Vision Trip Photos from Kathy Choi and Peter Lee!  
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September 2016 in Review
Palais des Papes
Vision Trip Photos from Avignon...journey with us through a few fave photos from our Vision Trip to Avignon: the medieval city wall, the boys on a cobblestone street, a water wheel in the mall parking lot and the red tile roofs of U. of Avignon.
Avignon Wall
Avignon Street
Water Wheel
University of Avignon
Thanks to your prayers, God concretized ways for us to prepare for His mission and seek Him further with new prayer requests.
Peter's Highlights
Lee Family Across the Palais des Papes
Peter: This is one of my favorite photos from the Vision Trip. We’re standing on the bank of the Rhône River across from the Palais des Papes. Personally, the spiritual aspect of the trip was the biggest takeaway. When I was first in Avignon center, my heart felt very heavy. But outside of Avignon as you see in this photo, the heaviness lifted. In a spiritual sense, there is something going on in Avignon that burdened me and gave me a heavy heart. Reflecting back, I realize how foreign I was feeling in Avignon, but now I feel even more called to missions in Avignon. 
Peter with Pastor Thierry and Charles
As the week continued, the church members and Council leaders met with us to discuss what missions we'll do together. Through prayers, their excitement, I felt more assurance from God calling me to Avignon. Here I am at the table celebrating the church's 50th Year Jubilee custom vintage, just like the Bible times!
French Family in Christ
Pastor Thierry at Church Entrance
Sporting our gift, a cap from Chicago, Pastor Thierry excitedly gave us a tour of the church. His warm words of welcome, quick-witted jokes and jovial personality made us instantly feel at ease. We're truly thankful for him as a partner pastor who is building God's church in France.

Email us if your church might like to partner uniquely as a sister church to Avignon.
At the table with Mariejo
Marie-Josée, or Mariejo, was a real angel in Avignon to host us, tour us around, and feed us above and beyond our expectations. Well organized and equally gifted pastorally, she teasingly spoke English with our boys especially when it came time to offer dessert: "Some cheese, no? Or yogurt, no? Or fruit, no? Or, cream!"
Sunday Worship
On Sunday, as Pastor Thierry pulled out a sock for his object lesson to the children, we experienced our first déjà-vu in France. Worshipping with our new French brothers and sisters in Christ was oddly similar to worshipping with our Christ Covenant Church family?! Another reassurance from God of the good fit.
Prayer Requests 
Boys at Pont du Gard

Prayers answered for...our sons who loved playing at Pont du Gard (highest Roman aqueduct)
...helpful information about good and not-so-good neighborhoods and last minute to tap for future decisions

...affirming conversations with key leaders

...renewed vision and God's affirmation of our call

Church luncheon
Pray leaders to prepare the Children's and Vitality Ministry in anticipation of our arrival

...a host church family to help with relocation once we arrive

...unanswered questions such as Peter's language study and children's school

...spiritual protection against occult and syncretistic practices in Avignon
Ready to Partner with God's Mission to Avignon, France? 
A big "merci" to our partners! Especially through a newly pledged partner, we are 50 percent funded in God's mission to Avignon, France with Covenant World Mission! As God leads, if you're ready to partner monthly or one-time, contact us for details or donate here.
Grapevine on Terrace
Join in the plentiful Harvest of God's mission to France!

Merci beaucoup, 
Kathy and Peter
Kathy's Email
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