I will be sharing briefly at Cornerstone Church in Kemblesville, PA on Sunday, October 2! First service 8:20am.  Second service 11am. Hope to see you there!

Wycliffe Volunteer and Intern Placement Team (VIP)

These are the people I work with.  These are the people I rub shoulders with who are committed to seeing God's Word proclaimed to all nations and are working full time to that end.  Our specific role is to equip volunteers and interns to join Bible Translators in the work they are already doing, getting God's Word to those who have never had it before in their own language. Each person on our team has unique strengths. Together we are better able to meet the needs of the task.

Face-to-face Team Meetings
From September 12-16, the VIP team met in Orlando, FL for a week long face-to-face team meeting. I enjoyed tapping into my teaching background to creatively present topics to the team in a meaningful way.  I also got to tag-team teach with my colleague, Rachel and supervisor, Scott. Throughout the week, my supervisor and I received a lot of positive feedback from the team. I am thankful for God's grace for the week to be successful and helpful for our work.
As the Team Lead for VIP, I had the privilege of starting the work portion of our meetings. Since we have two major systems that we must use to do our job, I wanted to represent it visually. I used the metaphor and above graphic of parallel train tracks.

One track represents all the HR processes and paperwork that must be completed to stay legal and right in the eyes of the government and the organization. The other track represents all the other parts of our job, like training volunteers and interns as well as finding the right placement for them overseas.

While one may feel more exhilarating than the other (hint: it's generally not the paperwork one), both tracks are necessary for the train to run efficiently.  Our team spent a lot of time talking about how the two tracks intersect and work together.  I wanted us most of all to remember the "Why" of what we do, as that gives each step purpose, regardless of what part of the process it might be.
Partner with me?
Wycliffe missionaries do not receive a guaranteed salary, but instead rely on the faithful gifts of friends and churches who partner with me on an ongoing basis.  Through your faithful monthly or yearly gifts, I can freely give my energy to the Wycliffe Volunteer and Intern role God has called me to. If you are ever interested in being a part of this ministry to reach the Bibleless, please let me know and I'd be happy to talk with you. Or, you can connect with me through the methods below.

 Currently, I need $145/month to get to 100% of the budget Wycliffe has proposed for me.  We're almost there!

Ways to partner with me:
Elizabeth Eno: Member # 285778
Give onlinewww.wycliffe.me/eno
Give by phone1-800-WYCLIFFE (992-5433)
Give by mail: Wycliffe Bible Translators- P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862
Since we all work in different locations around the USA, we enjoyed some fun team development in the evenings after our day of meetings.
Here we are, enjoying a free boat ride over at Disney Springs.
Here is a 2 minute video that summarizes my work with Wycliffe Bible Translators over the past 10+ years!
For His Glory, and for the Nations,
Until All Have Heard,
Elizabeth Eno
Copyright © 2016 Elizabeth Eno, All rights reserved.

5170 Gulf Sturgeon Lane
Saint Cloud, FL 34772
(302) 229-9695

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