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RCC News: September 2016

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RCC adds GenomeSpace to
Galaxy Queensland

GenomeSpace, a cloud-based framework to support genomics analysis through an easy-to-use Web interface, was added to Galaxy Queensland last month, thanks to the work of RCC.
GenomeSpace enables easy integration and export of genomic data into and out of analysis pipelines. It is a community resource that currently supports the streamlined interaction of 20 bioinformatics tools and data resources. Read more

Apply for free registration for eResearch Australasia 2016

RCC is pleased to announce it will cover the registration fee for several lucky UQ researchers and support staff to attend this year's eResearch Australasia conference in Melbourne, 10–14 October.

eResearch Australasia provides opportunities for delegates to engage, connect, and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information-centric research capabilities, and how information and communication technologies help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, store, find, understand and re-use information. 

If you are interested in taking up RCC's offer, please contact us and let us know why you would like to attend eResearch Australasia 2016:

eRes2016 logo

Seeking your input on an Open Data Policy for Queensland


symbolsThe Queensland Government has partnered with the Open Data Institute Queensland (ODIQ) to seek feedback from the local community to help shape a new Open Data Policy for the state.
Your input will help develop a policy that makes Open Data more transparent, accessible, and of a higher quality, with improved standards, management practices and efficiency.
You can provide your feedback online; or researchers, academics and students can join an interactive workshop specifically for them on Thursday, 6 October, 1:30–5pm, in Spring Hill.
The consultation period closes on Friday, 7 October. Read more

NCMAS 2017 call for applications now open

The National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS) is currently calling for applications for HPC access in 2017.
NCMAS information and application forms are available online. Applications close 5pm AEDT (4pm AEST), Friday, 14 October 2016. Read more

Magnus HPC

UQ Library to host workshops for International Data Week

binary and world mpaUQ Library is marking International Data Week with a series of workshops throughout 12–16 September 2016.
The workshops and seminars aim to help researchers, research higher degree students, research administrators, and anyone working with data, learn how to clean data, work more effectively with data, and share data.
All sessions are hosted in UQ Library’s new Centre for Digital Scholarship. See the full program.

RCC staffer co-authors paper on novel anode materials for lithium ion batteries

Dr Marlies HankelRCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Dr Marlies Hankel (pictured) is the corresponding author of a paper on novel anode materials for lithium ion batteries published in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP).
Together with her co-author and group leader Prof. Debra Bernhardt (Searles) from UQ's Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) and the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Dr Hankel used Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate three novel two-dimensional (2D) materials as possible anodes for lithium ion batteries that could provide a larger energy capacity than commonly and commercially-used graphite. Read more

“Problem Owners” sought for Brisbane HealthHack 2016

RCC is co-sponsoring this year’s Brisbane HealthHack, a data hack weekend across 14–16 October dedicated to solving important healthcare and medical research problems.
“Problem Wrangler” and RCC/QCIF/IMB eResearch Analyst Dr Nick Hamilton is currently seeking “Problem Owners” with health-related research problems that they would like to propose be solved over the Brisbane HealthHack weekend. Please visit the HeathHack website or contact Dr Hamilton to check if your research issue is suitable for HealthHack: more

HealthHack Brisbane 2016
An icebreaker game at last year's Brisbane HealthHack weekend.

Join QCIF/ODIQ's ‘Working with Data: 101’ workshop

QCIF and the Open Data Institute Queensland (ODIQ) have partnered to develop and deliver an introductory workshop in data analytics. 
'Working with Data: 101', on Wednesday, 19 October 2016, is designed to impart foundation level skills for those who are, or who support, decision makers and policymakers. Read more

RCC at eRes2016 in Melbourne

Two RCC staff will speak at this year's eResearch Australasia conference in Melbourne, 10–14 October.
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson will speak on Thursday, 13 October about MeDiCI, UQ's new, innovative data storage fabric. RCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver will speak on Wednesday, 12 October at a 'Birds of a Feather' session about best practice for Research Bazaar events. 

RCC will also be represented at the QCIF exhibition booth (booths 5 & 6) at the conference, so be sure to visit us and pick up a MeDiCI-related giveaway.
View the conference program and register

Prof. David Ambramson at eRes2016
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson (far right) gave a lightning talk about data-intensive HPC FlashLite at QCIF's exhibition booth at last year's eResearch Australasia conference in Brisbane.

COMSOL Multiphysics: One-day intensive training course

ShaCOMSOL Multiphysics ne Underwood from Technic, the seller and supporter of COMSOL software in Australia and New Zealand, will visit Brisbane on 30 September 2016 to run a full-day technical training course in COMSOL Multiphysics.
The course is designed for new and would be users of the software. Read more

Call for volunteers for ResBaz 2017

UQ's St Lucia Campus will host next year’s Brisbane Research Bazaar (ResBaz), 7–9 February, and its organisers are calling for ResBaz logovolunteers.
Volunteers are required to help organise ResBaz 2017 and run events, suggest activities, run stalls on the 'festival' day, do lightning talks and more. Register your interest by filling out this form

RCC seminar videos on YouTube

A handful of videos from this year's RCC/MURPA Seminar Series are now available to watch on RCC's YouTube channel. Read more

Dr Michela Taufer's RCC/MURPA seminar video
RCC's video of Dr Michela Taufer's talk on Who is Afraid of I/O? is proving popular with more than 140 views thus far.

Attended a Software Carpentry workshop? Please provide feedback for research

If you have ever attended a Software Carpentry workshop, please provide your feedback here (it should take just 5–10 minutes).
RCC/QCIF eResearch Analyst Team Leader Belinda Weaver is surveying workshop attendees for her UQ Master of Philosophy research on 'Investigating the efficacy and usefulness of Software Carpentry training for researchers'.

RCC events in pictures...

A problem shared is a problem quartered

Hacky Hour UQ
Attendees of UQ's Hacky Hour on 6 September worked together on debugging compiling p-threads, which is a way of running multiple tasks at the same time. Hacky Hour is an informal meet-up that occurs at UQ each Tuesday, 3–4pm, at a cafe on the St Lucia Campus (currently Cafe Nano). All are welcome to attend.

Gravity waves and scientific workflows 

Ewa Deelman's seminar
Prof. Ewa Deelman, Research Director at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute, talked about the science in scientific workflows (including gravity waves) in her RCC/MURPA seminar on Friday, 26 August.

Who is afraid of I/O?

Dr Michela Taufer's seminar
RCC Director Prof. David Abramson introduced Dr Michela Taufer from the University of Delaware at the start of her RCC/MURPA seminar on Friday, 12 August on the topic, Who is afraid of I/O?: Exploring I/O Challenges and Opportunities at the Exascale.

The data revolution will be televised

Dr Rommie Amaro's seminar
Prof. Rommie Amaro, Principal Investigator of the Amaro Lab at the University of California (San Diego), had lots of great visualisations in her RCC/MURPA seminar on multi-scale cell modelling, held on Friday, 2 September.

May the force of images be with you

Maxine Brown's seminar
It was a full house for Prof. Maxine Brown's RCC/MURPA seminar on Friday, 9 September on Insight Through Images: Visualisation and Collaboration Technologies for Exploring Big Data. Prof. Brown is Director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr Brown revealed her lab did the only computer graphics in Star Wars IV.


All photos by Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB
people and technology

What's On

UQ Hacky Hour, every Tuesday, 3–4pm, UQ St Lucia. More info
International Data Week at UQ Library, 12–15 September, UQ St Lucia. More info
Easing the production and use of high-performance mathematical software, 16 September, UQ St Lucia. More info
Analysing Big Data using Workflows: from fighting wildfires to helping patients, 23 September, UQ St Lucia. More info
COMSOL Multiphysics training, 30 September, Brisbane. More info
Key elements of creating a sustainable infrastructure environment for HPC systems, 7 October, UQ St Lucia. More info
International Workshop on Science Gateways—Australia, 10 October, Melbourne. More info
eResearch Australasia, 10–14 October, Melbourne. More info
HealthHack 2016, 14–16 October, Brisbane. More info
Working With Data: 101, 19 October, Spring Hill. More info
SC16, 13–18 November, Salt Lake City, U.S. More info
ResBaz 2017, 7–9 February, UQ St Lucia. More info
Dr Nick's Image Clinic, most Monday mornings, for IMB researchers and held, by Dr Nick Hamilton, at IMB.

Full RCC seminar series schedule
(click here)

View videos from the 2016 / 2015 seminar series:

2015 RCC seminar series videos on YouTube

All RCC events

Subscribe: RCC Seminar Alerts

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This will ensure your data is prepared for publishing and you have met all permissions, licences, policy or other data agreements. Please contact us if you have any questions:

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