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Do you volunteer for small jobs around your building and common areas? Are you aware of the risk if you have an injury? Read Whitbread Insurance Brokers latest article - you may be better leaving it to a professional!

Find out how hiring a Lift Consultant can save you money and what to do about those cigarette butts that continuously land on your balcony overnight.........every night!
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Latest Articles

volunteering strata

Volunteering at your Strata property. Is it worth the risk?

Ann Farrugia, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
This article will help ensure you’re fully informed of what is covered before volunteering your services, and whether it would instead be smarter to engage a professional contractor.
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Door Locks
nsw butts on balcony

NSW Q&A: How Do I Stop Cigarette Butt and Litter from Neighbours Upstairs?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: How do I stop cigarette butt litter and other rubbish being dropped onto my balcony from neighbours upstairs who overlook my outdoor space?
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wa reform update

WA Strata Title Act Reform Update

Strata Law Reform WA: Drafting of the Strata Titles Amendment Bill is progressing and Landgate anticipates it will be introduced next year.
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VIC pets

VIC: VCAT Declares Owners Corporation Rule Prohibiting Pets Being Kept in Private Lots Invalid & Unenforceable

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law
A recent VCAT case involved an OC that had two registered Owners Corporation Rules prohibiting pets on common property and private lots - so can your strata ban pets?
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nsw small strata

NSW: How To Manage Small Strata Blocks - PODCAST

Melissa Macpherson, The Small Block Strata Co.
Discussing similarities and differences regarding living in small strata schemes. What are the quick wins to improve your small scheme living?
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decorating style

Downsizing 101 Part Two: Finding Your Decorating Style

Bettina deda, Downsize With Style
Finding your own decorating style begins with being clear about what you like, then everything else will fall into place. Step back from all the mayhem in the media landscape and reflect on the things which speak to you most.

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NSW Standard form contracts

NSW: Why You Should Get Legal Advice on HIA Standard Form Contracts

David Bannerman and Tony Earls, Bannermans Lawyers
Home owners entering into a HIA Standard Form Contracts need to be aware of some of the potentially onerous conditions of that contract, and seek expert legal advice on the amendment of the standard form if they find those conditions unacceptable.
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QLD enforcing bylaws

QLD: The golden rules of by-law enforcement

Hynes Legal
Bylaw enforcement is not an optional activity. By-laws must be enforced, and the responsibility for their enforcement lies with the committee.
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Lift consultants $$$

How Hiring a Lift Consultant Can Save Your Building Money

Rex Henning, Equity Elevator Management
Sure, you need to consider the costs of engaging a lift consultant, but it’s also worthwhile knowing as a general rule the consultant will save the strata plan money – and usually within a fairly short time frame.
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QLD motions Voting

QLD: Q&A AGM – Speaking To Or Against Motions

Amanda Hoy, Strata Vote
Since most owners don't attend the AGM and have the opportunity to vote electronically or by post, how do I speak against or to strata AGM motions in order to persuade owners to vote in a certain fashion?
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NSW tenants a say

NSW: Giving Tenants a Say in the Management of Strata Schemes

Madison Marcus Law Firm
In this edition we consider the amendments to the Strata Schemes Management Act that relate to Tenant Representation. The amendments are aimed at encouraging greater tenant participation in the management of strata schemes.
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Did you know......NSW Reforms

There is just 70 days until the NSW reforms kick in!

Wondering how you will keep up with the changes to Legislation over the next few months?

Which Acts are changing and when? How can you easily access the new Acts?

See the 'New South Wales' tab on our Strata Legislation page for details about the upcoming changes to NSW Legislation. This information has been provided by Leanne Habib, Premium Strata.

Don't forget to bookmark the page - it's an excellent resource and one of the most viewed pages on our site!
NSW Reforms Info
Thank you David Leary, Leary & Partners for providing this quick snapshot of upcoming changes.

Print out a PDF of all infographics in one compact form.

News of the Week

Bad managers

Time for the cowboys of strata management to be reined in

Jimmy Thomson, Domain

There are still cowboys who don’t know what they’re doing and don’t really care. They operate with the same ethics as cattle rustlers, rounding up the maximum number of clients with the promise of super-cheap rates, knowing that there is no way they can deliver a reasonable service at those prices.

NSW Fire

NSW fire certification to undergo a total overhaul after damning review

James Robertson, The Sydeny Morning Herald

The state government says it will rewrite the law governing the way NSW buildings are certified after a damning review found practices for ensuring apartment fire safety were "totally ineffectual" and had caused unsafe buildings to be approved.


Reality of Strata - E9

'Developers' Duties ' - E10 Strata 101: From Buying off the Plan to Your First Strata Meeting

Michael Teys, Block Lawyers
They may be the keepers of the keys but property developers still have rights and responsibilities, as discussed by Michael in this episode of Strata 101.

Most Read Article From Last Week's Newsletter

Balcony Safety

Balcony Safety - Are You Concerned About Schoolies?

Hollie Bell, Anti Grabbity
What are the solutions to balcony safety in Australia? Up to now, very little or very expensive, and very impractical. A few years of testing, developing, subjecting hands (young and old) to a range of textured “prickles” and Anti-Grabbity was born.
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Elevate Consultancy
Respect, honesty and integrity!

Watson & Watson Lawyers
"When experience matters"...

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Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

How Airbnb is reshaping our cities The Conversation

NSW: From a misplaced mat to a $170k lawsuit – the danger of breaching duties of care Michael Teys

QLD: Better Buying Guide - Apartments Matusik

Gold Coast City Council application to host property on AirBnb can cost as much as $8086 Gold Coast Bulletin

Robina unit complex’s pool sold off by Gold Coast City Council to recoup rates arrears

VIC: Owners Corporations cannot prohibit use of short term letting of apartments Maddocks

Docklands towers: Melbourne apartment buyers settle in the sky Domain


Apartment oversupply ‘cannot come soon enough’ for Melbourne, expert claims Domain


ACT: Revised construction laws to provide better protection for Canberra high-rise apartment buyers Domain

Residents of the Ivy left without power as Greens call for stronger rules on new apartments The Canberra Times

Thousands of Canberrans may have been incorrectly charged GST when they bought a unit off the plan The Canberra Times

WA: City towers on hold as unit market stays flat The West Australian


Featured Event

The SCA (ACT) 2016 CHU Strata Community Awards recognise and reward the individuals and companies who make a significant contribution to the strata industry and community.

Participating in the SCA (ACT) 2016 CHU Strata Community awards allows you to demonstrate your commitment to excellence, as you showcase your most outstanding qualities, biggest successes and most innovative initiatives.

Event Date: Oct 7

Find Out More

Sep 22

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Burwood)

Sep 23

Strata in Conversation Bris: Review & Law Reform

Sep 27

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Castle Hill)

Sep 29

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Bathurst)

Sep 30

Green Gurus: MASTERCLASS Sustainability in WA Housing


NSW: Strata CPD (Norwest)

Oct 4

SCA (WA): The Role of the Council


NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Penrith)

Oct 6

NSW Fair Trading: Strata reforms information seminar (Gosford)

Oct 7
SCA (ACT): 2016 CHU Strata Community Awards
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