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Concerned about balcony safety in your unit? Take a look at the new non invasive product from Anti Grabbity!

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Latest Articles

Balcony Safety

Balcony Safety - Are You Concerned About Schoolies?

Hollie Bell, Anti Grabbity
What are the solutions to balcony safety in Australia? Up to now, very little or very expensive, and very impractical. A few years of testing, developing, subjecting hands (young and old) to a range of textured “prickles” and Anti-Grabbity was born.
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nsw model bylaws

NSW: Smoking, pets and compulsory review of by-laws

Madison Marcus Law Firm
The amendments to the regulation change the model bylaws proposed for a strata scheme building. All existing schemes are now required to review their by-laws and ensure that they are valid.
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Door Locks
nsw compulsory SM

NSW: Compulsory Strata Management: How Does it Affect You and Your Scheme?

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
The NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal has the power under section 162 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 to appoint a compulsory strata managing agent to a strata scheme.
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lift contracts

Strata Lifts: The 90-Day Exclusion Clause – A New Twist & It Can Really Hurt

Wayne Stevens, Unit Owners Association of Queensland (UOAQ)
Check your lift maintenance contract terms and conditions. A body corporate could be severely penalised by a new exclusion clause now being included in some Comprehensive Service Agreements.
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nsw unpaid levies

NSW: Unpaid Levies...the New Rules!

Faiyaaz Shafiq, J. S. Mueller & Co Lawyers
As of 1 December 2016 the new laws will give a lot owner the right to request an owners corporation to agree to a payment plan for any levies in arrears. Before the owners corporation can accept a payment plan they will need to have such a request properly approved at a general meeting.
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nsw light shining

NSW: Q&A Light Shining Into the Apartment Causing Nuisance

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Is it a breech of strata by-laws if a neighbouring property has a light which shines directly into my room at night?
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QLD airbnb

QLD: Q&A Can Your Building Stop Short Term Rentals?

Hynes Legal
The BCCMA specifically prohibits a by-law from restricting the type of residential use to which a lot can be put - like a restriction on short term rentals. So what can you do?
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WA common seal

WA: Q&A Does a Strata Company Need a Strata Title Company Seal?

Sandra Glossop, Ace Body Corporate Management (Fremantle)
Even though there is no specific by-law which states the strata company has to have a common seal, there will come a time in every strata community that there will be a legal document to be signed.
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nsw strata contracts

How The New NSW Laws Affect Your Strata Management Contracts - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer, Your Strata Property with Natalie Fitzgerald, Strata Sense
With the NSW strata reforms just around the corner, why do buildings and strata managers need to be looking at their strata management contracts now?
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VIC OC Rules

VIC: Why Owners Corporation Rules Should Always Be Drafted By Legal Practitioners

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
The recent Supreme Court of Victoria case of Owners Corporation PS 501391P v Balcombe [2016] VSC 384 (22 July 2016) has helpfully established legal principles for determining whether a registered Owners Corporation Rule will be valid and enforceable.
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Did you know......

There is just 77 days until the NSW reforms kick in!
NSW Reforms Info
Thank you David Leary, Leary & Partners for providing this quick snapshot of upcoming changes. Print out a PDF of these infographics in one compact form.

Job Directory

NSW: Strata Manager


Looking for an opportunity to be part of a growing business with exciting career prospects?

We need assistance to manage our growing portfolio of properties (Eden to Batemans Bay) and will customise a position to suit the right person. Whether you are: looking for full-time or part-time work; want to work from home or come into the office; we will customise a position to suit the right person.

Apply NOW

News of the Week


WA Apartment Advocacy support choice

WAAA are a not-for-profit group who want to make sure that people who are making decisions about Perth think of everyone's needs.

Do you live in an apartment in WA? Do you support apartments? Then join the and share your thought on apartment living. Sharing your ideas can help to have a positive effect in WA!
WAAAProp Clock Sept 2016

National Property Clock Sept 2016

Herron Todd White


Reality of Strata - E9

'Sales Contracts' - E9 Strata 101: From Buying off the Plan to Your First Strata Meeting

Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
They're the document that represents the biggest transactions we'll make but few bother to read them, as Michael warns in this episode of Strata 101.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

non smoking bylaws

Why you and your Owners’ Corporation should go Smoke-free

Non-Smokers’ Movement of Australia Inc
Non-Smokers’ Movement of Australia Inc. is willing to assist and pay for the legal registration by ten Owners’ Corporations/ Strata Body Corporates of an effective smoke-free by-law, one which rules that the property is declared smoke-free.
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Victoria: Have Your Say - Last Chance!

Following comprehensive consultation and analysis, the Victorian Government has released Better Apartments Draft Design Standards and is seeking your feedback to inform final standards that will be introduced later this year. Community and stakeholder feedback is invited on the Better Apartments Draft Design Standards, closing 5pm, 19 September 2016.
Have Your Say

Mr Telco
Phone/Internet technicians – Installation & Maintenance 

H & S Electrical
Industrial Installation & Maintenance

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Featured Event

By popular demand, OCN brings you a detailed seminar covering the hot topics of the NSW Strata Reforms, presented by strata specialist lawyer Amanda Farmer, Lawyers Chambers on Riley and host of the Your Strata Property podcast.
Date: 17 Oct 2016 - 6-8 pm

Register Now

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

The five apartment building problems that can cost buyers dearly Domain

Harry Triguboff warns of China crisis

NSW: West Connex-style losses feared over new forced strata sales Domain

QLD: Remember when: the council ordered a crackdown on high-rise building standards across city Gold Coast Bulletin

Big May Be Beautiful, But Not if it Means Adding More Cars to Clogged Roads Gold Coast Bulletin

VIC: Hoarding fuels flames at Melb unit fire

Strata owners band together to sell Franklin Street office tower SMH


Sep 14

NSW Fair Trading / SCA: Strata Legislation Roadshow (Parramatta) Strata Managers


NSW Fair Trading: Residential Strata Schemes Information Seminar (Armidale)

Sep 15

NSW Fair Trading / SCA: Strata Legislation Roadshow (Cronulla) Strata Managers


NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Green Square)

Sep 19

NSW: Strata CPD (Gosford)

Sep 20

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Hornsby)


NSW: City of Sydney Strata Skills 101 – The New Executive Committee Member: Individual need or the collective good?

Sep 22

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Burwood)

Sep 23

Strata in Conversation Bris: Review & Law Reform

Sep 27

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Castle Hill)

Sep 29

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Bathurst)

Sep 30

Green Gurus: MASTERCLASS Sustainability in WA Housing


NSW: Strata CPD (Norwest)

Oct 4

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Penrith)

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