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Sweet Dream In A Bag


September 2016

 Providing New Bedding, Caring

and Love to Children in Transition
A Sweet Dream Mom Shared:

"I have taken myself and children out a terrible domestic violence situation.  There are days I am scared--can we make it on our own?  But I know for sure I don't want my children growing up thinking the abusive behavior is normal and that is what they should expect in their lives.  I know I have done the right thing (it's just a little scary to think we are on our own!).  Thank you for Sweet Dream and the gift of beautiful bedding that they have given to my children...just knowing my kids can snuggle up into their beautiful bedding each night will be a reminder to me (at the end of the day when I am exhausted and discouraged) that I am doing the right thing for my children, to give them a better life.  As I see the bedding and tuck the kids in at night I will be reminded that I am surrounded by caring people that want the best for my kids and me!  Thank you for your beautiful organization that has showed us such love and caring in the most basic way!"


So that will double your donation....
giving Sweet Dream $10,000!

Deadline October 31, 2016

These funds will gift
200 Children with new bedding

Donate at:
or send check to:
Sweet Dream In a Bag
9249 S. Broadway, 
Unite 200, Suite 198
Littleton, CO  80129

A Boy Scout working to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout has chosen Sweet Dream in a Bag as his Eagle Scout Project.  His goal is to gift 50 children living in poverty with new bedding packages.
His first task is to make complete plans for the project. Other tasks are fundraising half of the money required to purchase the bedding, coordinate and conduct a packing party and coordinate a gifting event for the children with Sweet Dream in a Bag.  He will then make his final report to the scout authorities. The project needs to be complete by the end of October. Part of his project is using leadership skills to involve other scouts in the project. We will be cheering for and supporting Ben in any way we can to complete his Eagle Scout project.

Our new "You Are Awesome" Personalized Book that all children receive with their Sweet Dream Bag has now been translated into Spanish!  We also have "Scars of Life", Sweet Dream History, and the Sewing Instructions translated into Spanish.  Thank you Danny!  What a blessing!

We are always looking for people that would love to use their talents and time to make Baby means so much to the Moms to have a hand-made quilt for their little ones!!!  A real gift of LOVE!!!!


Batting - Queen size (at least medium thickness for fluffyness).  Cut into quarters for 4 quilts.
Backing - 1 2/3 yards (does not include border)
                 2 yds. (includes border)
Top -        1 2/3 yds. combined materials as wanted for pattern 2 yds. will include border
Border -    1/2 yd. - can be cut from either the backing material or the top material.
Joy -            in sewing and helping provide for precious babies and their mothers.

    Cut 63 - 6"X6" squares of combined fabric for desired pattern.  Arrange squares 7 rows wide and 9 squares long in desired pattern.  Sew together with 1/4" seams.  Press.  Cut 3" wide strips long enough for each side, top, and bottom.  Sew on. Press.  This will make the top 44" X 54".

    Lay down batting.  On top of batting place backing right side up.  Nex place top wrong side up.  Sew 1/4" seams around all 4 sides, leaving a 12" opening for turning.  Trim edges as needed.  Turn right side out.  Sew Opening shut.  Top sew 1/4" seam around all edges.  Top stitch in the ditch of all the seams (stitch in the ditch) to secure the batting.  The completed quilt will be approximately 42" X 52".

Alternate sewing techniques:

Assembly:  sandwich  back, batting, top and then bind the edges.  Either stitch in the ditch of all seams OR tie the quilt with yarn in the corners of all the blocks to secure the batting.
Panels. -    Use fabric panel with fun scene on it and add borders to make it 44" x 54".  Assemble with backing and batting.
Blocks -     Use any size, shape, or pattern that results in appropriate overall size of quilt.

You can make a difference every Month!
Make a monthly automatic donation  on our Website thru Paypal.  Donate $50 each month, this would provide one child per month their own new "Sweet Dream Bag", beautiful Comforter, twin sheet set, new fluffy pillow, fleece blanket to cuddle up in, toothbrush & toothpaste, a little toy to love and their own personalize book about how awesome they are! 
When a child is able to choose their own Sweet Dream Bag it makes a lasting difference in their lives.  

Together we can continue to make a difference in these children's lives!!!

To Agency Directors and Case Workers:  We are scheduling Gifting Event for our busiest time of the year...Going back to school and cooler nights seem to remind everyone the need for warm bedding.  We want to gift new bedding to these children needing bedding to keep them warm and cozy.  Don't forget to check the box for children without a bed we can provide an air mattress.  Please look at your calendar and contact us toget your gifting event on our Sweet Dream calendar!
Sharing Sweet Dream with others

Susie & Wayne make presentations to many different kinds of groups sharing about Sweet Dream several times a month.  If your club, school class, sports team, church group or business would like a Susie 303-507-2098 


Sept. 17, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Sept. 21, Wednesday, start 6:30 pm
"Gifting Event”
Colorado House/Partners In Housing
21 S. Wahsatch, Colo. Springs, CO 80903
(Colo. Springs Volunteers needed)
Sept. 23, Friday, start 10-1:15 pm
"Cherry Hills Christian
Middle School Service Day”
Sept. 24, Saturday, start 10 am
"Gifting Event”
VOA Family Housing & Support
455 Bannock, Denver, CO 80204
Sept. 26, Monday, start 7 pm
"Gifting Event”
Salvation Army Lambeth Family Center
2741 N. Federal Blvd, Denver 80211
Sept. 29, Thursday, start 11 am

"Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start School
5150 Allison St., Arvada, 80002
Oct. 3, Monday, start 6:30 pm
"Gifting Event”
Warren Village
1300 Gilpin St, Denver  80218
Oct 13, Thursday, start 5 pm
"Gifting Event”
Alamosa Adelante Family Program
Location of event to be announced
Oct. 8, Saturday, start 9 am
"Special Eagle Project” Packing Event
Oct. 15, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Oct. 18, Tuesday, start 6 pm
"Gifting Event”
Father Ed Judy House
4204 S. Newton St., Denver 80236

Oct. 22, Saturday start 10 am
"Gifting Event”
Springfield Courts in Ft Collins
3851 S. Taft Hill Road, Ft. Collins 80523

Oct.?? , Wednesday
"Gifting Event”
Greeley Transitional Housing
Date & time to be announced
Oct. 29, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
" Private Pack & Pray Event”
Summit of Peace Lutheran Church
Nov. 5, Saturday, start 12 noon
"Gifting Event”
Denver Gabriel House, St. James Parish
1341 Oneida St., Denver 80220

Nov. 19, Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)
Dec. 1, Thursday, start 5 pm
"Gifting Event”
Holly Park Apartments/Mercy Housing
5524 E. 60th Ave, Commerce City 80022

NO “Pack & Pray” in December!
Jan.21, 2017,  Saturday Morning, start 9 am
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway,
Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9 am – 12:30 pm
A light lunch is served about 11:15 –plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!!!)

Reminder:  There will be Treasure Time Gifting Events added as agencies set dates, check our website and look at the CALENDAR!
Please--- if you can help with any Event call Susie 303-507-2098 or email:
Updated: 9/11/2016


Access Housing/Commerce City
Alternatives to Violence/Loveland
Angel House/Loveland
Castle Rock Women's Crisis Center/Castle Rock
Coalition for the Homeless /Ren. at Lowery
Coalition for the Homeless/ West End Flats
Coalition for the Homeless/Renaissance 88
Coalition for the Homeless/Ren. Blue Spruce
Coalition for the Homeless/ Stout Street Flats
Colo. House/Partners in Housing-Colo Springs
Crossroads Safehouse/Trans. Housing-Ft.Collins
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
Denver Rescue Mission Star Tran. Housing
Extended Hands of Hope/Avanti House
Family Tree Housing & Family Services
Family Tree Crisis Center
Father Ed Judy's House
Fostering Hope Foundation/Colo. Springs
Gabriel House/Aurora
Gabriel House/St. Francis de Sales
Gateway Women's Shelter
Greeley Transitional Housing
Hope Center Pre-School
Hope Communities/California Street
Hope Communities/Hidden Brook
Hope Communities/Thrill
House of Hope/Family Tree
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing I
I Am Academy
Irving Center Archdiocesan
Jefferson Co. Attorney/  Family Violence
Jefferson County Head Start
LaPuente House/Alamosa, CO
Mercy /Springfield Ct. Apt./Ft. Collins
Mercy/Holly Park Apartments
Mt. Loretto Family Housing
Open Door Ministries
Pasada Family Shelter/Pueblo
Pasada Rio Sacramento/Pueblo
Raritan Property Archdiocesan
Ruby Hill Residences
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
Streets Hope
STRIDE Transitional Housing
VOA Brandon House
VOA- ECEC Head Start
VOA DAV Families
VOA Family Housing Program
VOA Rainbow Head Start
VOA Young Mothers
Warren Village
Warren Village First Step

As you look at this list you will realize just how many  children need your help and caring to make their lives a little more cozy and give them something to call their own!

Plan a  Packing Party
Want to share Sweet Dream with friends and co-workers the excitement and fun?  Plan and Sponsor a Packing Party.  Sweet Dream does all the work to get prepared.  We bring all the needed items to pack, your group just needs to raise half the funds for the event and the people to pack....we do the rest!   Susie would love to share how to do that and can come share about Sweet Dream with your group so everyone can get excited about this great opportunity!    Susie:303-507-2098
 "This is all MINE!"
  • Satin Ribbon (from Costco or Sams) 50 yd bolts Aprox.$7

  • Baby Crib Fitted Sheet (IKEA)

  • Navy Blue Twin Comforters at Walmart

  • Fabric for Baby Quilts

  • Baby Patch-Work Quilts

  • Twin Sheet Sets
  • Starbucks instant coffee packets (for Dad's "Man Mugs")
Together we can make a difference!
Copyright @Sept_2016Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129

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