August 31, 2016

2016 Harvest in Full Swing

Honeycrisp (with morning dew)
ripening on the tree at Riveridge Land Company

2016 Crop Update

"Fruit is clean with minimal defects. Sizing and conditions are good," said Justin Finkler, Riveridge farm manager. "Weather has been nearly ideal, not a lot of pressure  - good heat, no hail."

These conditions have led to talk of a record crop - more than 30 million bushels with some estimates up to 32 million. 
Gala nearly ready to be picked
A good king bloom set this year helped contribute to overall fruit size that will be slightly above average. Fruit is still growing and with the recent moisture and upcoming heat in the forecast, the apples will continue to grow.

Honeycrisp are just starting to color. They will really turn when the nights turn cooler (50s) and the days remain sunny. The starches have converted to sugars nicely to add the sweet thanks to the heat. Anticipated Honeycrisp harvest will start September 15 - at the peak of ripeness.

Pink Lady apples will be available late fall, coming into harvest from a few local growers.

The labor outlook looks good. And if the weather continues to cooperate, we'll be picking at the ideal times, making for even better storage for a longer season.

Come out for a 2016 harvest visit! There is no time like fall on the Ridge. Apple trees as far as the eye can see and the packing houses are in full production.

Packing Houses Make Upgrades Over Summer


Every summer, packing houses take advantage of the downtime to make improvements and do a deep clean in preparation for the next apple packing season. This summer was no different.

Later in the 2015/2016 apple season, Riveridge added an established packing house to the roster that underwent a major upgrade this summer adding an all new Compac an internal defect sorters. With this addition, all packing houses supplying apples for Riveridge sales are utilizing technology for internal and external sorting along with the traditional methods.

Other packing houses made improvements:
  • At Riveridge Packing, all 16 cameras inside the Compaq 4L camera box were replaced for increased communication speed (see pic)
    • All the computers that process the images and control the sizer are being replaced and updated with the most recent version of software. It takes only half the number of computers to run the current system.
  • Other packing houses within the Riveridge network have upgraded a sizer with internal and external sorting; replaced older bin handling systems, water flumes, washers, waxers and drying rooms for the latest versions and a few packing houses put in new check weighers for baggers.
All these improvements help to make sure we are getting you the best apples for your customers.

Michigan Apple Availability

Paula Red and Ginger Gold apples have been harvested for the year. They continue to be packed until supply has been depleted. Next up: Gala. Picking for early-season variety, Fulford, will start a week from tomorrow but already had solid Brix and incredible flavor. 
2016 Riveridge Michigan Apple Harvest Calendar - download by clicking on the image.

Paula Red Aug 29-Sep 2 Now Shipping
Ginger Gold Sep 1-4 Now Shipping
Gala Sep 6-9  
Golden Delicious Sep 6-9  
McIntosh Sep 8-10  
Jonamac Sep 8-10  
Honeycrisp Sep 15-18  
Cortland Sep 20-23  
Fuji Sep 20-23  
Jonathan Sep 20-23  
Empire Sep 20-23  
Red Delicious Sep 23-26  
Jonagold Sep 26-28  
Law Romes Oct 2-7  
Ida Romes Oct 2-7  
Braeburn Oct 24-27  
Pink Lady Oct 31-Nov 1
Don Armock Mitch Brinks Kari Soldaat
Tom Curtis Brian Johnson Trish Taylor
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