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Transatlantic Must-Reads

Wednesday September 7, 2016

Brexit, Digital, Europe, France, Georgia, Ireland, Moldova, Poland, Russia, US
US - Redrawing the Electoral Map, Lazaro Gamio and Darla Cameron, Washington Post 
US/Europe -
The Amerexit, John Kornblum, The American Interest
Brexit -
The Impact of Brexit on the Eu Budget: A non-catastrophic event, Jorge Núñez Ferrer and David Rinaldi, CEPS 
Europe -
Once the driving force of climate action, the EU has fallen behind, Aline Robert, Euractiv 
France - Nikolas Sarkozy Is Back, but France Has Changed , Sylvie Kauffmann, New York Times 
Georgia's EU visa waiver should not be politicised, Clare Moody. EU Observer 
Ireland/Digital - Life in Apple's Ireland, Jennifer Duggan, Foreign Policy 
Moldova -
Celebrating Moldova's independence with more rule of law, Corina Rebega, Center for European Policy Analysis 
Poland -
Poles to the right of Jarosław Kaczyński, Christian Davies, Politico Europe 
Russia -
Another Rubber Stamp Duma?
Andrei Kolesnikov and Boris Makarenko, Carnegie Moscow 
Russia - The Education of Russian Society, Maxim Trudolyubov, Wilson Center 

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The Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University SAIS.