Going on in October!
  • Sheila's Back!
  • Come home when the streets lights come on...
  • Part III VIDEO: Mike & Our Favorite Olympian - Iris   Zimmermann 
  • YOU'RE IN LUCK! (If you like free stuff...)
  • Enter the Great Peak Pumpkin CONTEST!
  • Peak in the Community
  • Andrew's Answers!
  • Peak Performer of the Month
  • Rochester Fun and Fitness

October 2016
Thanks from Sheila!
Thank you to everyone who asked about me when I was out of the office recently due to severe back pain.  

I'm undergoing physical therapy myself now, and with hard work, things are coming along nicely. It feels so good to be back at Peak Performance!

Honestly, I wish now that I hadn't waited so long to seek treatment. I knew for years that I had an underlying back problem I should be doing something about.

But the problem didn't stop me from doing the things I needed to do, so I ignored it. 

Until my back pain reached a crisis point and I could no longer perform even the most basic daily tasks for myself.

Now, by following through with my physical therapy and prescribed exercises and stretches, I'm back to not only the basics...I'm golfing once a week! (Come to think of it...golfing IS one of my basics. :) I'm well on my way to regaining all my function and living life to the fullest!
If you have an underlying problem that you're putting off dealing with because, "It's not so bad" and "I'm still able to get to work every day," eventually your body WILL say, "NO MORE." Mine sure did. 
"Come Home When the Streets Lights Come on"

By Karen Napierala, MS, AT, PT

We had no phones, no iPads, no watches, and most of us - no car.
But we had bikes, or two feet , and a whole neighborhood out there to explore, "kick the can" to play, and trees to climb.
Although I have embraced all of the new technology to come out over the last 20 years, part of me longs for the simplicity and freedom of my youth.
We didn’t have travel teams, but we walked to practice and played on sports teams if we wanted to (mostly baseball, basketball and football). We had a park with tennis courts, and an ice rink in the winter. We had streets that were our hockey rink and where we played on our own, with minimal to no parental "interference."  We altered the rules based on the number of kids who showed up.  We played till we were tired, policed ourselves, and rested when we wanted.

We learned many life lessons during those times when we gathered together. We stuck up for each other, fought with each other. We learned to negotiate and discuss. Leaders naturally emerged, and if they were too bossy, we let them know! It wasn’t always easy, and lessons were sometimes learned the hard way, but they had to be learned.
Mike and I moved to Irondequoit when our kids were little. I think I was hoping to recreate some of that hometown, small neighborhood experience I described above.  Our kids, maybe the last generation to do so, played outside until the street lights came on. Whether exploring the woods with walkie talkies, or meeting at the local school to play pick-up football, setting up obstacle courses in the back yard, or even building homemade bike ramps, they were outside daily.

The complaint, "I'm bored" from one of my kids was met with my enthusiastic suggestion to work with me around the house. The boredom complaint was rarely repeated after a session of cleaning!
I was driving down the street this week and did see kids out walking to school.  In contrast to my generation, their heads were mostly down, two thumbs hurriedly texting, and they seemed largely oblivious to their surroundings.  

I rarely see kids just out playing in the yard, or playing pick-up basketball in a driveway. There are many athletic kids, and many sports teams, even for three and four year olds. I love sports teams.  I have coached them, and cheered for them, but still long for the freedom and creativity of natural and unstructured play outside in the neighborhood.

I have been reading about the health of the nation recently, and the alarming increases in obesity, even in very young kids! We all see that, and we all know the physical and mental advantages of activity. There is so much to see and do out there.  So much creative play is to be had right in our neighborhoods!  

"I love sports teams, but still long for the freedom and creativity of natural, unstructured play." 

Physical education programs are being cut and restricted at many schools. Parents are spending money on programs to facilitate play. Is it always necessary?  I do recognize that we are able to provide our kids more opportunities than I had growing up, and there are great advantages to that.
What if the answer to getting our kids to be more active is right under our noses? I am going to suggest something that will make many of you uncomfortable. We live in a time of high parental management of our kids and high interaction with them (which I love).

But, what if we take a page from our moms' playbook?  What if we tell our kids to go out and play in the yard - no technology, no preconceived rules. …..and, "Don’t come in until the street lights come on!!!"

The Napierala Family Still Plays Together!

Above, Henry and dad Mike play homemade cornhole games on vacation. 

Above, Karen's mom, Barb Lamendola, and her brothers Chris and David take their turns at homemade cornhole. 

VIDEO: Iris Zimmermann Interview, Part III
Mike wraps up his interview with Iris Zimmermann! (Thank you, Iris; you're a good sport in every sense!)
(If you like getting free stuff!)

"Thank-You Thursdays" are Here!

October is National PT Month….
AND National Arthritis Day is Oct 12th!

At Peak Performance we love what we do! Meeting new people every day, getting to truly make a difference in peoples' lives, putting on our problem-solving hats for the sake of others…in fact, you’re reading this because you were one of those people we got to directly help.  
We want to say THANK YOU  in a Special Way….

   Have YOU been told you have any of the following?
  • Degenerative joint ‘disease”
  • Arthur-it is  (our favorite!)
  • “Old age” pain
  • Wear and Tear
  • Softening or worn cartilage
Then you may very well be dealing with a case of arthritis.

Do YOU or SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT have ANY of the following:
  • More than 35 candles on your cake?
  • Morning stiffness and aches that limit your “get up and go”
  • Feeling cracking or crunching type noises from your joint?
  • Difficulty with stairs or getting to and from chairs?
  • Trouble lifting your arm overhead or lifting even small objects to the kitchen cupboards?
  • Pain with sitting too long or bending over?
  • Soreness after playing your favorite sport?
  • Just can’t swim or bike or hike or workout like you used to?
  • Losing range of motion and feel like the world is collapsing in on you?
  • Can’t hit the golf ball or tennis ball like you used to?
If you said “YES” to any of these then……

Whether it’s your hips or knees, your shoulders or your back…from head to toe – it doesn’t matter.  If you’re not comfortable, if you’ve lost confidence, and are just not feeling capable anymore…Peak Performance wants to help you!
In honor of your trusting us with helping you get your body back on track at some point in the past, the Peak Performance Team is having a Free Arthritis Screenings Event for our past patients and their friends and family!

When:   Thursday, October 20th
Times:    8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.


When:   Thursday, October 27th
Times:    9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Call TODAY (218-0240) TO SAVE YOUR SPOT!
So, What Do I Get in My 30-Minute FREE Screening?
  • Review of your history and what’s been bothering you
  • Orthopedic screening exam
    • May include the following tests: Range of motion, nerve function, strength, balance, special tests for specific conditions/injuries
    • After testing,  we’ll tell you what tissue or body part may be causing your problems
  • What successful treatment would look like.  We’ll help point you in the right direction for handling your issue.
(A full Evaluation provides more comprehensive information and often more insight into underlying causative factors.  For more difficult or complicated cases the screening will give more limited information to assist in your decision making.)

BUT YOU’VE GOT TO CALL RIGHT NOW!  There are limited spots available and we are offering these on a First-Come, First-Served basis.  Call us at 218-0240 TODAY to schedule your PT Month – Peak Performance Free Screening…or Share this offer with a Family member or Friend who is having trouble.
ENTER the Great Peak Pumpkin Contest:
Stop by and guess its weight!

This is a hefty hunk of doubt about it!
Stop by Peak Performance and guess how much it weighs. 

If YOUR guess is the closest, you'll WIN a Gift Certificate to the Awesome Powers Farm Market in East Rochester! (Where you can get your own great pumkin. Or some yummy Red Delicious. You get the idea.)
Want a FREE Wegmans Gift Card?
Of course you do! Here's how: Be one of the First 2 people to find the Misspelled Word in this Newsletter!
Then Call Jillaine at 218-0240 or email!
Peak is Part of Our Community!

Andrew represented Peak Performance at the East Rochester Health Fair on Tuesday, October 4.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Balance Challenge and congrats to Marty D'Ambrose, who won our gift basket raffle! 

Is YOUR Town or Organization having a Health Fair you think Peak PT should be at? Give us a call at (585) 218-0240 or email!
Above, Andrew explains some of the many benefits of having Physical Therapy at Peak Performance to Health Fair visitors. 
Andrew's Answers!

by Andrew Neumeister, DPT, CAFS

Peak Performance PT & Sports Training

Andrew answers your physical therapy questions right here.
Email to submit a question for Andrew! 


Question: What does "Direct Access" mean?

Answer: In New York State, you are able to go directly to a Physical Therapist for evaluation and treatment without a doctor's prescription. (Remember that the majority of musculoskeletal conditions don't require surgery.) Most health insurances allow Directly Accessed  physical therapy. In NYS, you can see a Physical Therapist without a doctor's prescription for up to 10 visits or 30 days, whichever comes first. 

This allows you to get treatment more quickly and save money by not first having unnecessary visits or expensive tests.

Your PT can help determine if you DO need to see a physician for further medical care. We'll share our findings with your doctor to help get you the right care faster!

To find out if YOUR insurance allows Direct Access Physical Therapy, Call Peak Performance at (585) 218-0240. 

Greg Hofmann 

Above, Greg with Mike
Before Physical Therapy:
Greg injured his Left Knee in Spring 2014 and later had to have 50% of his medial Meniscus removed. After rehab, he progressed to doing an Adirondacks High Peak hike and reinjured the same knee, re-tearing his medial meniscus. In March 2015, Greg had a more involved meniscus repair surgery to fix his tear and then changed his care to Peak Performance. Greg has been dealing with his Left Knee for more than two years now!
After Physical Therapy at Peak Performance:
Greg says: "The keys to my recovery are the 3 P's: Prayer, Patience, and Physical Therapy. I am a driven person...staying determined to get better helped me succeed. I've remained dedicated to my PT routine for over a year now, and I'm still progressing. Now I'm able to complete most of my daily activities - including walking 10,000 steps a day!"

Mike says: "Greg is simply awesome! Talk about focus...about being a "grinder"...someone who refuses to give up. He's the epitome of persistence, belief, trust, consistency, patience, and dedication. Greg knows how to appreciate the little "wins" that happen and let those help encourage his dedicated efforts...and it's paying off! Can't wait to see what you can do in the next month or two!"
Rochester Fun & Fitness

Ideas to get you out and moving!
Saturday, October 22
Starting 9 a.m.

Genesee Riverway Trail Walk:
The Underground Railroad
Take a Guided Hike on the Genesee Riverway Trail (GRT). The Lower Falls Foundation will lead participants. Walk (approx. 6 miles) begins at Genesee Valley Park, ends at Maplewood Park and the Lower Falls Gorge. Registration $25, Foundation members free. Register right here!

Help us get to 300 "likes" this month by "liking" us on Facebook. 
Click on the Facebook logo above!

Look for us on Twitter @peakptrochester.
Click on the twitter logo above to follow!

Thanks for your support! 

Forward This Newsletter to a Friend!
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this newsletter is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this newsletter. Peak Performance Physical Therapy does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned in this newsletter. 


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Peak Performance Physical Therapy · 161 East Commercial Street · East Rochester, NY 14445 · USA