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In this Issue:



Weekends 2016

Essential Hua Gong
Sept 10-11. Oct 1-2 
Nov 5-6-, Dec 3-4

New Moon Internal Alchemy Meditations
Time: 11pm-1am

Oct 1, Oct 30
Nov 29, Dec 29

Focused Hua Gong

Sept 24-25

Retreats 2016

Turtle & Snake
Oct 17-25 St Katharine,s of Parmoor

Advanced Hua Gong Forms
 Nov 7-15  St Katharine's of Parmoor

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Dao Hua School

Qigong Southwest

Contact us at Chinese Heritage:

Email Catherine
Tel. 0845 0553666

Precious Teas

These teas are for enjoyment, cleansing and to aid us in our practice.

Wild Green
Jasmine Green
Mung Ding
Iron Guan Yin
Puerh Tea


The Year of the Red Fire Monkey

September 2016

Greetings Subscriber 

One could not do the Calligraphy retreat justice by describing it, for it simply had to be experienced.
There were many instructions on how to transmit the energy and Light onto the paper via the medium of the brush.  One had a sense of being in touch with  an altogether forgotten knowledge  and "writing"ability and indeed an ancient scholarly tradition.  The effect was invigorating!.
 So shortly after receiving the transmission and doing some practice, we studentsr were managing to get some "essential" Qi energy through in our writing.

Zhixing then wrote for each of us an image of our own personal  essential energy signature,  which we could use to meditate with and to write.   He advised that the regular and continued writing of this image would be an aid to our own connection,  treatment and  healing  and would have a  talismanic effect.

One piece of wisdom which stood out was that Qi Calligraphy writing enables us to get through to a deeper level in ourselves.  If through our writing we allow the character to open up and unfold , we can tune in deeply within ourselves and work something out.  As a result we will find that we can breathe more fully, and stale  and  jammed energy and information  can be downloaded out of the system.  Based on this we can discover more potential, capability, capacity and inner power, and have all that resource available to us.
This of course is also the message of our general Hua Gong practice too..to engage with a deeper level in ourselves through our practice, thereby opening up and releasing our true capacity.  We will experience the good results quite rapidly.
So inspiring!

At the end of this newsletter,  is a poem by one of our students  describing her experience of the Qi Calligraphy.

  Calligraphy of the month

Mother Earth

Gu / Valley
 Gu means the valley literally. While the true meaning of the Gu is the open, sheltering and nurturing space on earth.  Embracing air, light and rain falls from the heaven, the earth gives birth to all lives: plants, animals, insects, birds, fish, and humans.  So Gu is the Mother Earth on which our life dwells and depends.  Qigong practice enables us to reconnect to lively Qi from the earth and to draw nourishment from the source of life.


The Shen Footage is now on You Tube
Shen Qigong by Zhixing Wang 


Dates for the Diary
London Weekend, Essential Hua Gong
Date: Sept 10-11
Venue: St Charles 6th Form College, St Charles Square, W10 6EY
Time: 10am-6pm (Sat), 9.45am-5pm (Sun)
Learn Essential Hua Gong with Zhixing.  Meditation, movement, hand gestures all act as a code to enable us to connect to the cosmic Qi.   All aided by the Hua Gong transmission , we can expect to have results quite quickly.

Sword Practice
Saturday Sept 10th

Devon, Dartington
The Transformation of Emotions
Date: Sept 24-25
Contact:: Brad Richecoeur
Email: bradr@qigongs-outhwest.co.uk

Emotions play an important  part in the quality of our health and are generally less managable than our physical body.  Hua Gong practice has discovered and accumulated ways of turning our emotions into positive energy and source of inspiration, rather than damaging force and reasons of misery.  Emotionally provocative meditation and the use of Qi Calligraphy are the main methods to be practiced.  Insights and the understanding of emotions will also be shared.

Essential Hua Gong
Contact: Chantal Quattromini
Email:: chantalquattromini@gmail.com

Turtle & Snake
Date: October 17-25
Venue: St Katharines of Parmoor
This is an intermediate Hua Gong focusing on aligning the bone structure.

Qi Calligraphy

PLUNGING through inky blackness
Diving Deep into the qi
Coursing through mind and body
The force...
At one with
The essence
That IS me
Swimming free Flowing
Floating in a timeless ocean of Qi
Another world...always there
But often overlooked
So caught up are we
In The clumsy, chunky clunkiness
Of the material , matterful, world.

Zhixing pauses...poised.....
.....dances with the qi
His brush lands
With utter certainty...clarity....pure...
Potency on a page
Qi captured, contained and flowing free
Each stroke precise
A world in itself ....interweaving with other worlds
Delivering a message
Simple in its complexity...
Qi Calligraphy.

Gill Wood

That's it for now
Autumn's magic is beckoning and the seasons wheel turns once  again ...Keep strong in the practice!

From all of us at
The Dao Hua School, Chinese Heritage

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