The weekly e-news of First United Church of Tampa!

In this week's issue...

  • Sunday School teachers are needed
  • "Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream" Symposium
  • ...and more!

September 23, 2016
23 de septiembre de 2016



From Pastor Bernice

I'm in Immokalee...
...for a few days at a summit which the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is holding as it ramps up for the nationwide Wendy’s boycott. There are faith community folks, students, fair food and food justice folks and community organization and union folks who have come from across the country—from New York and Texas and California and Michigan, just to name a few. There are Jews and Christians and Muslims and Unitarians and people of no faith here. 

It turns out that Wendy’s, like Publix, is one of the few holdouts that have refused to sit down with the CIW or to sign the Fair Food Agreement. That agreement ensures that tomato pickers receive fair wages but also that the fields be free of sexual harassment and dangerous pesticides and gives the workers a seat at the table in making decisions about their work environment. And not only has Wendy’s refused to sit down with CIW and to sign the agreement, but it is now buying its tomatoes from one of the worst tomato growers in Mexico. So the tomatoes on Wendy’s products come from the worst of the worst. Thus, the boycott.

This weekend the African American History museum opens on the Mall in Washington, DC. I look forward to visiting it and I expect that part of its exhibit will include both slavery and post-slavery, when many African Americans were sharecroppers, barely feeding their families, always owing money to the landowners, seldom able to purchase the land they worked. CIW is trying to end that legacy of slavery and abuse of the workers 150 years later.

So let’s get the word out to our family and friends about the Wendy’s boycott. We can make a difference. 

In peace and love,
Pastor Bernice

September 25 / 25 de septiembre

9:00 AM - "Quench"

Rev. Bernice Powell Jackson will preach.

11:00 AM - Sunday Worship in English

Readers:  Karen Mattheis (English) and Hector Rojas (Spanish)

Scripture texts:
Psalm 91:1-6
Luke 16:19-31

Rev. Bernice Powell Jackson will preach.
Sermon:  "Caution: Bridge Out Ahead"

Pulpit assistant:  Rev. Fernando Bernard

1:30 PM - Ministerio Hispano (Español)

Oración de invocación:  Aníbal Torres

Lectores:  Famila Vigoa (Omar y Yoanse)

Lecturas bíblicas:
1 Timoteo 6:6-19
San Lucas 16:19-31

Predicación:  Rev. Fernando Bernard
"Los ricos también lloran"



9:00 AM - "Quench"

Quench your spirit’s longing for God and community in an intimate service of message, music, and media. Communion every Sunday. Join us!

11:00 AM - Worship Service
Worship rich in modern and ancient music and traditions, with challenging preaching, supportive prayer, and a children’s sermon. Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

1:30 PM - Ministerio Hispano (Español)  más información 
Rev. Fernando Bernard, Pastor

Prayer requests

Suzanne Haynes; Howard Horrick; Pat Lipton; Laurie and Teña Nock-Hope; Karen Holmes; Nelson Eldred; Alyson Cain; Pat Allen and her daughter, Jacqui; Alice Wilber; Karen Mattheis' daughter, Shandy; Rev. Bernice’s brother, Nick and friend, Susan; Lois Whitehurst; Leroy Herschberger; Willy Emerson; Carl St. Meyer; Joyce Bresee; Joyce Cleary’s son, Mike; Barbara McFarland’s sister, Diane; Maria Morales Diaz's husband, Rudy; Julian Cunningham; Daphne Thomas' brother, Wayne; Melvin James' mother, Ruth; Lisa Villabol and her cousin, Lory; Carol Partington; Robin Hill's father, Robert; Alyson Cain's mother, Lois; Joyce Christison; Maria Toloff's mother, Alma; Suzanne Haynes' mother; Rev. Greg Ryan; Laurence Ford and his mother; David McFarland's sister, Linda.


Meetings and important events

Sun., Sep 25 (12:00 PM):  Recepción de Nuevos Miembros (Ministerio Hispano)
Thu., Sep. 29 (6:00 PM):  20s/30s Group
Sat., Oct. 1 (12:00 PM):  "Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream" Symposium
Sun., Oct. 9 (12:15 PM):  Blessing of the Animals
Fri., Oct. 14 & Sat., Oct. 15:  Yard Sale


Sunday School teachers are needed!

Our Strategic Plan has a bold initiative relating to education. We are in need of Sunday School teachers for the fall. It would be great if we could have a few people volunteer for a schedule that rotates from week to week so that responsibilities can be shared among a few folks instead of one person. Please reach out to Pastor Bernice if you are interested in this important area of the life of our church.

Semillas de esperanza
Pastor Fernando

¡Hasta la próxima semana!

Pastor Fernando
Ministerio Hispano

Martes a las 7:00 PM

Los martes nos reunimos a las 7:00 PM en servicios de oración, estudios bíblicos o servicios en los hogares. ¡Les exhortamos a que asistan!

"Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream" Symposium

Saturday, October 1 - 12:00 PM (Check-in begins at 11:30 AM)
First United Church of Tampa
(7308 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa)

If you are ready to explore bringing forth the dream of an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on Earth, we invite you to attend and discover what the possibilities for an inspired future mean for you.

The Symposium is an interactive, eye-opening, and often transformative experience that takes the participants on a roller coaster ride using ‘Four Critical Questions for Humanity.’ We invite you to attend and discover what the possibilities for an inspired future means for you. Together we can create "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible." 

here for more information and click here to register.  Suggested donation is $15.

Sunday adults' discussion group

The Adult Seminar has chosen to study Grounded: Finding God in the World—A Spiritual Revolution by Diana Butler Bass.

All are encouraged to attend, and you do not have to attend every weekly session to participate. The book can be purchased conveniently through

Gun Violence Working Group is forming 

Interested in creating some local solutions to gun violence? We are forming a cooperative work group with our neighbors at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa. Please contact Cheryl Rodriguez or C.L. Townsend if you are interested in helping solve this problem.

How many people have been killed by guns since Newtown?


Listen to sermons online

You can listen to a sampling of Sunday sermons on our website, Tell your friends!

Please help us on Sundays

If you are the last one to leave the church property on Sunday, PLEASE be mindful to check that all doors are locked, lights and air conditioner are turned off/up.  Thank you!

2 x 3 = 6

Six hours spread over three months – the amount of time Hospitality Hosts contribute to making our Sunday Fellowship Time the best.  Each host “team” member agrees to serve once a month for three months – providing food, enjoying rich fellowship and – yes – cleaning up.

You are invited to become part of this continuing ministry.  As a regular member of a team – pick your Sunday – or as a substitute available as needed.
One further note – Paul D’Agostino and Jim Roney come early every Sunday to make coffee in addition to serving as fifth Sunday hosts. Contact Tina Pierson for more information.

First United name badges

We are ordering name badges for members, friends, and visitors.  The cost is $10.00.  Please contact the church office at 813-988-4321 or

Submitting items to Courage in the Struggle

We hope you enjoy receiving Courage in the Struggle, the weekly e-news of First United Church of Tampa. If you would like to submit an item that would be of interest to the members and friends of First United, please email it to Attach your submission as a Word document. Submissions may be edited for length or clarity. For events, be sure to include the date, time, location, and cost (if any). Thank you!

Help support First United Church of Tampa

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First United Church of Tampa
7308 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL  33617   -   813-988-4321
Founded in 1885

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