Welcome to the Monarch Waystation Network!
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A lovely collage sent to us from Serah Pesce at Las Americas ASPIRA Academy in Newark, DE! According to Serah, "We had so many caterpillars in our Waystation! We have tagged and released well over 25 adults...we are honored to be a part of this effort...It has been wildly successful at our school both for the butterflies and for the enrichment for the kids!"
Greetings! Days are cooling, students are settling into a new school year and monarchs are migrating! Now is a perfect time to take your students outside into your Waystation Gardens for lessons, activities or just some observing. It's amazing what those curious student eyes will see if we provide them with opportunities to just sit and observe! Students can take a journal, sketch book or camera to record their observations. They can post their observations on our forum. Or for a more involved lesson, have your students become citizen scientists, help tag monarchs and submit their data to us here at Monarch Watch! 

For more lessons or activities go to the curricula page on our website, our forum, or read below about our Student Challenges.
A local student helps tag monarchs and submit data to Monarch Watch. 
Not sure how to get started incorporating your Waystation Gardens into your curriculum? Our "Student Challenges" will be a great place for ideas! This forum category will be updated on a regular basis, providing questions to spark discussion and lesson ideas. You can also find these weekly challenge questions on our website or on these newsletters. However, a quicker way to access them is by heading over to our forum and looking for the "Student Challenges" category. This is where the discussions will occur. The challenges may be modified and expanded for all grade levels, so put on your 'creative teacher hats' to mold it to your students' needs:)

Student Challenge #1
What insects are you currently seeing in your Waystation Garden?

1. Smile because you're about to go outside for an assignment:)
2. Take any camera you have access to into your school garden
3. Take at least one picture of any insect you see
4. Click here to check out the resources and identification guides
5. Identify your insect 
6. Come up with some questions about your insect
7. Post your picture and/or questions in our forum
It is likely you have seen this caterpillar in your Waystations, and most likely on your milkweed. Any students out there no what this critter is? What does its presence mean? Post your answers and comments in the forum.
Teachers, as you know, I am a former teacher. I completely understand all the demands placed on you. I also know when you allow yourself to stray from the script and tap into the interests of your students, true lifelong learning begins to occur. Give your students opportunities to get excited, and then use their excitement as a platform for building curricula and lessons. I am here to support you the best I can. Let's be creative and provide some true meaningful educational experiences for your students! Let me know how I can help:)
You can start by taking part in the 'Student Challenge' above. We can all learn from each other!

“Educating the mind without educating the heart
is no education at all.”  Aristotle
Make sure to utilize our forum the backbone of this Waystation Network! The continuation of this project depends greatly on the activity level in the forum. Any activity and engagement is beneficial. Pictures, questions and curricula ideas are examples of great forum posts that help make connections and build the Waystation Network!
We love getting your pictures and questions!! If at all possible please try to use the forum to send them instead of sending them via email. Either way, keep them coming:)
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All rights reserved.

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Monarch Watch
University of Kansas
2021 Constant Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66047

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