for men ages 18 - 35 who are recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. 
  • Community life and recovery plans
  • Strategies, life skills and integration
  • Healing body, mind and spirit and restoring relationships
For more information about the Bridge Home, including admissions criteria and program overviews, visit their website

Overdose Prevention Trainings

The Task Force is working with Tapestry Health and the North Quabbin Community Coalition to host a series of opioid overdose prevention and nasal Narcan trainings. These trainings are free and open to all interested community members

Trainings will take place in August and September, and will be held in Greenfield, Orange, Turners Falls, Petersham and Shelburne Falls. 

Please contact Liz Whynott at

All participants will be given a free Narcan Kit.


Click the image above for a PDF flyer
For more information about how to access Narcan (Nalaxone) in Massachusetts, click here.

Event Recap: Treatment & Recovery Panel

On Wednesday, August 24th, over 20 attorneys and court staff gathered at the Franklin County Courthouse for a treatment and recovery panel discussion. The goal of Wednesday's training was to help attorneys understand what treatment and recovery services are available to their clients, as well as how to navigate them. 

Click here to read more about the event from 22 News, or click here for coverage from the Recorder. 
Thank you to everyone who attended and to the Franklin County Bar Association for co-sponsoring this event! 

Searching for Substance Use Services

The Massachusetts Behavioral Health Access website helps social service providers search for mental health and substance use services, with the intention of referring individuals to those services. Using this website, providers can search for the following substance use services:
  • Acute Treatment Services (ATS) 
  • Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS)
  • Transitional Support Services (TSS)
  • Methadone Treatment
  • Level IV Detox
Findings will include provider contact information, location, accepted insurance, capacity, available openings and more.
Click HERE to find substance use services and bed availability in your area. 
Click here to learn more about the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership

Recovery Jam 2016

Come celebrate National Recovery Month at this year's Recovery Jam music festival! 

When? September 24th, 2016

Where? Camp Apex, Shelburne Falls, MA

Tickets for Recovery Jam can be purchased at the Recover Project 
(68 Federal Street in Greenfield) or by emailing Tess Jurgensen at

Click the image above for a PDF flyer. 
Music, food, friends, FUN! 
Hosted by the Recover Project

Opioid Epidemic

From September 9-11 the GE Foundation and CAMTech are partnering to host an Opioid Epidemic Challenge Summit & Hack-a-thon in Boston, MA. Clinicians, engineers, entrepreneurs, designers, students and others are invited to attend. 
  • Cross-collaborate
  • Problem solve
  • Create real change! 

The hack-a-thon will address the opioid epidemic on all fronts including prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery.


Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer

For more information, contact or
visit the Summit website

National Letter-to-the-Editor Campaign

"One of the leading roadblocks to better public policy around addiction and recovery is the stigma attached to substance use disorders. Whether you are a person in long-term recovery, a family member who lost a loved one, a prevention leader, public health official, harm reduction advocate, faith leader, labor union member or educator, you have a unique story to tell." 

Facing Addiction recently launched a national letter-to-the-editor campaign to raise awareness about the disease of addiction and reduce the stigma associated with substance use disorders. 

Click here to learn more about the campaign and how to submit your letter!

For questions or more information,
please contact Sarah Ahern at

Overdose Prevention Infographics

Do you know how to administer nasal Narcan, recognize and respond to an opioid overdose? Take a look at these new overdose prevention materials we put together in collaboration with the North Quabbin Community Coalition and the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition.


Please feel free to use & share these infographics among your networks!

Check out our website for more overdose prevention materials.

If you would like to request printed copies, please contact Tess Jurgensen at


Join the State Without StigMA Campaign!  

And Notes

Upcoming Task Force
Committee Meetings:

Treatment and Recovery
Friday, October 7th 10-11:30 am
GCC Downtown
270 Main St in Greenfield

Please email Deb Neubauer at if you would like to join for this meeting.

Healthcare Solutions
Friday, September 23rd 10-12 pm
Olver Transit Center
12 Olive Street in Greenfield

Please email Phoebe Walker at if you would like to join for this meeting. 
Save a Life. Call 911.
You are Protected by the
Good Samaritan Law.


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