
Friday is Corps Store day!

For the next couple Fridays we will be trying something new.  We will be over at the Corps Store with yummy eats and fresh, local seafood.  We will be shipping seafood to those who don't live local and don't want to travel with it in a cooler.  Next Friday 104.9 will be there from 12:00 to 2:00.  So come out and visit us this Friday or next from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Corps Store and see what's going on!

Online Store Coming Soon!

I have been dropped in boiling water and told to sink or swim (I sure feel like a Blue Crab right now) - but we are going to set up shop (yes - pun intended) and start selling our wonderful, fresh, local seafood online.  So - keep your eyes open (especially Greenville customers - this may be your wintertime solution to getting fresh seafood!) and I'll keep you posted on my progress.


Sexy Fish - Triggerfish

Our Sexy Fish this week is the Triggerfish.  Triggerfish range in size from 7.9 to 20 inches.  Triggerfish have an oval shaped, highly compressed body with a large head terminating in a small but strong- jawed mouth with teeth adapted for crushing shells. The eyes are small, set far back from the mouth, at the top of the head. The anterior dorsal fin is a set of three spines, and the first spine is stout and the longest.  All three are normally retracted into a groove.   As protection against predators, triggerfish can erect the first two dorsal spines: The anterior spine is locked in place by the erection of the short second spine, and can be unlocked only by depressing the second, “trigger” spine, hence the family name “triggerfish”.  With the exception of a few species, the genders of all species in this family are similar in appearance. 

Grilled Triggerfish

Serves 4

  • 4 Triggerfish Filets
  • 1 stick melted sweet, salted butter.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 lime squeezed
  • 1 lemon squeezed
  • 2 tablespoons of mayo (any kind)

  • Take the stick of butter and melt it on low heat. 
  • Add garlic, salt, pepper, lemon and lime juice to melted butter and keep warm. 
  • Preheat your grill to 425. 
  • Brush both sides of the triggerfish filets with mayo.  (The mayo keeps the fish from sticking to the grill.) 
  • Place your triggerfish filets on the grill. 
  • Cook on one side for about 5 to 6 minutes and then carefully turn them over. 
  • Take the butter, garlic and juice mixture and baste over the top of each triggerfish filet. 
  • Close the lid and cook for another 4 or 5 minutes. 
  • Take your spatula and slide up under each filet to ensure they are not sticking. 
  • If not, flip the triggerfish filets again.  Baste again.  Close lid for one more minute.  Open the grill lid and fork the triggerfish filets.  If they are flaky and gently pull apart with resistance, they are ready.
  • Serve the Grilled Triggerfish filets over a bed of rice pilaf or over a dinner salad.

Check out our website!

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Farmers Markets:

Columbia (8 am - 12 pm)
All Locals Farmers Market 
711 Whaley St.
Find us here:  01/15

Greenville - will will see you
again in May!!