September 16, 2016
Honeycrisp Packing Next Week!
Everyone can't wait to get their hands (and tastebuds)
on a Michigan-grown Honeycrisp!

        Bins JUST filled today - Friday, September 16!

2016 Crop

This season's Honeycrisp harvest has been nearly ideal. West Michigan weather provided the best conditions for a large crop with great color and quality. Picked when ripe, Riveridge Honeycrisp will begin to be packed and shipped next week. 

Why Michigan?
A recent focus group by the Michigan Apple Committee found Michigan-grown Honeycrisp ranked highest in taste and appearance over Honeycrisp outside the region. 

The Ridge and its proximity to Lake Michigan provides a climate in which apples thrive, resulting in a flavor consumers love and can't stop talking about!

*Fall 2015, Michigan Apple Committee Consumer Focus Groups
Don Armock Mitch Brinks Kari Soldaat
Tom Curtis Brian Johnson Trish Taylor
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