NZ Hemp Industries Association Inc.                 
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  Public Newsletter September

" Just around the corner "
19-25 September 2016

AGM in Wellington on the 24th of September
NZHIA AGM Wellington 24th of September 
Public meeting prior to AGM
from 12 noon to 3pm

3 Frankmoore Ave, Johnsonville,
Wellington 6037 

The purpose of this meeting is to bring you up to date with
the current status of the Industrial Hemp Industry in New Zealand



Sunday the 25th of September
Public meeting in Waihi

Industrial Hemp in the news
features an amazing article on iHemp
"The Hemp Wave"

"The Hemp Wave"
Discussing the full spectrum of iHemp and economic and social impact of this incredible come back crop.

Here a brief glimpse of the article by James Goodhue.

"A hemp revival is beginning to gain momentum. Over the past several decades, there’s been a resurgence of interest in hemp by a diverse group of businesses, farmers, nutritionists, activists, and green consumers. There is a global hemp wave forming and it is sizeable in nature. Will NZ catch it and realise the valuable opportunities it brings?"
to read the full article click here 

James Goodhue is a property & construction professional with an in-depth understanding
of sustainable building methodologies and innovative affordable housing plans.
Are you at the right place at the right time? 

Yes, of course you are!

Now is the best time to join the NZHIA if you want to get an insight and understanding on what is going on in the iHemp industry in regards to food, seed, fibre, building materials, fuel and the many other uses of iHemp.

The NZHIA have a wealth of knowledge on these topics.
No time like the present is better to become a member and be part of "The Hemp Wave".
The business world predicts this to be the next billion dollar industry.

Don't get left behind when the iHemp market kicks off.

"Stay up with the play and join today!" 
NZHIA Executive contact details
PO Box 38-392. Howick, Auckland. New Zealand.
D.J. (Mac) McIntosh (Chair) Ph:++64 (0)3 415 8888+64 (0)2041228177
Richard Barge (Treasurer) Ph ++64 (09) 533 6690  (0)21 706 960
Sisi Motu (Secretary) Ph ++64 (0) 21 878 427
Chris Woodney Ph  ++64 (0) 273 488 842
Tui Qauqau Ph ++64 (0) 20 730 85986
Richie Bayliss Ph ++64 (0) 22 630 1190
Copyright © 2016 New Zealand Hemp Industries Association Inc (1997), All rights reserved.

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