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A Think Tank Game

Would you pay for good little pieces of data?  Would you like to get paid for creating good little pieces of data?  My answer to both is YES, and I bet yours is too.  I will be reaching out to everyone I know because Brett Veinotte has inspired me.  We all share information all the time, and sometimes we thank each other for it.  If we set it up well, as I think Brett has done, we even, sometimes, pay each other for it.  I have, in fact, paid Brett a few times because of all the great information he has provided to me and everyone else who might benefit from it.

The goal of this blog post (which begins the same way as this newsletter) is explained further at that link.

I will soon announce a date for the commencement of the "think tank game."  If all goes well, it will go on for a few days or, if it goes really well, indefinitely.  During that time, you'll visit every now and then to answer or ask questions and maybe invest a few dollars worth of bitcoin.  If you write something good, you'll get an email asking you to visit the site and check out what six other people had to say in the same context.  You'll put these six blurbs, along with your own, in order by quality.  Perhaps you will put yours first, even if you think someone else's was better, or perhaps you'll be more honest.  Either way, you and those six other people will combine your judgements to find the best of the seven things, and bitcoin will be redistributed as encouragement.
I look forward to your suggestions and ideas.

Also, check out my recent interview by Future Money Trends.  They compiled this handy index of topics we discussed:
01:00 Being a Peaceful Anarchist
01:40 Why Dave doesn't bother with Politics
04:00 Truth Awakening Increase Fast, Trump...BREXIT
05:25 Dealing in Bitcoin as an alternative lifestyle
06:15 Will Bitcoin go Mainstream?
07:35 Will a bitcoin spin off takeover the market someday?
11:00 How gift cards sold for bitcoin is profitable
13:40 Bitcoin to Rise During World Econ Instability
15:25 Dave Keeps 1/3 savings in gold, silver & bitcoin
17:40 Bitcoin Publicly trade companies to Invest in
19:00 How to GET Some Bitcoins NOW
21:30 Contact Dave & Learn More, or Trade in SoCal

Last, but not least

There is a link at the bottom of this newsletter that points to a list of all the other newsletters I've sent to this list.  I encourage you to go through that list from time to time, either in order or just picking what looks interesting.  I also like feedback a lot, so reply if you feel like it.

See old issues of the newsletter
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