Important Info on Upcoming Bond Measures KK & RR and more
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WOBO is counting down the days till November 8th when we'll be heading to the polls in support of some MUCH needed bond measures. These measures will be tucked deep in the especially long ballot but deserve your attention, and your support.
Here's some info to help guide you through these initiatives that will keep Oakland walking, biking and moving forward!

Oakland's Infrastructure
Bond Measure KK 


A $600 million property tax bond to fix Oakland’s deteriorating streets, preserve existing affordable housing, and repair aging facilities, including oversight by a residential committee.

$350 million goes to fix Oakland’s streets and at the same time make them safer for walking and bicycling. You have bicycled at least one horrible, pothole-ridden street in Oakland or tripped on an uneven sidewalk--probably many. Oakland has a backlog of over $2.5 billion in unfunded street repairs and other capital needs. If your street recently got repaved, congratulations--paving crews will return in 85 years, at current funding levels. More is needed.

Let’s repave Oakland’s streets and stripe miles of bike lanes in the process! 

Volunteer for Measure KK

BART's District
Bond Measure RR


This is BART’s “fix-it-first” bond to repair, replace and renew BART’s equipment that keeps you moving. This includes replacing worn track, waterproofing tunnels, new electrical equipment and new train controls to increase the frequency and reliability of trains.

It also helps fund BART’s plans to improve bike access to stations.   


Payment is in the form of a $3.5 billion property tax for Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco Counties.

AC Transit's Parcel Tax Measure C1


Better bus service is good for bikes and great for the walking public. AC Transit is a major source of mobility for Oaklanders far and wide. Measure C1 is necessary to re-authorize a $96 parcel tax for another 20 years in order to keep AC Transit's green fleet rolling reliably, and to help move as many as 200,000 riders (including 30,000 students) per day, and 700,000 paratransit users each year.

Going forward, WOBO and Bike East Bay plan to work closely with AC Transit redesigning major roadways with modern bikeways and state of the art bus service--it’s a combination that gives commuters options, meaning less traffic on your commute and fewer greenhouse gases emitted.

Look for WOBO and Bike East Bay volunteers at Fall festivals and farmer’s markets talking bikes, BART, and buses.

Volunteer for Measure C1

Other important ballot items to look out for:

Measure X: Contra Costa County's new transportation plan


Proposition K: Transportation Investment

Get ready to cast your vote

Here are important deadlines to make sure your vote counts.

Alameda County Registrars info

 First Day to Mail Voter Information Pamphlets: Thursday, 9/29

 Early Voting Begins: Monday, 10/10

 Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, 10/24

 Last Day to Request a Vote By Mail Ballot: Tuesday, 11/1 

 Election Day!!: Tuesday, 11/8 *polling places open 7:00am-8:00pm
Let's Get Together! Sign up!

10/1: Oaktoberfest
10/27: WOBO End of the Year Fundraiser + Costume Party
Ongoing: 2016 Quick Wins Campaigns. Email us where you'd like to see a campaign.
We'll See Ya There!

9/20: SPUR workshop 6pm - Safe Passages in public spaces for Women (1544 Broadway)
9/22: Women Bike Happy Hour (Temescal Brewing)
10/27: Oaktown Ghosttown Annual Fundraiser and Costume Party (1544 Broadway)

Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
Quote Of The Month:
"[People] want things fixed. They're frustrated by really crowded BART trains, by pot holes, by displacement from their housing."

- Matt Nichols, Policy Director, Transportation and Infrastructure for the City of Oakland Mayor's Office San Francisco Business Times

We're making a move. stay in touch and you'll learn where next month

In the meantime, email us
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