
Welcome to Yogaveda's Spring Newsletter 2016

Yogaveda Wellness Subscriber, Welcome to Yogaveda's Spring Newsletter 2016.Yay, Spring is finally here! Time to come out of hibernation and awaken your energy. Read on for some simple Ayurvedic cleansing tips and some special Spring offers.


Yogaveda Mini Detox Pack - 3 items only $25!

Kick-start your spring cleanse with this great Mini-Detox Pack to incorporate into your daily routine.

Sesame Oil 100ml

Sesame Oil - a gift of nature for its warming, nourishing and detoxifying properties.

Use for self-body massage (abhyanga) and mouth swish (gandush), to clear the channels and remove mucous in the mouth, nose, ears and sinuses.

Triphala Powder 50g

Triphala is a an ideal daily cleanse.

This combination of 3 medicinal fruits reduces toxic accumulation and boosts the immune system.

It is also a rich natural source of antioxidants.

Nasya Oil 25ml

This herbalised oil is an excellent nasal decongestant, clearing and removing toxins from the nose, ears and sinus cavities.

Also enhances memory and clarity of the mind.

Yoga Specials

Early Morning Special

Join Madeline for a 2-week Early Morning Series to renew your energy this Spring!
Explore this flowing dynamic method to build strength and vitality to prepare for each new day. Commit to this 2-week class series Monday to Friday only at 6-7.15am. Starts Monday, September 19.

Normally $200, special prepaid price of $165

Beginners Special

Awaken your energy and get yourself moving with our Beginners Special. Two new classes Mondays 7.30pm & Wednesday's 5.00pm for beginners, or for those wanting to get back into it.

Sign up for our special offer - 5 prepaid classes for $90 and get the 6th FREE!

Ayurvedic Special

Spring Treatment Special

Tension Tonic Massage with localised steam therapy (Nadiswedana). A therapeutic massage of the back, neck and shoulders followed by a deep localised herbal steam treatment that soothes aching muscles and stiff joints. Stimulates circulation & removes toxins from the body’s tissues. Usually valued at $110 - for September & October only $90 for this twin treatment package.


Yoga & Ayurveda Wellness Package

Yoga & Ayurveda Wellness Package Offering a 1.5-hour Ayurvedic Consultation
and a 1-hour personalised private Yoga Session
tailored to your individual constitution.

Usually valued at $185. Special for September-October $160 for package.

Available Sep-Oct, only at Yogaveda






Stretch your way into Spring with 10-day early morning classes!

A great way to re-establish your yoga practice and get your energy moving.

Commencing Monday, September 19 through to Friday, September 30: Monday to Friday only.

Book now to secure your spot!



Absolute Beginners

The "Absolute Beginners" are enjoying their classes with Bill Rogers on Monday evenings at 7.30pm, so to keep their yoga momentum happening, we have changed it to a permanent class time for Beginners.


Beginners Hatha

We have also opened up another time slot exclusively for beginners on Wednesdays at 5pm with the lovely Joy Abbott.

Both these classes are designed for those wanting to learn the basics, or for those wanting to ease back into it slowly. Newcomers can take that step and start yoga anytime now!

Casuals welcome.


Anne's Monday 6pm and Sunday 10am classes have developed into stronger sessions for those wanting to take their yoga to a deeper level.

These classes will require previous yoga experience and are not suited to complete beginners.


The 6.00am early morning sessions will resume on
Monday's, Wednesday's & Friday's
from Monday October 3rd, 2016.



Spring awakens in us the feeling of moving back out into the world and becoming connected with our body again. It’s time to get energised and shake off the heavy inertia of winter.

Our Springtime yoga practice can be used to stimulate the natural detoxification process that occurs in this season, moving the predominant Kapha element, so the energy channels flow freely without obstruction.

Favour standing poses (grounding), twists (detoxifying/unblocking stagnant energy), backbends (stimulating energy/open & clear lungs) and inversions as a general tonic for the body and mind.


  As the earth finally warms shedding the cold, wet shroud of winter, all living things awaken and a feeling of renewal and transformation is in the air.

This brings a renewed sense of joy and inspiration. We too need to harmonise with nature blossoming around us and make the seasonal transition into spring.

It is especially important to balance Kapha in the spring because in winter their elements of earth and water accumulate in the cold, wet conditions. This can create congestion and blockages in the body come springtime. By the end of winter we can be feeling a bit sluggish, heavy and unmotivated and have gained a few extra layers of insulation. Spring therefore, is the time to shed this excess Kapha as you may become vulnerable to seasonal allergies, colds and flus.

Ayurveda prescribes a daily rhythm and routine to shake off the heavy inertia of winter and create a sense of lightness - physically, mentally and emotionally.


  1. Start each day with sesame oil mouth swish (gandush) to remove toxins from the mouth, throat and nasa-sinal cavities. It also clears the channels (srotas) and removes mucous congestion from the head area.
  2. Scrape your tongue from back to front removing toxins (ama) and improving oral hygiene. The tongue is the mirror of the intestines. Coating on the tongue shows the presence of ama, or undigested toxic material in the digestive tract.
  3. Kick-start your day by drinking a cup of boiled water (at the temperature you would drink tea) to crank up your metabolism and eliminations. Also assists with nasal and throat congestion and eases constipation.
  4. Stoke up your digestive fire (agni) by adding 1/8 tsp of ginger powder to boiled water and sip before meals. Ginger clears the microcirculatory channels to facilitate better absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes in the body.
  5. Abhyanga (self oil massage ) use warm, black sesame oil 2-3 x weekly. Massaging the entire body with warm oil promotes detoxification, improves circulation and activates the lymphatic system.
  6. Eat light, easy to digest foods in spring, reducing or avoiding foods that increase Kapha, such as dairy products, iced and cold food and drinks and fried oily foods.
  7. Favour foods locally sourced and prepared fresh daily.

A Spring Cleansing Soup Broth

  • 1 carrot cut in small pieces (sweet, pungent)
  • 2 celery stalks cut into pieces (bitter, astringent)
  • 140 grams of chopped spinach (bitter)
  • 1 potato cut into pieces (astringent)
  • dash of *asafoetida/hing (astringent)
  • pinch of tarragon (pungent)
  • 500mls of purified water
  • 1 tablespoon Braggs soy sauce (astringent)
  Method: In a saucepan combine all the ingredients and bring to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Eat as is or strain the vegetables for a clear broth. Blend for a thick soup.

*Asafoetida available at Yogaveda

Ayurveda's Spring Cleansing Programme

Panchakarma is a series of treatments that detoxify, balance and nourish your body which is best done at the change of season.
  1. Eliminate impurities from the body's deep tissues.
  2. Strengthen your immunity and become more resistant to illness.
  3. Reverse the negative effects of stress on your mind and body thereby slowing the aging process.
  4. Restore your constitutional balance improving heath, wellness and vitality.
  5. Promotes a sense of deep relaxation.


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