Greetings <<First Name>>!
I hope all is well. Back again with some ponderables. You may notice “connections” you hadn’t realized, which is a lot of the fun here at Jedemi. Enjoy!
» Notable Quotables
“Imagination means nothing without doing,” said Charlie Chaplin. And, of course, Yoda said, “Do or do not, there is no try.”
Finally, here’s what the Enchanted Jukebox had to say via a Gloria Estefan song.
Get on your feet
Get up and make it happen
Get on your feet
Stand up and take some action…
Okay, so it looks like the quotables ARE ponderables this week. And there’s more…
» Ponderable
We recently published a piece inspired by Chef David Chang’s appearance in an issue of Wired Magazine.
You may notice it is rated a 5-minute read. Consider that a springboard. There’s a lot going on in that post, so we suggest you give it a scan and then block some time for further exploration. We lost track of time writing it — in a good way. Here’s a teaser quote from Chang:
“Food is about memory. The most powerful dishes evoke familiar flavors in a completely unfamiliar context.”
» A Song - Your Song
Holding onto Chef Chang’s quote above, please make sure you scroll all the way down in the post because what’s essential could almost by missed by the eye.
We connected David Chang to … Baz Luhrmann and the songs from his movie, “Moulin Rouge!”.
Check this out… Ewan (Obi-Wan Kenobi) McGregor does a sensational rendition of Elton John’s “Your Song.”
It’s a clip from the movie. What a voice, right?
Here’s the interesting part. He did the Baz movie (2001) between his Obi Wan appearances in Episode I (1999) and Episode II (2002). Impressive!
That’s a wrap! Thanks for reading and #SCMF!
— Annie & The Gang.
P.S. We’d appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with anyone you think might find it amusing and inspirational.
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