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No. 14 - July/September, 2016

URV International

The INU holds its general council meeting at the URV


This meeting brings together representatives from each member institution and is held twice a year. The 22nd edition has been held at the URV as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, on 18 and 19 September. The URV has also participated for the 7th consecutive year in the International Student Seminar organised by the network in conjunction with Hiroshima University. | » More

The president of ISEP visits the URV


On 20 September its President and CEO, John Lucas, visited the URV’s International Center. In October the URV will host the ISEP-Iberia meeting, which will bring together all Spanish and Portuguese member universities of ISEP to allow them to learn from each other and share best practices. | » More

The URV attends the 2016 EAIE international conference 


This year the URV has been an active participant in the annual conference of the European Association for International Education, which was held in Liverpool from 13 to 16 September. | » More

The Director of the Indian Institute of Technology Indore visits the URV


During the visit, professor Pradeep Mathur contacted various research groups and visited their laboratories and the Scientific Resources Service. The visit concluded with a meeting with the rector and the vice-rector for Scientific and Research Policy with a view to establishing future agreements. | » More

Antoni Nomdedeu and Àngel Urquizu, the URV’s Envoys in Asia


The professors Antoni Nomdedeu and Àngel Urquizu have established relations with many Asian institutions and have a comprehensive knowledge of different cultures from the continent. They have been appointed by the rector as the URV’s Asian Envoys to assist in the work carried out by the Office of the vice-Rector for Internationalisation. | » More

China’s Yunnan Normal University and the URV explore new avenues of collaboration


Another delegation from this university came to Tarragona to meet URV academics and students from their own university who are studying at the URV and to visit the URV’s Centre for Hispanic Studies. | » More

Meeting between Spanish and Dutch higher education institutions in Madrid


The main aim of this event was to stimulate international cooperation between the participating institutions. It was attended by 8 Dutch universities and 19 Spanish universities, including the URV. The URV’s subsequent participation in the EAIE conference, also attended by several of these Dutch universities, enabled this collaborative work to continue. | » More

Lamar University visits the URV to establish a Study Abroad programme


This is one of the new collaborations with which the URV aims to expand its Study Abroad programmes. | » More

The URV is visited by administrative staff from European universities


The visits are carried out in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme and help participants develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries. | » More

Inauguration of the first edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Wine and Tourism at the URV
27 students from around the world are studying the Wintour Master’s Degree, which is coordinated by the URV and taught in collaboration with the universities of Bordeaux and Porto, thus bringing together three leading higher education institutions in the wine sector. The programme offers advanced training in wine tourism on the European continent. This week saw the beginning of the first semester at the URV.

The University promotes its postgraduate and doctoral courses in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador  (news in Spanish)
The URV has presented its master’s and doctoral courses for the 2017-18 academic year at the QS Grad School Tour, which brought together almost 2000 future university students on 10, 12 and 13 September in Colombia and Mexico. It also participated in the Study in Europe Fair on 22 September in Ecuador and on 24 in Peru. It is the first time that the University has attended these events, which are designed to introduce international students to the courses that are available to them.

The Faculty of Tourism and Geography intensifies its collaboration with the Universidad Surcolombiana (news in Catalan)
A delegation from the Faculty of Tourism and Geography visited the Universidad Surcolombiana, an institution with which it already has a collaboration agreement. The objective of the visit was to work together in the ambit of tourism and to establish future academic collaboration.

News in brief

In the top 500 universities in the world
The URV is placed 492 in the ranking of the top 500 universities in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). This internationally respected ranking is produced by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and features 12 Spanish universities.

The SEPIE awards a European KA2 project to the URV’s International Center
The SUCTI project (Systemic University Change towards Internationalization), which was presented to the Erasmus+ KA203 Strategic Partnerships call for projects, has received the support of the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE). It is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the URV with partners in Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Spain. 

Welcome meetings for incoming exchange students
More than 300 international students have started at the URV this academic year and have been invited by the International Center to attend some information sessions aimed at giving tips and guidance on adapting to their new lives here.

Data in international education
The summer issue of the EAIE FORUM magazine was dedicated to data in international education. Marina Casals, Head of the International Center of the URV, contributed with her blog post The 7 must-knows of internationalisation data.

Dear friends and colleagues,

After a summer break that now feels an age ago came a very busy start to the academic year. This year is a very special one for the URV as it is our 25th anniversary!

The many anniversary activities programmed include some with an international flavour, such as the hosting of the International Network of Universities’ (INU) council meeting in September. The INU is a global network comprising 13 universities from 6 continents who collaborate closely around the concept of global citizenship.

During the summer we proudly received the news that the URV is now ranked among the top 500 world universities by the ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities, better known as the Shanghai ranking). This is the best present that the Shanghai ranking could have given us for our 25th anniversary.

Some of the recent international visitors to the URV have included the President and CEO of ISEP (the largest Study Abroad membership network in the world with more than 300 universities in 56 countries); delegations of Yunnan Normal University (China) and Lamar University in Texas (USA); and three staff mobility visits from the University of Ferrara in Italy and the Aegean University in Greece. Also, before the summer, the URV received a visit from the programme coordinator at the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) in Hungary. You can read more on these visits in this newsletter.

At the beginning of the academic year, the URV attended fairs in Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Peru to recruit students for our master’s courses.

We are also officially starting to implement the Pla DANG with 56 professors taking the C1 language course (24 professors have already finished the second phase course), and we are currently drafting a new framework for the creation of double international degrees in the hope that the URV will be able to start these degrees during the next academic year (2017-18).

Also, the I-Global programme is already in place, both for visitors coming to do research or teaching and for students (former free movers and study abroad semester students).

It is worth mentioning too that the International Center of the URV has been awarded 4 projects, namely an Erasmus KA2 strategic partnership project called SUCTI, coordinated by the URV, and three capacity building projects in collaboration with European partners which aim to assist in the internationalisation of the higher education institutions of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Turkmenistan.

Finally please make a note in your diaries for the afternoon of 18 October when an expert in internationalisation from Tilburg University (the Netherlands), Hans Georg van Liempd, will visit us to share his experience in internationalising the Tilburg campus. Mr van Liempd will hold a session open to all administrative and teaching staff at the URV, who will receive professional development recognition for their attendance from the ICE (PROFID) and the Human Resources department!

As you can see, lots of very interesting activities and prospects lie ahead of us. We will continue to keep you informed.

I wish you a very good start to the academic year and… a happy 25th anniversary! 

Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana
—Vice-Rector for Internationalisation
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