mopac: relief is on the horizon
The upcoming MoPac Express Lane is the first-of-its-kind congestion management tool to be introduced to Austin commuters, and the long-anticipated opening is truly on the horizon. With the project nearing completion, more reliable commute times are finally in sight for the travelling public.
The Express Lanes are designed to provide an option for individual drivers to bypass congestion, while also offering Capital Metro buses and registered van pools a toll-free ticket for a reliable route to their destination. Measures are in place to ensure the innovative new lane serves as the effective congestion management tool it was intended through the use of variable tolling.
What variable tolling means for drivers is that toll rates will fluctuate with traffic volumes, leveraging supply and demand principles to maximize the number of cars that can use the lanes while keeping traffic flowing. Algorithms to monitor traffic and adjust pricing as conditions change will operate under the oversight of officials out of our state-of-the art Traffic Management Center (TMC). |
The heart of the matter
For those who frequent the MoPac corridor, you are probably wondering how variable tolling will work. The TMC is the Mobility Authority’s Toll and Traffic Management Center and the heart of our intelligent transportation system. The TMC affords us the ability to monitor our facilities as well as coordinate resources for incident management and maintenance, allowing us to respond efficiently to accidents and other interruptions to traffic flow such as debris in the roadway. Let’s take a look into that Traffic Management Center, and how it will soon govern the traffic flow on Austin’s most infamous corridor. |

17 high-definition cameras will line the corridor with vehicle detectors set about ½ mile apart. These devices will monitor every stretch of MoPac Expressway between Cesar Chavez and Parmer Lane with technicians monitoring live video feeds out of the TMC. Operators and an algorithm will monitor traffic levels in the Express Lane so that the variable-priced toll rates can be adjusted as needed to ensure they are having the desired effect on traffic volumes. During periods of low traffic, the toll will remain relatively low, starting at around $0.25, to encourage use. As traffic increases, the rate will adjust to maximize the number of vehicles that can be carried in the Express Lanes at target speed of 45 mph for a reliable, free-flowing trip. During peak traffic, the toll will be set at a rate high enough to protect the capacity in the Express Lane and provide a reliable trip for users.
If the toll rate is too high and the Express Lane is not being utilized, operators in the TMC will receive information from the cameras and vehicles detectors so that the toll can be manually lowered. Similarly, if too many cars are entering the Express Lane, an algorithm will increase the toll to discourage too many drivers from entering. This approach is designed to ensure that people are not paying to sit in traffic.
We’ve been asked, “What if is there is an accident in an Express Lane? Could the algorithm read that as congestion and automatically drive up the toll rate?” We have checks and balances in place to protect against that. If an incident occurs, the detection devices will trigger an alarm. Operators will use the cameras to zoom in, assess the situation, and manually lock in the toll rate so it doesn’t increase. To ensure smooth operations, Mobility Authority staff will be stationed at the TMC during peak times and technical staff will remain onsite 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to manage any issues that arise. The whole operation can also be controlled remotely as well. |
For those who wonder, “How will I know the price of the toll?” or “Will I get overcharged if the price goes up when I am in the lane?” Not to worry. The price will be posted on electronic message boards and visible to drivers as they approach the entrance to the lane so they can decide whether or not their trip is worth that amount. And if the price increases while a driver is already in the lane, they will still pay the price that was posted when they initially entered—or less. In fact, when the price increases, there will be a delay between the time the higher price is posted on the electronic message board and when the higher price will be applied to transactions. However, there will be no delay when the price decreases, so drivers will realize the benefit of the lower rate immediately.

To ensure accurate charges, the payment processing for MoPac toll transactions will be delayed so that the trips can be billed accurately. Any necessary price adjustments will be made during this 72-hour delay period to ensure that drivers are not overcharged when they receive their bill. In addition, cameras will capture photos of the Express Lane pricing signs with time and date stamps at every transaction. |
Toll payment on MoPac will be all electronic, meaning drivers will not have to stop—or even slow down, to pay tolls. Drivers with an electronic toll tag—either a TxTag, an EZ-Tag or a TollTag--will have their tolls automatically deducted from their tag account, while those without a tag will receive a bill in the mail through the Pay By Mail program. The price posted on the electronic signs will be the tag rates, Pay By Mail rates are 33% higher. Drivers with a TxTag or any electronic toll tag save 25% on their tolls. To sign up for a tag account, click here.
Those who prefer not to pay a toll can continue to travel toll-free in the general purpose lanes. They will still experience the benefits of the Express Lanes, which will divert some traffic and free up capacity in the general purpose lanes.
While we collaborate closely with the contractor on implementation of our recovery schedule and work diligently to complete the project as soon as possible, we want to thank Austin commuters for your patience during construction. We know you are anxious to cruise the fresh pavement of the Express Lane and we appreciate you bearing with us as we work to build a better MoPac. |
What is the MoPac Express Lane?
Express Lanes are optional lanes for drivers to bypass congestion when they need a reliable alternative to sitting in traffic. They are not for everyday use, they are intended for special occasions, when you can’t afford to be late, like if you need to pick up your kid at daycare or if you’re rushing to a meeting. This optional lane allows drivers to take back the time they would have wasted sitting in traffic, and are always toll free for transit and emergency vehicles.
How do I access the Express Lane?
Drivers can access the northbound Express Lane from downtown near Cesar Chavez/6th St. or RM 2222, while southbound drivers can gain access north of Parmer Lane or at RM 2222. The overhead electronic message board, which will be visible in advance of the entrance, will have two prices: for northbound drivers, the price at the top of the sign is for those exiting at RM 2222, while the price at the bottom will cover travel of the full 11.6-mile Express Lane to Parmer Lane.
What is variable-priced tolling?
Instead of fixed tolls like you pay on 183A or 290, MoPac Express Lane will charge a toll that increases when traffic is heavy, and decreases when it is light to either encourage or discourage use. It is a congestion management tool that leverages supply and demand principles to manage the number of vehicles entering the lanes to ensure the lanes remain free flowing. It’s simple--when traffic is heavy and demand for the express lane is high, toll rates increase. When demand is low, toll rates decrease. The lowest toll rate will begin at $0.25 per Express Lane segment.
What is the TMC?
The TMC is the Mobility Authority’s Toll and Traffic Management Center and the heart of our intelligent transportation system. The TMC affords us the ability to monitor our toll facilities as well as coordinate resources for incident management and maintenance so that we can respond efficiently to accidents and other interruptions to traffic flow.